
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
上期结carry in
不允许transhipment not permitted
不允许transhipment prohibited
不允许transhipment not allowed
不可not negotiable
不可让义务non-assignable duty
不可让的单据non-negotiable documents
不可让的多式联运单据non-negotiable multimodel transport documents
不可让的提单non-negotiable bill of lading
不可让的期票non-negotiable notes
不可让的票据non-negotiable instruments
不可让票据unalienable paper
不可no transshipment
不得分运与Partial shipments and transhipment are prohibited
专有技术让偿付payment to be made for the transfer of know-how
业务前景可能好Business prospects are likely to turn better
地市场entrepot market
entrepot port
临时周基金temporary working fund
亏损结carryover of losses
亚洲美元可让定期存单Asian Dollar CDs
产权transfer of title
产权transference of title
产权transfer of title on property
仅支付给…不得转让pay only to... not transferable
仅支付给…不得转让pay only to... not negotiable
余额balance carried down
你方五月十二日致我总公司函件已我公司处理Your letter of May 12 addressed to our Head Office has been transmitted to us for attention
你方本月十六日致我北京总公司信件已至我处Your letter of the 16th inst. addressed to our Beijing Head Office has been passed onto us
你方询盘已交有关公司Your enquiry has been transmitted to the appropriate corporation
保险标的assignment of interest
允许transhipment permitted
允许分运与Partial shipments and transhipment are permissible
美国公债长期期偿还senior refunding
公司内部的intra-company transfer
公司资本周firm capital turnover
净值周turnover of net worth (率)
准备出让技术的让人prospective technology transferor
分类ledger transfer
努力说服买主从别处向我方询盘try to persuade buyers to divert their enquires to us from other sources
劳动力transfer of labour force
厂房设备周turnover o£ plant and equipment
原材料周turnover of raw materials
原股权assignment of original shares
发动机试运green test
换升水convertible premium
换贴水convertible discount
移劳动力transferable labour force
让信用工具negotiable paper
让信用证assignable L/C
让单据negotiable documents (常指经背书的提单 (bill of lading), 仓库收据 (warehouse receipt))
让可分割信用证transferable and divisible letter of credit
让定期存单negotiable certificate of deposit
让提款单账户negotiable order of withdrawal account
让支票bearer check
让票据negotiable bills
让票据assignable instruments
让许可证license n.
让账户assignable account
证单据negotiable documents (与不可转证单据 (non-negotiable document s) 相对)
可变资产周turnover of variable capital
可开可让支付命令的活期存款账户negotiable order of withdrawal account
可拨账户transferable account
储存working stocks
加速acceleration of turnover
基金working fund
总额total turnover
次数number of turnover
资本和准备金working capital and reserve
商品售价值exit value
商品周turnover of commodity
商品周merchandise turnover
商品流commodity flow
固定资产周turnover o£ plant and equipment
固定资产周fixed assets turnover
固定资产周turnover of plant and equipment
固定资产周turnover of fixed assets
英国国家账制度national giro
国际技术让守则international code of conduct for the transfer of technology
土地land sublease
在约定期限内技术引进方有权享受让方技术改进的成果access to improvements in technology
外国人股票foreigner's shares transfer
外汇移风险exchange transfer risk
外汇周资金foreign exchange operation fund
多次multiple transfer
存货周inventory turnover
存货周turnover of inventories
存货周turnover of inventory
实物transfer in kind
工业shift of industries
工业产权assignment of industrial property rights
嫁税shifted taxes
移的劳动力transferred labour force
让的产权transferred title
市场已疲软The market has turned easy
市场情况好There is a favourable change in the market
库场周turnover capacity of storage space
库存周inventory turnover
应付账款周turnover ratio of payables (与应收账款周转率(turnover ratio of receivables) 相对)
应允许分运与Partial shipments and transhipment are to be allowed
延期补偿费assignment of deferred compensation
强制involuntary transfer
当货运单据让给最终买主,他就取得提单收货人的资格When the shipping documents are transferred to the final buyer, he acquires the status of a consignee of the bill of lading
快速回quick return
总营业资产周turnover of total operating assets
总资产周total asset turnover
总资本周total capital turnover
所有权proprietary rights transfer
菲律宾所有权让证书transfer certificate of title
技术communication of technology
技术让中保密条款confidentiality clause in technology transfer
技术让中断条款break clause
技术让人transferor of technology
技术让人technology assignor
联合国贸易与发展会议技术让委员会Committee on Transfer of Technology
技术让提成费royalties for transfer of technology
技术让方party transferring the technology
技术转让技术让方义务commitments by the technology supplier
技术让的支付方式payment of technology transfer
技术让费fee for technology transfer
技术许可让人technology licensor (与技术许可接受人(technology licensee) 相对)
技术许可证贸易让方有权到技术引进方的工厂查看和查账access to the licensee's plant and books of account
把一种货币换为另一种货币convert one currency into another
把商行让给另一家大公司cede one's business to another large company
把工作重点移到经济建设上来shift the focus of work to economic construction
把所有权给现持有人的契约holding deed
把票据权利背书让给别人endorse over a bill to another person
把贸易从一国向另一国divert trade from one country to another
抵押品alienation of the pledge
担保物collateral assignment
拒绝refusal to negotiate
持续运额定值continuous rating
支出expenditure switching
无保留unconditional transfer
无息可让提款通知书non-interest bearing negotiable order of withdrawal
无记名assign in blank
无误运周期error-free running period
企业流动资产最低周天数number of days of minimum coverage
最低周minimum turnover
最少周天数minimum coverage of days
有利favourable turn
有条件让的债券escrow bonds
有条件让的契约escrow agreement
木材市场不久将妊The timber market will soon take a turn for the better
未满期业务portfolio transfer
权益让证书letter of subrogation
来人或空白抬头的汇票是可以让的票据Bills of exchange payable "to bearer"or "to order" are negotiable instruments
标准船条款standard transhipment clause
欺诈性fraudulent assignment
正常周库存normal turnover stock
circulation tax
流动资产周movement of current assets
流动资产周turnover of current assets
流动资本周turnover of working capital
流动资金周turnover period for circulating funds
流动资金周turnover of current fund (率)
清洁的可让的提单clean negotiable bill of lading
满载运full-load running
物料与设备流计划plan for the flow of materials and equipment
物资周turnover rate of material
物资流flow of materials
由于公司会计员盗用公款,业务已暂时入破产财团管理员之手Owing to the defalcation of the treasurer of the company, the business passes temporarily into the hands of a receiver
由于无直达船舶去你港,货物必须As there is no direct vessel to your port, the goods will have to be transhipped
直接straight transfer
直运或direct shipment or transshipment
相反reverse transformation
码头运仓库transit godown
租船合同charter party assignment
税的shifting of taxes
税的shift of taxes
经济好economic change for the better
经许可让的技术licensed technology
亦缩为 B/Fbrought forward
下期carry over
库存carryover stock
库存量carry over stock
库存量carry-over stock
需求demand carried-forward
综合技术integrated technology transfer
美国运协会American Transit Association
职能function transfer
联营公司间账支付intercompany transfer payments
股本让交易equity capital transaction
股票share transfer
股票让代理人transfer agent
船必须在潮前离港The boat has to leave the port before the turn of the tide
证券让凭证street certificate
机器试运test run
试运preliminary operation
试运initial operation
试运pilot run
试运State Planning Commission
请将你方信用证改为允许分运与Please amend your letter of credit so as to allow partial shipments and transhipment
请将信用证改为允许分运和Please amend the L/C as allowing partial shipments and transshipment
财产移税统一抵免unified transfer tax credit
账户账结算transfer and settlement of accounts
货币周turnover of money
货物不能在途中The goods can't transshipped en route
货物周与上月一样迅速Goods are moving as fast as last month
货物周velocity of goods circulation
货物所有权即随之The property right in the goods passes when the bill of lading relating to them is tendered to the buyer
海关货物移removal bond
货车周时间time of turnaround of freight cars
货运单据流movement of goods documents
资产总额周total asset turnover
资本让税capital transfer tax
资本周period of capital circulation
资本周迅速The capital circulates briskly
资金周turnover of capital
资金周与循环turnover and circulation of funds
资金周rate of capital turnover
资金汇划账制giro system
资金流时间与金额time and amount of the flow of funds
资金运机制fund operation mechanism
起草让契约draw up deed of transfer
会计下页brought down
信用证银行transmitting bank (指通知行 (advising bank))
入卡片transfer card
卖价值resale value (指时价 (current selling value), 变现净值 (net realizable value))
口信用证transit credit
口报关单transit declaration
口贸易entrepot trade
口贸易港口entrepot port
口费用transit expenses
售价格协定resale price agreement
售价格维持resale price maintenance
嫁税shifting taxes
由第三方承担或提供补偿产品手交易switch transaction
手倒卖resell at a profit
手贸易佣金switching commission
换平价conversion parity
换成本conversion cost (即加工成本 (processing cost))
换提单switch bill of lading
换浮动利率本票convertible floating rate note
换系统translating system
换经营机制transform operation mechanism
换经营机制operational conversion mechanism
期存单rollover certificate of deposit
under lease
移收据transfer receipt
移收益transfer income
移证书transfer certificate
share transfer
船地点place of transhipment
船费transhipment charges
船附加费transhipment additionals
融资银行refinancing bank
订合同材料售货定单subcontract material sales order
亦缩为 assi.assignment
让价格定价transfer pricing
让分类账transfer ledger
让单transfer order
让契据deed of assignment
让契据deed of transfer
产权让契约quit claim
让性支付transfer payments
让或委派限制assignment limitation
让技术适用范围scope of application of the technology transferred
让收据transfer receipt
让收益transfer income
让的信用证assigned L/C
让的信用证assigned letter of credit
让的债权assigned claims
让的债权assigned claim
让的票据assigned instruments
让的账户assigned account
美国抵押贷款让记名street name
让账户transfer account
让费assignment fees
让费assignment charges
让通知notification of transfer
账会计transfer accounting
账支付传票transfer payment slip
账支票check only for transfer
账收入传票transfer receipts slip
账结算settlement of account by transfer
账证明transfer certificate
账账户transfer account
运代理公司forwarding agent
运公司forwarding agency
运准单transhipment permit
运单据transit documents
运货栈transit shed
运货运量transit shipment
运费用条款forwarding charge clause
运通知书transhipment delivery order
递银行processing bank
寿命service life
特性operating characteristic
试验operation test
运货与运行代理人shipping and forwarding agent
条件reversal condition
通过让获得技术acquire technology by transfer
部分partial transfer
销售周sale turnover
附可让提单的即期汇票sight draft with negotiable bill of lading attached
除非信用证条款禁止船,注明货物将在中途转船的提单是可以接受的,但以用同一张包全程的提单为条件Unless transhipment is prohibited by the terms in the credit, bills of lading will be accepted which indicate that the goods will be transhipped en route, provided the entire voyage is covered by one and the same bill of lading
售的证券non-marketable securities
非商业性技术uncompensated transfer of technology
预先授权preauthorized transfer
高关税常常导致贸易从一国向另一国High tariffs often cause a diversion of trade from one country to another