
Terms containing 边值 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.一般边值问题general boundary value problem
avia.两点边值问题two-point boundary value problem
mining.两点边界值two point boundary value
avia.两点边界值two-point boundary-value
avia.两点边界值问题two-point boundary value problem
earth.sc.二点边界值问题two-point boundary value problem
oil交会图右边界限值line right plot limit
interntl.trade.价值的相对边际relative margin of value
busin.伴随边值adjoint boundary value
oil伴随边值问题adjoint boundary-value problem
tech.位理论边值问题boundary value problem of potential theory
securit.保值金边债券index-linked gilts
tech.八边形等值线octagonal contour
oil八边折线等值图octagonal contour
IT边值问题initial boundary value problem
tech.初始边值问题initial boundary value problem
earth.sc.初始边界值问题initial boundary-value problem
earth.sc.反应条件边界值boundary value of reaction condition
earth.sc.周期边界值问题periodic boundary value problem
el.多点问题multipoint boundary value problem
econ.多边近似值the polygonal approximation
space大地测量边值问题geodetic boundary value problem
geophys.存储的测井曲线右边界值memorized log right edge
tech.峰值边带功率peak sideband power
busin.恒定边际值生产率inter-firm marginal value productivity
econ.按边际成本形成价值论theory of marginal-cost pricing
hydroel.st.数值边界条件numerical boundary condition
space样条边值spline boundary value problem
tech.油水边界异常值edge value
tech.混合问题mixed boundary value problem
oil混合边值mixed boundary value
eng.geol.混合边界值问题mixed boundary value problem
railw.温度边界值temperature boundary value
eng.geol.狄利克雷边值问题Dirichlet boundary value problem
mil., air.def.球形边界值问题global boundary-value problem
interntl.trade.相对的边际价值relative marginal value
econ.相对边际价值relative marginal value
tech.矩阵的边缘估值border evaluation of a matrix
tech.第一类边值问题first boundary-value problem
tech.第一类边值问题Dirichlet problem
busin.第一边界值first boundary value
tech.第二类边值问题second boundary problem
tech.线性边值问题linear boundary value problem
tech.自伴边值问题self-adjoint boundary value problem
busin.观测值平行四边形parallelogram of observations
fin.贴现后边际价值生产力discounted marginal value productivity
econ.资本价值的边际收益marginal yield on capital value
econ.资本价值的边际效益marginal yield on capital value
busin.资本价值边际收益率marginal yield on capital value
busin.资源边际值marginal value of resource
tech.路边实际超高值pavement edge effective superelevation
tech.路边有效超高值pavement edge effective superelevation
el.boundary-value method
space问题boundary value problem
expl.边值edge value
wind.边值boundary value
chem.边值关系boundary relation
avia.边值测试boundary values testing
telecom.边值问题boundary problem
hydroel.st.边值问题boundary value problem
avia.边值问题value problem
avia.边值问题boundary-value problem
tech.边坡角起始值initial value of slope angle
tech.边境价值value at the frontier
oil边界值edge value
environ.边界值boundary value
AI.边界值扩展edgeworth expansion
space边界值技术boundary value technique
wind.边界值问题boundary value problem
avia.边界值问题boundary-value problem
tech.边界水头值water head value on boundary
busin.边界聚值集boundary cluster sets
tech.边纬和中纬变形绝对值相等的圆锥投影conical projection with equal absolute values of distortion on boundary and mid parallel
tech.边纬和中纬变形绝对值相等的圆锥投影conic projection with equal absolute values of distortion on boundary and mid parallel
corp.gov.边缘值rim value
tech.边缘值marginal value
earth.sc.边缘值积marginal value product
avia.边缘定向插值edge-directed interpolation
tech.边际marginal value
earth.sc.边际产值marginal value
textile边际产品价值value of marginal product
busin.边际产品价值marginal value of product
econ.边际价值marginal value
agric.边际价值marginal cost
econ.边际价值产品marginal value product
busin.边际价值产品marginal value products
tech.边际价值产品marginal-value product
textile边际价值原则principle of marginal value
busin.边际价值向量marginal value vector
econ.边际价值生产率marginal value productivity
busin.边际价值论marginal theory of value
busin.边际使用价值marginal use value
corp.gov.边际值marginal value
busin.边际值产品marginal value product
textile边际值生产marginal value production
corp.gov.边际利润期望值expected marginal profit
corp.gov.边际损失期望值expected marginal loss
econ.边际效用价值marginal utility value
busin.边际效用价值论marginal-utility theory of value
tech.边际效用价值论marginal utility theory of value
econ.边际效用价值说marginal utility theory of value
stat.边际期望值marginal expectation
busin.边际生产价值marginal value of production
busin.边际社会净产值marginal social net product
tech.边际社会纯产值net marginal value of social output
tech.边陆值marginal value
el.逆边界值问题inverse boundary value problem
tech.非线性边值问题non-linear boundary value problem
avia.非线性边值问题non-linear boundary-value problem
tech.非齐次边值问题non-homogeneous boundary value problem
tech.非齐次边值问题in homogeneous boundary value problem