
Terms for subject Management containing 赛车 | all forms
人群关赛学派human behavior school
体育比赛经验sports experience
体育竞赛sport competition
公平竞赛运动fair play campaign
共产主义协作公约赛pledge of communist cooperation race
古代奥运会文艺比赛ancient Olympic artistic competition
古代奥运会竞赛项目ancient Olympic events
吸引观众的体育比赛spectator sport
告别赛farewell match
商业性比赛commercial competition
奥运会参赛participation in the Olympic Games
正式比赛项目medal sport
比赛服装competitor's costume
比赛队服competitor's costume
测试赛计划阶段test event planning
现有比赛场馆existing competition site
生产竞赛production emulation
生产竞赛production drive
社会主义竞赛socialist emulation
竞赛主任competition manager
竞赛咨询台Sports Information Desk
竞赛志愿者sport volunteer
竞赛报名sport entry
竞赛报名和资格审查sport entry and qualification
竞赛报名终止日期sport entry deadline
竞赛报名表sport entry form
竞赛指挥中心Sport Command Centre
竞赛服务sport service
竞赛级别sport class
竞赛规则the rules of game
竞赛训练sport training
竞赛运行sport operations
计划建设的比赛场馆planned competition site
赛叶得美国现代企业行为科学家Cyert.R. M
赛叶得-麦克模型Cyert-March model
赛后利用post-Olympic use
重要赛事限制prime event limitation
青年比赛junior tournament
非正式比赛项目non-medal sport