
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
动物穿地带crossing place for animals Bridges and tunnels provided for animals for crossing roads and railways. Railway and road infrastructures represent an hindrance to wildlife migration (为动物穿越道路或铁轨所提供的桥梁或隧道;道路或铁轨的建设野生生物迁移的阻碍。)
穿地带crossing place A place, often shown by markings, lights, or poles, where a street, railway, etc. may be crossed (可穿越街道、铁路的地带,通常以标志、灯光或旗杆进行标示。)
overwintering To spend winter in a particular place (在一个特殊地方度过冬天。)
野车all-terrain vehicle A land carriage so constructed that it can be used on any kind of road or rough terrain and can be operated for many purposes, such as carrying goods, transporting the injured, conveying passengers, etc. (一种具有特殊构造、能在任何公路或不平地形上使用的陆地车辆,其用途广泛,可用于运载货物、运输伤员、输送乘客等。)