
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
一次性强制换看涨期权one-time mandatory call option
一次性强制换看跌期权one-time mandatory put option
包括买进和卖出的一次股票周stock turn
三格three box reversal
上页结brough forward
不准让支票not negotiable cheque
不可换优先股non-convertible preferred stock
不可换优先股non-convertible preference stock
不可换优先股non-convertible preferred share
不可换优先股non-convertible preference share
不可换债券non-convertible bond
不可换债务工具non-convertible debt instrument
不可换股票inconvertible stock
不可换证券inconvertible securities
不可让信用证unassignable L/C
不可让信用证non-negotiable letter of credit
不可让债券non-transferable bond
不可让国库券non-manufacturing Treasury bond
不可让支票non-negotiable check
不可让期票non-manufacturing promissory note
不可让汇票non-transferable draft
不可让的无息即期债务non-manufacturing non-interest-bearing demand obligation
不可让的无息票据non-manufacturing non-interest-bearing note
不可让票据non-negotiable note
不可让证券non-negotiable securities
不可买还的可换债券non-putable convertible bond
不记名blank transfer
业务周working capital fund
丧失换价值的可转换证券busted convertible
个人账户transfer-in of individual accounts
个人账户transfer-out of individual account
亏损carry-back of loss
亏损的结和转回carry out and carry back of losses
亏损结loss carry-forwards
亏损结下期到结清为止deficit carried forward till extinction
产业型升级transformation and upgrading of the industrial sector
人工周成本cost of labor turnover
人工周期中离积工人人数对平均雇用人数的比率labour turnover
优先股换所得实收资本paid-in capital from conversion of preferred stock
优先股换所得缴人资本paid-in capital from conversion of preferred stock
余额入下年度leaving a balance to be carried forward to next year
余额入新帐户balance transferred to new account
余额cancellation of balances of accounts
余额次页balance carried forward
余额次页balance carried down
余额结transfer of balance
余额结balance carried
锤子inverted hammer
debt-for-equity conversion
债券bond refunding
债券bond conversion
债务transfer of obligation
债务debt conversion
债务debt assignment
债务transfer of obligation
债务debt transference
债权transfer of obligatory right
债权股权debt-for-equity swap (指用股权代替债务(债券或贷款)的一次性交易,不涉及任何未来现金流的交换,通常被债务沉重的公司和国家所采用)
债权股权debt-equity swap (指用股权代替债务(债券或贷款)的一次性交易,不涉及任何未来现金流的交换,通常被债务沉重的公司和国家所采用)
债权assignment of claims
债权cession of obligation
债权assignment of debts
债权assignment of a claim
储蓄额周savings turnover ratio
允许离岸银行之间从事人民币账业务allow offshore banks to transfer renminbi among themselves
免付款仓指示free-of-payment transfer instruction
全国电子资金账系统National Electronic Funds Transfer
公共基金的transfer of public fund
公司现金周分析analysis of corporate cash flow
公司间略事项inter company transfer
内部移资金定价internal funds transfer pricing
再资本化取得证券卖条款Securities Acquired in Recapitalization
盈余的借项surplus charge
决定性decisive turn
决定性的decisive shift
净值周net worth turnover ratio
准可让货币quasi-negotiable currency
分类帐结ledger transfer method
分类符号或折组class code or transition class
分类账直接ledger transfer
分类账直接账法ledger transfer method
分部经营业绩的利润相互变规则profit convariability rule in divisional performance
初次换溢价initial conversion premium
利息换期间interest conversion period
利益assignment of interest
期结损失loss carried forward from the last term
forward shifting
加快变经济发展方式accelerate the change of the growth model
加快变经济发展方式accelerate the transformation of the pattern of economic development
加快变经济发展方式speed up the transformation of the pattern of economic development
加快变经济发展方式speed up the transformation of economic development model
加快变经济发展方式accelerate the transformation of economic development pattern
加快变经济发展方式transformation of the economic development pattern at a faster pace
加快变经济增长方式accelerate the transformation of economic growth pattern
原料周material turnover
参与换优先股participating convertible preferred stock
友情whitemail (指一种为避免被敌意收购而进行的交易行为)
小阳线bullish harami
reversal day
突破形态reversal pattern
反向reverse conversion
反向换票据reverse convertible note
各门各款经费内transfer within appropriation line (section)
合计下页total carried down
不灵loss of liquidity
加速acceleration of the turnover
危机liquidity crisis
基金rotary fund (revolving fund)
基金revolving fund
往来帐户revolving bank account
性信用即借款已达最高限度不得再借,但到期还清后,此额又可重新支付,其用意在防止滥借,循环信用证revolving credit
总汇revolving pool
总额amount of turnover
turnover period
期间turnover period
率与收益力turnover and earning power
现金petty cash
tax on turnover
能力solvent (solvency)
贷款revolving Ioan
资金circulating fund source
资金垫付款advance from working capital fund
资本amount of turnover
周反weekly reversal
商品周stock turn
商品周金贷款self-liquidating loans
变中谋发展promote development while working for change
在发展中促spur change in the course of pursuing development
坏账间接销法indirect write-off method for uncollectibles
坏账间接销法indirect write-off method for bad debts
处于一个折点be at a turning point
外汇transfer of foreign exchange
大量户口移指示Mass Account Transfer Instruction
大额可让定期存单large-denomination negotiable certificate of time deposits (由商业银行发行的一种不可提前支取、但可在二级市场上自由流通的定期存款凭证,简称"存单 (certificate of deposits, CDs)")
大额可让定期存单利率CDs rate
大额可让定期存单期权CDs option
大额可让定期存单期货CDs futures
大额资金账系统wholesale funds transfer system
头肩反形态head and shoulder reversal pattern
存款deposit transfer
存款账支票depositary transfer check
存款年周annual rate of turnover of deposits
存款运支票depositary transfer check
存货周turnover of stock inventories
定额流动资金周turnover rate of standard current fund
实力power shifts
审计风险移法transferring method of auditing risk
将政策移至保增长方向shift the policy to a pro-growth stance
将财富移出境export one's wealth
市政可换证券municipal convertible
应付帐款周turnover of payment
应付账款周trade payables turnover period
应付货款周trade payable turnover period
应收帐款assignment of account receivable
应收帐款account receivable assigned
应收帐款周turnover of accounts receivable
应收帐款周receivable turnover ratio
应收帐款周应收帐款与销售额之比率accounts receivable turnover
应收帐款周应收帐款与销售额之比率account receivable turnover
应收款周receivables turnover period
应收款周receivable turnover period
应收款周receivables turnover
应收款项周turnover of receivable
应收账款assignment of accounts receivable
应收账款周receivables turnover period
应收账款周turnover of accounts receivable
应收账款周sales to receivable ratio
应收账款周receivables turnover ratio
应收账款周receivables turnover
底部单日反reversal day bottom
强制forced conversion
名股份street name share certificate
必要的周时间time of turnover necessary
总资本周turnover rate on total resources employed
成本cost transfer
成本cost transfer
成本流cost flow
房地产让合同contract for transfer of real property
所有权的passage of title
经济增速下滑趋势reverse the slowdown in economic growth
过快上涨势头reverse the trend of rapid inflation
余额balance brought down
技术让付款payment of technology transfer
把…转到<#0>carry over
投资周次数investment turnover
投资总额周turnover of all investment
投资总额周销货总额与投资总额之比率equity capital turnover
投资组合周portfolio turnover rate
投资组合周portfolio turnover
抵付保留数结余额准备reserve for balance carried forward to cover encumbrances
损益profit and loss transactions
掉期swap assignment
收据及权益让书receipt and subrogation form
收益折点yield elbow
政府主导的,以更为商业化的体系为目标的government-led transition towards a more commercially oriented system
政府资金government transfer
暂记待帐户clearing account
暂记待结帐户clearing accounts (suspense account)
有偿paid transmission
期权option conversion
期权option assignment
期货换现货交易exchange for physical
未了责任entry of portfolio
未满期业务移.portfolio transfer
权力power shifts
权益assignment of interest
权益周equity turnover
权益资本周equity capital turnover
标准换费用standard conversion cost
根本fundamental turnaround
根本扭fundamental turnaround
根本扭fundamental reversal
楼市逆reversal in housing
每天帐完成速度post accomplishment cash day
汇兑尾cancellation of balances of accounts
汇款账凭证summarized transfer voucher
汽车运输及运成本cost of trucking and transportation
资金working balance
资金working capital fund
资金放款working capital loan
流动奖金周率计算表schedule of turnover rate of circulating fund
流动资本周turnover of current capital
流动资金周次数current fund turnover times
流动资金周turnover rate of current capital
流动资金周current fund turnover
流动资金周current asset turnover
流动资金计划周次数planned times of turnover of current funds
流动资金计划周次数planned times of turnover of current capital
清算所自动账系统Clearing House Automated Transfer System
熊市重要反bearish key reversal
牛市重要反bullish key reversal
特别让股particular transfer
现金inward cash transfer
现金流贴现discounted cashflow
现金流预算cash flow budget
现金流预算cash budget
现金资产净额流statement of net quick asset flow
用支票transfer by cheque (check)
由上期carried forward
电子electronic transfer
电子账系统electronic transfer system
电子资金帐制度electronic fund transfer system
电子资金移结算体系electronic funds transfer system
电脑代资金移及银行活动electronic transfer and banking
票据transfer of bill
票据再让银行renegotiating bank
私人单方private unrequited transfer
税源transference of tax revenue sources
空白blank transfer
组织间inter-organizations transfer
经常current transfers
经济economic transformation
经济根本fundamental transformation of the economy
经济运行根本好fundamental improvement in the economic situation
carry forward
网上on-line transfer
股东价值shareholder value transfer
股份stock movement
股份stock conversion
股份让登记簿stock transfer book
股权equity kicker
股权让协议equity transfer agreement
股票transfer of stocks
股票assignment of stock
股票让登记簿register of stock transfer
股票风险逆equity risk reversal
背书transfer by endorsement
营业资产周operating asset turnover
营运资本周working capital turnover
营运资本流statement of working capital flow
营运资金周working capital turnover (指年销货净额与营运资金之比,反映营运资金在一年内的周转次数)
补助-租赁-SLT (这是从 BOT 项目融资模式 (build-operate-transfer)衍生出来的一种变通形式)
让信用证transferred credit
认股权证warrant conversion
证券securities switch
证券securities swapping
证券让经纪人transfer agent of securities
财产让契约deed of property
财产让税tax on transfer of property
财产让税property transfer tax
财富wealth transfer
财政周基金public finance revolving fund
财政好fiscal turnround
财政资源的financial resources transfer
贷款周turnover ratio of loan
贸易周amount of business
资产换贷款asset conversion loan
资本移净额net transfer of capital
资本移税capital transfer tax
资本capital transfer
资本净值周turnover of net worth
资本周turnover of capital
资本周capital turnover
资本周turnover rate of capital
资本周ratio of capital turnover
资本周net worth turnover ratio
资本总销售总额与资本总额之比率total capital turnover
资本总额周turnover of total capital
资本总额周turnover total capital
资本总额周turnover of all capital
资金transfer of financial resources
资金shifting of credits
资金financial resources transfer
资金shifting of funds
资金fund transfer
资金账服务money transfer services
资金账服务fund transfer services
资金周周期capital turnover cycle
资金周帐户money circuit account
资金周funds turnover period
资金周职能velocity function
资金周fund turnover statement
资金流缩写为FMU, 财务系统fund movement
赋税亏损结tax-loss carryforward
超级可让支付命令帐户super negotiable order of withdrawal
超级可让支付命令账户super negotiable order of withdrawal account
趋势反trend reversal
下页carried forward
为私有going private
人专户transfer to special account
人成本transferred-in cost
入准备金帐户transfer to reserve fund
入利益profit brought forward
入成本transferred-in cost
入税收平衡基金Transfer to Tax Equalization Fund
分保分出公司retro-ceding corporation
分保合同sub-reinsurance contract
分保金额amount retro-ceded
势十字星harami cross
变经济发展方式transform economic development model
变经济发展方式transform the pattern of economic development
变经济发展方式transformation of the economic development pattern
变经济发展方式过程process of transforming economies
变经济发展模式,使之更加依赖国内需求shift economy to rely more on domestic demand
向内需go towards domestic demand
向量reversal amount
售债券exit bond
回分录reversal entry
型期间transition period
帐交易记帐员crossentry clerk
帐传票journal vouchers
帐传票transfer voucher
帐传票exchanging vouchers (exchange slips)
帐传禀transfer slip
帐冲销证明凭单transfer and counter warrant
帐凭单transfer voucher
帐凭证transfer document
帐凭证journal vouchers
帐划拨银行check bank of book transfer
帐帐户account on transfer transactions
帐帐目transfer ledger
帐帐目account transfer
帐支票account payee
帐收支balance of transfer account
帐资料cross-indexing (cross reference)
帐通知单account transfer memo
开信用证secondary letter of credit
开信用证back-to-back letter of credit
归后期数carry over
手交易switched transactions
手凭证pass-through certificates
手凭证投资者pass-through investor
手利率pass-through rate
证券交易手盈利for a turn
手证券pass-through securities
托管designation transfer
承包合同成本subcontracting cost
折点tipping point
拨款项transfer payment
拨款项transfer of appropriations
carry over
偿还股份损失loss on stock conversion redemption
换价值溢价premium over conversion value
换利息期间interest-conversion period
换因子conversion factor (数)
换帐conversion account
换成本conversion cost (processing cost)
换溢价conversion premium
换股票权right of conversion into stock
换能力理论shift ability theory
换限制limitation on conversion
捩点inflection point
接式信用back-to-back credit
接式信用证back-to-back letter of credit
放款项funds received for participation in loans made through us
期利率carry-over rate
次页carried forward
次页金额amount carried over
租赁wrap lease
移实质资源transfer of real resources
移投资行业sector rotation
移支付制度system of transfer payments
移未满期业务transfer of portfolio
移生产性资源transfer of productive resources
股登记簿register of transfers
融通费用refinancing expenses
make over
让与转移assignment and transfer
让契约transfer deed
让契约印花税transfer deed stamp duty
让性付款transfer payment
让折扣assignment allowance
让文件instrument of transfer
让方法assignment method
让权利assignment privilege
让登记代理人transfer agent
让税transfer tax (on stock)
让簿transfer book
让经纪人transfer agent
让-营运-转让transfer-operate-transfer (这是从 BOT 项目融资模式 (build-operate-transfer) 衍生出来的一种变通形式)
让费transfer fee
让资本transfer capital
让银行transferring bank
记人cross entry
记入cross entry
记帐簿book of secondary entry
账交易transfer transaction
账余额balance transferred
账凭单transfer warrant
账凭证account transfer voucher
账划拨银行check bank of book transfer
账差异transfer variance
账支票giro check
账日期date of transfer
账机制transfer mechanism
账清单schedule of transfer
账盈亏transfer loss and profit
账票据transfer document
账科目account transfer
账系统transfer system
账银行giro bank
贴现re-discount (bills rediscounted)
贴现人applicant for re-discount
贴现息interest on rediscount
轨经济transition economies
轨经济transition economy
运保险transit insurance
运费transfer fee
递银行transmitting bank
配股transfer right shares
基金working fund
基金working capital fund
日常费用running cost
资金working fund
运用资本周turnover ratio of working capital
运用资本周turnover of working capital
通用换系数general conversion factors
通知借款周余额call turnover mode
邮局giro system
邮粤帐制度postal transfer system
重复double transfer
重大material changes
金融资产transfer of financial assets
金融资产整体entire transfer of financial assets
金融资产部分partial transfer of financial assets
金额反reverse dollar roll
长期资产周long-term asset turnover
降低人为技术让壁垒reduce artificial barriers to technology transfer
非自动账机制non-automatic transfer mechanism
非营业周性基金non-business revolving fund
顶部单日反reversal day top
预付承包小包者款advances to subcontractors
预定保险reinsurance open cover
预算budget interchangeability
预算budgetary transfer
预算budget transfer
预算fungibility of funds
预算budget fungibility
预算interchangeability of budget
预算fungibility of budget
风险risk transfer
风险risk shifting
风险移假说risk-shifting hypothesis
风险逆risk reversal
鼓励stimulating conversion
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