
Terms for subject Commerce containing 赔 偿 | all forms | in specified order only
不论损失如何全部赔偿irrespective of percentage
不负赔偿损失费责任hold no liability for damages
买主要求10,000美元损失赔偿The buyer claims US 10,000 damages for the loss sustained
保险赔偿insurance benefits
保险商应负责赔偿损失The assurer shall be responsible for compensation for damage
单独海损负责赔偿with particular average
单独海损负责赔偿with average (亦用 with particular average (缩为 WPA))
单独海损负责赔偿,水渍险with particular average
向承运人索赔损坏赔偿claim damages against the carrier
在实际全损的情况下,保险标的物已无可挽救地完全丧失,被保险人惟一可采取的办法就是向保险人要求赔偿In the case of an actual total loss, the subject matter is so completely and irretrievably lost that the only course open to the insured is to recover the loss from the insurer
夸大未开信用证所造成的损失赔偿exaggerate the damages for failure to open an L/C
对损害赔偿费估计错误misestimate the damages
已清偿的损失赔偿liquidated damages
意外保险赔偿accident indemnity
承担损失赔偿费用respond in damages
担保赔偿letter of indemnity
damages 损 害赔偿damage
损失赔偿indemnity for losses
损失赔偿估价assessment of damage
损失赔偿保险indemnity insurance
索赔损失赔偿申请书claim letter
损失可按共同海损赔偿allow a loss as general average
损害赔偿damage indemnity
损害赔偿compensation payment for damage
控告某人要求赔偿损失费用sue sb. for damages
支付赔偿pay compensation
赔偿折扣no claim bonus
赔偿折扣no claim discount
未清偿损失赔偿unliquidated damages
残废赔偿disability compensation
法院驳回买方提岀以不履约为由而提起的损失赔偿诉讼The court dismissed the action by the buyer against the seller for losses for non-performance
满足赔偿损失费meet a claim for damages
火险赔偿成本burning cost
火险保单关于抵押财产的赔偿顺序条款full contribution mortgage clause
由于被保险人故意的违法行为所导致的损失不予赔偿Loss or damage attributable to the wilful misconduct of the insured is not recoverable
索赔赔偿claim indemnity
给某人裁定10,000美元损失赔偿award sb. US $10,000 damages
要求赔偿损失的诉讼action for the recovery of damage
要求赔偿损失的诉讼action for indemnity
要求赔偿损失的诉讼action for damage
要求赔偿损失的诉讼action for compensation for damage
要求赔偿损失费claim for damages
要求赔偿损失费权right to claim for damages
要求赔偿损害的债权claim for damages
要求赔偿10,000美元claim a compensation of US $10,000
要求损失赔偿claim for damage
赔偿代理人claim setting agent
赔偿合同contract of indemnity (指保付货价合同 (del credere agreement))
赔偿契约indemnity agreement
赔偿某人的损失indemnify sb. for his losses
赔偿经济损失compensate somebody for economic losses