
Terms for subject Bridge construction containing 轨道 | all forms | in specified order only
轨道single track
多线轨道multiple track
新型轨道结构new track structure
新型轨道结构non-conventional track structure
无碴轨道track without ballast
无碴轨道unballasted track
无碴轨道unballasted permanent way
有碴轨道ballasted track
机械化轨道养护mechanized track maintenance
板式轨道slab track
标准轨距轨道standard gauge track
窄轨轨道narrow gauge track
第二线轨道second track
轨道rail road
轨道railway track
轨道permanent way
轨道不平整度track irregularity
轨道不平顺irregularity of track
轨道不平顺track unevenness
轨道中心track centre
轨道中心线track centre line
轨道交叉track cross over
轨道交通rail transit
轨道吊机locomotive crane
轨道延长换算公里converted length of track
轨道抬高raising of track
轨道整正re-alignment of track
轨道更新track renewal
轨道track slab
轨道架桥机railway erection crane for bridge
轨道爬行track creeping
轨道类型type of track
轨道track cable
轨道railway flat car
轨道运输track-type haulage
轨道铺设track laying
轨道铺设track construction
轻便轨道portable track
轻便轨道decauville truck
轻轨铁道light track railway
道岔轨枕switch sleeper
铁路轨道railway track
铁路轨道railroad track
顶进轨道thrust rail