
Terms containing 跳起 | all forms | in specified order only
athlet.三级跳起跳线hop line
athlet.三级跳运的起跳线hop line
sport.三级跳远动作的第一部分、运动员使用单足起跳、用起跳脚着地In the first part of the movements in the triple jump, the athlete jumps from one foot and lands on the same foot (hop)
voll.两步起跳two-footed take-off
adv.书籍一打开即有内容跳起的图书pop-ups book
voll.二次起跳second jump
oil井口信号起跳点uphole break
sport.他的助跑速度快、起跳有力、动作协调、是一名有希望的跳高运动员With his fast run-up, powerful take-off and fine coordination of body movements, he is one of the promising high jumper
voll.侧向助跑起跳flank jump
fig.skat.内起两周半跳double inside Axel-Paulsen
fig.skat.内起2周半跳同足起落double inside Axel-Paulsen
swim.减慢起跳slow down the takeoff
sport.减慢起跳slow down the take-off
swim.减速起跳slow down the take-off
swim.出发起跳take-off jump
scub.出发起跳starting dive
fig.skat.刃干净利落的起跳clean spring starting
athlet.力量型起跳strength takeoff
athlet.动量传递起跳momentum-transfer take-off
voll.助跑起跳扣球running jump spike
scub.单脚起跳take off from one foot
scub.单脚起跳take-off from one foot
footb.单脚起跳顶球head from a single leg
gymn.单足起跳团身侧空翻somersault sideways tucked takeoff with one leg
sport.单足跳时应用起跳脚落地、跨步跳时用另一只脚摆动腿落地、然后完成跳跃动作in the step he shall land on the other foot from which, subsequently, the jump is performed
sport.单足跳时应用起跳脚落地、跨步跳时用另一只脚摆动腿落地、然后完成跳跃动作The hop shall be made so that a competitor lands first on the same foot as that from which he has taken off
sport.卡尔・刘易斯的助跑和起跳动作the movements of Carl Lewis' approach and take-off
gymn.原地跳起双手胸前碰脚jump pike
sport.原地跳起摸高测弹跳力Sargent jump
sport.原地跳起摸高Sergeant jump
gymn.原地起跳jump forward from standing position
scub.原地起跳jump from standing position
scub.原地起跳standing take-off
voll.原地起跳standing jump
sport.原地起跳jump from standing
voll.原地起跳扣球standing jump spike
acrob.双脚跳起互击脚跟的舞步pigeon wing
scub.双脚起跳take-off from both feet simultaneously
footb.双脚起跳double-leg take off
voll.双脚起跳two-footed take-off
scub.双脚起跳take off from both feet
scub.双脚起跳from both feet simultaneously
scub.双脚起跳form both feet simultaneously
footb.双脚起跳double-leg take-off
gymn.双脚起跳鱼跃前手翻handspring forward taking off with two legs (stretched)
gymn.双腿跳起的鱼跃前手翻单腿或双腿落flyspring with or without step out
athlet.双臂摆动起跳double-arm takeoff
handb.同侧脚起跳射门same-side-leg jump shot
fig.skat.同脚起后外勾点冰 1 周跳double one-foot Axel-Paulsen
fig.skat.同脚起后外勾点冰1周跳double one-foot Lutz jump
fig.skat.同脚起后外钩两周跳double one-foot Lutz jump
fig.skat.同足起落前外两周半跳double one-foot Axel-Paulsen
voll.后撤步起跳back jump
gymn.后滚翻成手倒立接推手弹腿跳起extension back
gymn.后滚翻成手倒立接推手弹腿跳起backward roll-up
gymn.后滚翻成手倒立接推手弹腿跳起extension roll
gymn.后滚翻成手倒立接推手弹腿跳起back roll-up
gymn.后跳屈伸起flic-flac dive backward to neck kip
athlet.后蹬起跳driving leap
footb.向一侧跳起sideways leap
footb.向一侧跳起sideway leap
gymn.向前跳起jump forward
gymn.向前跳起成手倒立jump forward to handstand
w.polo.向前上方跳起up and forward
scub.向前起跳forward takeoff
scub.向前起跳forward take-off
gymn.向后跳起转体180°Arabian step-out
gymn.向后跳起转体团身前空翻tucked Arabian
gen.在第一次跳起来时on the first bound
sport.在跳高比赛时、横杆放在最初的起跳高度上、每名选手有三次机会跳越横杆In the high jump, the bar is set at a starting height and each competitor has three chances to clear it
swim.垂直跳起vertical jump
skiing大胆而充分的起跳bold and aggressive move at takeoff
proj.manag.如果您想跳过似乎会引起问题的某个特定指令或一组指令、 这就会很有用This would be useful if you wanted to skip a particular instruction or a set of instructions that appeared to be causing a problem
fig.skat.异足起落后外结环 2 周跳double half loop jump
fig.skat.异足起落结环一周跳half loop jump
fig.skat.异足起落结环两周跳double half loop jump
equest.sp.弓背跳起buck jump
w.polo.急停跳起反手射门wheel rear back shot
w.polo.急停跳起反手射门rear back shot
fig.skat.手握手托举起跳hand-to-hand lift take-off
fig.skat.手握手结环鲁卜托举起跳hand-to-hand loop lift take-off
sport, bask.手脚伸开跳起spread-eagle
sport, bask.抢篮板球时手脚伸张跳起spread-eagle
tenn.扣击高跳起的球bounded smash
fig.skat.扶髋托举起跳hip lift takeoff
fig.skat.拉索类托举起跳lasso lift take-off
swim.接力比赛起跳裁判relay take-off judging
swim.接力赛起跳裁判relay take-off judging
gymn.推手弹腿跳起mule kick
gymn.推手弹腿跳起snap down
gymn.推手弹腿跳起handstand snap down to stoop
voll.掩护跳起trick jump
voll.掩护起跳trick jump
polo.最佳起跳区optimum take-off zone
gymn.木段单脚起跳向前团身空翻下gainer dismount
gymn.木端单脚起跳向前团身空翻下gainer dismount
gymn.木端或木中跳起前滚翻jump to roll forward at end or middle of beam
voll.正面助跑起跳front jump
sport.每轮起跳后、横杆提升 3 厘米3 cm is to be raised after each round
sport.激动得跳起来的观众jack-in-the-box spectator
fig.skat.点冰拉索起跳toe lasso lift take-off
fig.skat.点冰鲁卜扶髋托举起跳toe loop hip lift take-off
gymn.环外站立跳起反进至环上正撑Turn flank
polo.着陆边比起跳边低的障碍drop fence
sport, bask.突然起跳rip-jump
sport, bask.突破起跳rip-jump
scub.立定起跳standing takeoff
scub.立定起跳standing take-off
sport, bask.篮下单手跳起Lay-up shot
athlet.自由起跳free takeoff
athlet.触起跳线前地面touch the ground beyond the takeoff line
hydroel.st.起动断路器跳闸activate the breaker trip coil
tech.起始跳越区primary skip zone
equest.sp.起跳take off
swim.起跳takeoff jump
scub.起跳forward push of feet
athlet.起跳准备takeoff preparation
athlet.起跳准备preparation for takeoff
athlet.起跳准确性accuracy of take-off
swim.起跳出发starting dive
swim.起跳出发start with a dive
swim.起跳出发starting plunge
swim.起跳出发start from a dive
swim.起跳出发racing start
swim.起跳出发racing plunge
swim.起跳出发racing dive
athlet.起跳前倒数第三步second to the last step before takeoff
athlet.起跳力量jumping strength
sport.起跳区jumping area
athlet.起跳区take-off ground
athlet.起跳区takeoff ground
athlet.起跳区takeoff area
athlet.起跳区take-off area
skiing起跳区的长度和斜度length and inclination of the takeoff
athlet.起跳台take-off platform
athlet.起跳后蹬takeoff drive
athlet.起跳后蹬stamp at the take-off
athlet.起跳后蹬take-off drive
athlet.起跳后蹬driving leap
athlet.起跳垂直速度takeoff vertical velocity
athlet.起跳垫takeoff pad
scub.起跳姿势starting position
scub.起跳方向direction of take-off
scub.起跳方式manner of take-off
scub.起跳方式method of takeoff
sport.起跳方式manner of takeoff
athlet.起跳时间takeoff time
oil起跳时间误差rise-time error
athlet.起跳板take-off board
athlet.起跳板takeoff board
athlet.起跳板jumping board
sport.起跳板注释:起跳板最常见的用法是 take-off boardjumping board
athlet.起跳标志takeoff mark
athlet.起跳水平速度takeoff horizontal velocity
polo.起跳点takeoff point
athlet.起跳点point of take-off
athlet.起跳点takeoff spot
athlet.起跳点take-off spot
skiing起跳点take-off point
outd.起跳点jumping-off point
sport, bask.起跳球take-off ball
athlet.起跳用力踏地stamp at the takeoff
athlet.起跳登踏take-off push
athlet.起跳的单臂动作single arm action at takeoff
athlet.起跳箱takeoff box
athlet.起跳线balk line
athlet.起跳线take-off mark
scub.起跳线scratch line
athlet.起跳线take-off line
sport.起跳线starting line
fig.skat.起跳脚push-off leg
athlet.起跳脚plant foot
fig.skat.起跳脚take-off leg
fig.skat.起跳脚take-off kick
sport, bask.起跳脚take-off foot
sport.起跳脚takeoff foot
wushu.起跳脚take-off foot
athlet.起跳腿take-off leg
athlet.起跳腿jumping leg
fig.skat.起跳腿takeoff leg
scub.起跳腿drive leg
起跳腿push-off leg
athlet.起跳角angle of takeoff
athlet.起跳角take-off angle
scub.起跳角度take-off angle
scub.起跳角度takeoff angle
scub.起跳角度angle of take-off
athlet.起跳距离takeoff distance
athlet.起跳踏地stamp at the take-off
athlet.起跳蹬踏takeoff push
sport.起跳蹬踏take-off push
polo.起跳边takeoff side
athlet.起跳速度takeoff velocity
athlet.起跳速度speed of takeoff
voll.起跳速度jump speed
athlet.起跳速度speed at takeoff
athlet.起跳高度minimum height
athlet.起跳高度height of take-off
athlet.起跳高度starting height
athlet.起跳高度commencing height
scub.跑动起跳running take-off
voll.跑动起跳扣球running jump spike
sport, bask.跟进跳起follow-up
gymn.跳起knee jump up-forward
ski.jump.跳起knee jump up-forward
gymn.跳起成站立courage jump
athlet.跳起spring up
sport, bask.跳起争夺篮板球follow up
voll.跳起二传jump set
voll.跳起传球jump toss
sport, bask.跳起传球jump pass
voll.跳起保护cover jump
footb.跳起冲撞对手jump at an opponent
sport, bask.跳起勾手投篮jump hook
sport, bask.跳起单手擦板bunny
handb.跳起压人jump into
sport, bask.跳起反手投篮reverse lay-in
voll.跳起发球jump service
gymn.跳起后上成支撑jump uprise backward to rest
handb.跳起射门jump shot
gymn.跳起屈腿摆越jump squat legs through arms
gymn.跳起成劈腿sweeping split
sport, bask.跳起投篮jump up and shoot
tab.tenn.跳起抽球jump smash
voll.跳起拦网jump stop
baseb.守场员跳起接腾空球circus catch
voll.跳起掩护cover jump
heavy.eq.跳起摸脚趾游戏jumping toe touch
sport.跳起摸高jump and reach
athlet.跳起撞线jump finish
sport.跳起撞线注释:胸撞线要用 breast the tape,这里 breast 用作动词,意即以胸部冲撞终点线jump finish
sport, bask.跳起的单手擦板投篮Lay-up shot
sport, bask.跳起离开原地的队员fall away jumper
gymn.鞍马跳起移位travel hop
gymn.跳起空翻jump somersault
kick.volley.跳起背后踢球jumping behind kick
kick.volley.跳起腿交叉踢球leg cross kick
gymn.跳起至手倒立jump to handstand
gymn.跳起转体180° 前手翻转体180°¹⁄₂ turn into handspring-¹⁄₂ turn out
gymn.跳起转体90° 接侧手翻跳马handstand cartwheel vault
gymn.跳起转体 360°接鱼跃滚翻full twisting dive roll
gymn.跳起转体180° 直体前空翻stretched jump with 180° turn into somersault forward
baseb.跳起转身make a jump pivot
sport, bask.跳起钩手投篮jump hook
footb.跳起阻挡flying block
footb.跳起顶球heading with a jump
footb.跳起顶球head with a jump
footb.跳起顶球flying header
footb.跳起顶球射门shot on the leaping header
athlet.踏上起跳板hit the takeoff board
athlet.踏板起跳"stamping" on the board
athlet.踏板起跳stamping on the board
skateboard.踏板起跳jump with skateboarding
athlet.踏起跳板plant on the take-off board
athlet.踏起跳板strike the takeoff board
athlet.踏起跳板hit the take-off
athlet.蹬地起跳take-off drive
athlet.蹬地起跳stamp at the take-off
athlet.蹬地起跳driving leap
outd.蹿跳起largo start
sport, bask.转身跳起screw jump
sport.这位教练员强调快速助跑和快速起跳相结合This coach emphasizes the combination of a fast run-up approach and a quick take-off
polo.错过步幅且起跳时离障碍太近get under
outd.蹦极的人随着弹跳绳向上弹起fly upwards as the cord snaps back
athlet.非起跳腿non-jumping leg
scub.面对板起跳take off in backward dives
scub.面对板起跳take-off in backward dives
weightlift.颈后持杠铃蹲跳起jumping squat
skiing飞跃起跳台takeoff platform
skiing飞跃起跳台take-off platform
footb.飞身跳起flying through the air
footb.飞身跳起fling through the air
swim.高角度起跳high-angle diving
handb.鱼跃跳起射门diving jump shot