
Terms for subject Bridge card game containing | all forms
不规则米切尔轮scrambled Mitchell
个人赛彩虹轮rainbow individual movement
个人赛轮individual movement
中心轮式桥牌pivot bridge
交叉式豪厄尔轮interwoven Howell
4人队式轮team-of-four movement
低副数得克萨斯移叫low-level Texas
低花得克萨斯移叫minor suit Texas
关煞性移式开叫transfer opening pre-empt
3 副移式开叫transfer opening three bids
南非得克萨斯移叫South African Texas
双米切尔轮double Mitchell
移牌力transferable value
史莫伦移叫Smolen transfer bid
打法surrounding play
威胁transfer the menace
巴克利轮Barclay movement
布莱克普尔轮Blackpool movement
³⁄₄式轮three-quarter movement
循环轮cyclic movement
斯派德轮Spider movement
新英格兰接力轮New England relay
4方块移性开叫four-diamond opening transfer
替补式米切尔轮bump Mitchell
4 梅花及 4 方块移性开叫four-club and four-diamond opening transfer
比赛中途中止轮cutting movement during play
瑞士轮Swiss movement
短豪厄尔轮short Howell movement
米切尔-豪厄尔联合轮Mitchell-Howell movement
米切尔轮Mitchell movement
缩短式豪厄尔移法truncated Howell movement
罗斯勒轮Rosier movement
美国惠斯特轮American Whist movement
肖麦迪轮Shomate movement
花式轮flower movement
豪厄尔轮Howell Movement
jump shift
跳式轮skip movement
入明手dummy reversal
动指北箭头arrow switch
移叫transfer bid
移式挤牌transfer squeeze
移指示卡guide card
movement card
指示卡table guide card
指示卡guide card
进张移挤牌法entry-shifting squeeze
镜式米切尔轮mirror Mitchell
雅各贝移叫Jacoby transfer (bid)
雅各贝个人赛轮Jacoby individual movement
鲁宾移叫Rubin transfer
麦肯尼-鲍德温轮McKenney-Baldwin movement