
Terms containing 赋 税 | all forms | in specified order only
interntl.trade.减免赋税tax break
commer.减轻赋税lighten the taxes
econ.减轻赋税负担tax mitigation
interntl.trade.分配赋税apportioned tax
commer.划一赋税负担equalize tax burdens
econ., int. law.均匀分配收入赋税法案uniform division of income for tax purposes act
tech.外国税赋foreign tax
interntl.trade.多州赋税协定multistate tax compact
econ.强迫赋税compulsory assessment
space投资赋税优惠investment tax credit
interntl.trade.投资赋税优惠企业因投资而在缴税方面得到的优惠investment tax credit
econ.政府征收的预和赋税不应包括在本协议规定的价格之内Withholding tax imposed by the government shall not be included in the prices set forth in this agreement
commer.政治经济学与赋税原则principles of political economy and taxation
interntl.trade.没收性赋税confiscatory taxation
econ.没收性税赋confiscatory taxation
fin., amer.特别赋税special assessment
fin., amer.特别赋税债券special assessment bond
tech.特种赋税special assessment
interntl.trade.直接赋税direct taxation
interntl.trade.石油矿藏耗减赋税优惠oil depletion allowance
securit.税赋优惠项目tax preference item
econ.税赋负担tax incidence
econ.耗损赋税优惠depletion allowance
econ.诱发性赋税incentive taxation
tech.赋税negative tax
securit.资本赋税taxation of capital
tech.赋税义务tax liability
tech.赋税义务减轻reduced liability tax
busin.赋税亏损抵算即纳税者可用一年度亏损抵销前后数年利润,以计算税收tax-loss carryback
fin.赋税亏损结转tax-loss carryforward
interntl.trade.赋税亏损结转tax-loss carry forward
IMF.赋税亏损结转tax loss carryover
IMF.赋税亏损结转tax loss carryforward
IMF.赋税亏损结转loss carryover
IMF.赋税亏损结转loss carryforward
tech.赋税亏损结转tax-loss carry-forward
securit.赋税亏损结转后移tax loss carry forward
interntl.trade.赋税亏损退算tax-loss carry back
fin.赋税亏损退算tax-loss carryback
econ.赋税亏损退算tax loss carryback
econ.赋税优待tax benefit
interntl.trade.赋税优惠tax shelter
interntl.trade.赋税优惠tax credit
interntl.trade.赋税优惠期tax holidays
tech.赋税优惠期tax holiday
econ.赋税体税制tax system
tech.赋税保护tax shield
tech.赋税保险fiscal insurance
interntl.trade.赋税免除tax exemption
tech.赋税准则canons of taxation
interntl.trade.赋税减免tax credit
proj.manag.赋税减免tax break
econ.赋税减免tax remission
agric.赋税减轻tax relief
agric.赋税减轻tax concession
tech.赋税分担burden tax
tech.赋税分担tax sharing
tech.赋税分担burden of taxation
busin.赋税分担法则equity of taxation
busin.赋税分配distribution of taxation
tech.赋税分配tax remission
tech.赋税利益理论benefit theory of taxation
econ.赋税制度tax incentive
interntl.trade.赋税刺激tax incentive
busin.並当 • 斯密赋税原理canons of taxation
tech.赋税受益原理benefit principle of taxation
tech.赋税受益理论benefit theory of taxation
tech.赋税均等化equalization of tax
tech.赋税基金assessment fund
org.name.赋税基金会Tax Foundation, Inc.
tech.赋税增加tax hike
interntl.trade.赋税委员会Ways and Means
interntl.trade.美国国会赋税委员会Ways and Means Committee
textile赋税学原理principle of taxation
econ.赋税学原理principles of taxation
econ.赋税学说theory of taxation
tech.赋税客体object of taxation
tech.赋税宽减额tax criterion
busin.赋税弹性elasticity of taxation
IMF.赋税归宿incidence of taxation
IMF.赋税归宿tax incidence
fin.赋税归宿incidence of a tax
tech.赋税当期分配tax allocation with a period
tech.赋税扣抵tax deduction
tech.赋税抵偿债券tax anticipation notes
securit.赋税抵偿债券tax anticipation note
tech.赋税抵偿国库券tax anticipation bills
securit.赋税抵偿国库券tax anticipation bill
tech.赋税收人tax revenue
tech.赋税收入tax yield
tech.赋税敏感性tax sensitivity
econ.赋税方式ways and means
textile赋税方式贷款ways and means advances
interntl.trade.赋税方法Ways and Means
tech.赋税方法ways and means of taxation
tech.赋税沉重taxation bears hard
tech.赋税漏洞tax loophole
tech.赋税的从源扣缴stoppage at the source
econ.赋税的分配distribution of taxation
econ.赋税的反应repercussion of tax
tech.赋税的转嫁tax shifting
tech.赋税的转嫁shifting of taxation
econ.赋税的重压load of taxation
tech.赋税的重压loan of taxation
tech.赋税结构tax structure
tech.赋税计划tax planning scheme
tech.赋税theory of taxation
tech.赋税豁免tax remission
busin.赋税负担burden of taxation
busin.赋税负担tax burden
tech.赋税负担法则law of incidence
tech.赋税负担者tax bearer
busin.赋税转嫁tax shifting
econ.赋税转嫁shifting of taxation
interntl.trade.赋税转嫁shifting of tax
busin.赋税转嫁指由原纳税人转嫁给他人shifting of tax
tech.赋税重压load of taxation
agric.赋税降低tax remission
agric.赋税降低tax reduction
interntl.trade.预扣赋税withholding tax
econ.预扣赋税withholding tax
textile预扣赋税抵消withholding tax offset