
Terms for subject Corporate governance containing | all forms
上年度积存下来的deobligated funds
不发工的特别假期special leave without pay
丧失投票disqualification from voting
中央融central funding
中期和长期投medium and long-term investment
主要essential qualifications
Oracle人力源应用程序Oracle Human Resources Application
人力源改革human resources reform
人力源管理human resource management
Oracle企业源规划财务系统Enterprise Resource Planning Financials
Oracle企业源规划财务系统ERP Financials
使拥有格的服务期qualifying service
基础funding base
多元化plurality in funding
安排financing arrangement
机构funding organization
模式funding model
储蓄deposited funds
充分供应所需unlimited resource supple
充分提供full funding
全球银行间金转帐系统代码bank identifier code
全球银行间金转帐系统代码BIC code
全球银行间金转帐系统代码SWIFT code
公司融结构firm financial structure
净工net remuneration
净工net salary
比例funded ratio
分权化decentralized resources
制造源规划manufacturing resource planning
单身职工工single rate salary
及时供timely funding
发全额工的特别假期special leave with full pay
可获银行担保的投建议bankable investment proposal
可预测的供predictable funding
公司joint venture
合乎要求的desirable qualifications
合并金状况consolidated status of funds
后续投follow-up investment
后续投investment follow-up
后续筹follow-up financing
后续融follow-up financing
周转floating capital
周转trading capital
周转金融资working capital financing
固定capital assets
固定收入投组合fixed income portfolio
国外证券投portfolio foreign investment
国际人力源管理international human resource management (HRM)
地区差价工locality based pay
垫付advanced funding
基于源的管理resource-based management
基本工basic salary rate
公司foreign-funded company
外部投顾问external investment advisor
多重双边筹multibilateral financing
安排多项工程时的源分配resource allocation of multi-project scheduling
完整料的决策decision under certainty
实得工take-home pay
实际historical data
审计audit resources
对应工matching salaries
付款payroll payment
付款通知advice of payroll payment
会计payroll accounting
动向wage drift
基准basis of salary
处理功能payroll functionality
平等pay equity
指数salary index
指数pay index
指数wage index
指数调整wage index adjustment
标准wage rate
标准pay scale
类别salary schedule
类别salary scale
类别pay scale
pay package
pay packet
计算payroll calculation
部门payroll unit
应计工accrued salary
当地创收的缩写为LGFlocally generated funds
必要essential qualifications
总计有价证券投基础total portfolio basis
成员格因素membership factor
所需desirable qualifications
所需最大源尽量求其最小值minimize the maximum resources required
周期管理investment cycle management
壁垒investment barriers
市场价值market value of investments
担保项目investment guarantee program
支持活动investment support activity
收入investment earnings
收入investment return
收益investment earnings
收益investment income
收益investment return
期限investment maturities
激励investment incentives
的财政绩效financial performance of investments
的财政绩效investment performance
绩效financial performance of investments
绩效investment performance
绩效要求investment performance requirement
计划investment plan
资金investment resource
资金investment funds
项目investment project
预算capital budget
拥有金的计划funded plan
指定用途的供earmarked funding
按年增长longevity increment
按年进级long service step
按年进级longevity step
按比例供funding pro rata
接受供的组织recipient organization
提支call-forward funds
摊销融amortization funding
摩根士丹利本国际全球国家指数All Country Index
摩根士丹利本国际全球国家指数MSCI All Country Index
支持投战略Strategy for Support to Investment
政府投框架的制定government investment framework formulation
not available
无赡养人职工工single rate salary
最低工minimum wage laws
最高管理层工top management salary
金来源的计划funded plan
有限finite resources
未指定用途的供unearmarked funding
未获供负债unfunded liability
核心源分配目标缩写为TRACtarget for resource assignments from the core
欠缺料的决策decision under uncertainty
海外offshore funds
特别计划Special Programme Resources
特殊职业工special occupational rates
环境和自然源管理environment and natural resources management
电脑computer resources
电视粮食集项目Telefood project
竞争性获取competing claim
等待金的项目project on the shelf
安排financing arrangement
累计年length of service
累计年accrued service
组织间融inter-organization financing
格预审的候选人prequalified candidate
经营operating fund
综合工指数composite salary index
编外人力non-staff human resources
职务工差额补贴post differential
职工与非职工源的比例staff/non-staff ratio
职工与非职工源的比例ratio of staff to non-staff resources
联合投活动jointly-financed activity
联合投活动jointly-funded activity
股票equity portfolio
背景basic data
背景background information
自愿供voluntary funding
自然本主义natural capitalism
自然源评价和保护natural resource assessment and conservation
获得金的能力competing claim
营业operating fund
分段评定法band approach
发放期pay period
发放期payroll period
机构funding organization
补偿性融compensatory financing
计时奖励工reward system on a time rate basis
计时工hourly rate
证券投组合equity portfolio
财产与property and assets
产担保证券asset-backed security
产的专一性asset specificity
产绩效asset performance
产绩效管理asset performance management
产配置asset allocation
本内流capital influx
本内流capital inflow
本增值capital appreciation
本差额capital budget
本差额investment budget
本性资产定价模型这是一种连接有价证券的预期收益与潜在风险的等式capital asset pricing model
本支出帐户Capex Account
本支出帐户Capital Expenditure Account
本流入capital influx
本设备capital equipment
本资产capital assets
本赠与capital grant
本赠款capital grant
本预算investment budget
格标准eligibility criterion
源分配resources allocation
源分配resource allocation
源分配allocation of resources
源动员筹集能力resource mobilization capacity
源包resource envelope
源型管理resource-based management
源小组resource group
源平衡法resource leveling method
源拉平resource leveling
源构成resource mix
源筹措和管理战略Resources Mobilization Strategy
源筹措和管理战略Resource Mobilization and Management Strategy
源筹措和管理战略Resource Mobilization Strategy
源筹措战略Resource Mobilization and Management Strategy
源筹措战略Resources Mobilization Strategy
源筹措战略Resource Mobilization Strategy
源筹集目标resource mobilization target
源管理resources management
源组合resource mix
源范围resource envelope
源转拨resource transfer
源转拨resource shift
源需要resource requirement
金分配resource allocation
金分配resources allocation
金分配allocation of resources
金可持续性financial sustainability
金基础funding base
金展期roll-over of funds
金提存比例funded ratio
金来源多元化plurality in funding
金的分配allocation of funds
金的收讫与保管receipt and custody of funds
金证明书certification of funds
部分料的决策decision under risk
闲置idle property
call for funds
集中供central funding
集合pooled funding
集合供pooled funding
非职工non-staff resources
预拨advanced funding