
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
一半毛额工half-gross salary
一月one-month money
一级tier 1 capital (一级资本是核心资本,包括股本金及已披露准备金,是衡量银行资本充足状况的指标)
一般capital in general
丁字形产负债表skeleton-form balance sheet
上市证券投quoted securities investment
不动immovable property (real property)
不动产产信托real estate asset trust
不动产投real estate investment
不动产投信托real estate investment trust
不动产投组合real estate portfolio
不动产投计划管理real estate investment scheme management
不动产投风险real estate investment risk
不动产融real estate financing
不受保保险会计unadmitted asset
不受保之unadmitted asset
不变本与可变资本之比proportion of constant to variable capital
不可征税inadmissible assets
不可征税的inadmissible asset
不可辨认无形unidentifiable intangible asset
不完全有效率投组合inefficient portfolio
不得列计之unadmitted asset
不断增加的本流动rising flows of capital
不根据产负债表的资金供应off balance sheet financing
不能变现unrealizable assets
不能立即变现的illiquid assets
不良non-performing assets
不良bad assets
不良产比率ratio of non-performing assets
不良产证券化securitization of non-performing assets
不良产证券化non-performing assets securitization
不认其值之unadmitted asset
不那么激进的投策略less-aggressive investment focus
专业投基金specialized investment funds
专业投professional investors
专用special-purpose fund
专用基金asset of special fund
专用基金assets of special fund
专项金借贷合同contract of loans for special funds
世界金的流动性world liquidity
世界上最大的美元投world's largest dollar investor
世界开发融机构联合会World Federation of Development Financing Institutions (1979年9月在马德里成立)
世界投促进机构协会World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (总部设于瑞士日内瓦的非政府和非牟利组织)
世界最大的美元投world's largest dollar investor
业主owner's capital
业主主权本表statement of owners’equity
业主薪帐户owner's salaries account
业务金帐项business fund account
严格的本管制strict capital controls
个人本性资产personal capital asset
个人投personal investment
个人投individual investment
个人投private investor
个人投retail investor
个人投individual investor
个人投者账户individual investor account
个人融项目private financing project
《中华人民共和国中外合经营企业所得税法》Law of the People's Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures
《中华人民共和国台湾同胞投保护法》Law of the People's Republic of China on Protection of Investment by Compatriots from Taiwan
《中华人民共和国外企业法》Law of the People's Republic of China on Foreign Capital Enterprises
《中华人民共和国外银行管理条例》Regulations on the Administration of Foreign-funded Banks of the People's Republic of China
《FT 中国投参考》China Confidential
企业讯资料库enterprise information database
企业金违规流人股市irregular flow of enterprise funds into the stock market
企业的本帐户capital account of firm
企业财务数据管理处administrative agency of business financial data
伊塔乌投银行Itaúsa-Investimentos Itaú (巴西第二大私人商业银行,总部位于巴西圣保罗市,其企业规模(按占据相同权重的"销售额、利润、资产和市值"4项指标综合衡量)在2013年《福布斯》全球企业2000强榜单中名列第173位,其营业收人在2013年《财富》世界500强排行榜中名列第366位)
休眠dormant account
优先股赎回所得实收paid-in capital from redemption of preferred stock
优先股赎回所得缴人paid-in capital from redemption of preferred stock
优先股转换所得实收paid-in capital from conversion of preferred stock
优先股转换所得缴人paid-in capital from conversion of preferred stock
优化源配置optimize allocation of resources
优化投结构improve the investment structure
优化金融源和经济结构调整optimize financial resources and economic restructuring
优质quality assets
优质信贷high-quality credit assets
优质投primary investment
优质投gilt-edged investment
会计料的用途usefulness of accounting data
会计上的accounting capital
会计报表accounting information
传统本结构理论traditional theory of capital structure
传递料的清晰度clarity of communication
伦敦产权投市场London Equity Market
借人loan capital
借人capital borrowed
借人borrowed capital
借人borrowing funds
借人borrowed funds
借入borrowed capital (loan capital)
借入本一公司债loan capital-debenture
借入borrowed finds
借入流动borrowed current fund
借出外币foreign currency funds lent
借款费用本化capitalization of borrowing cost
借记"超额本"帐户charges to "capital in excess" account
借记"超额本"帐户charge to "capital in excess" account
借贷interest-bearing capital
借贷loan funds
分店永久性branch long-lived assets
分拆split capital
分拆本信托split-capital trust
分拆本投资split capital investment
分支机构长期branch long-lived assets
分散投工具diversification tool
分期付款融installment financing
分期付款销售融financing of installment sales
分期销售的金流通financing of installment sales
分期集贷款serial funding loan
分析者与投者之调查surveying analysts and investors
分段筹piggyback financing
分类classified assets
分组产负债表sectional balance sheet
分部营业departmental capital
分配投贷款allocate investment credits
列入负债put on the asset liability side
创业本库venture capital pools (是加拿大政府为了解决中小企业起步期的资金需求而设立的创业资本库 (venture capital pools),是风险资本融资的一种形式)
创业本投资成本initial capital investment
创业基金投venture capitalist
创业投venture capital investment
《创业板投者指南》GEM Investor Guide
创业融start-up financing
创设以人民币计价的投产品create investment products denominated in the Chinese currency
初始供core funding
初期金来源sources of initial fund
初期金来源source of initial fund
初编产负债表preliminary balance sheet
利息本化capitalization of interest
利息再投债券multiplier bond
利润再投ploughed back
利率敏感性interest-rate sensitive assets (指那些在市场利率发生变化时,收益率或利率能随之发生变化的资产)
利率敏感性rate sensitive fund
利用外utilized foreign investment
利用金融体系来助公共支出use the financial system to fund public expenditure
化解投者的担忧calm investor fears
北京金融产交易所Beijing Financial Assets Exchange
各种金应收税款滞纳数合并明细表combined schedule of delinquent taxes receivable by funds
各种基金投明细表combined schedule of investments by funds
企业joint-venture enterprises
企业帐户joint venture account
合同joint venture contract
证券公司securities joint ventures
银行joint venture bank
银行joint stock bank
合伙人本余额有借有贷partners personally solvent;partners with debit and credit balances
合伙人本表statement of partner’s capitals
合伙人本负担变现损失及其他合伙人借差不能补缴损失后变为借差partner with debit balance after loss realization and write-off of another partner's debit balance
合伙人贷款及本均足以或无力负担变现损失partner’s loan and capital accounts sufficient or insufficient to absorb realization losses
合并综合产负债表consolidated balance sheet
合并产负债表amalgamated balance sheet (consolidated balance sheet)
合并综合产负债表amalgamated balance sheet
合并综合产负债表aggregate balance sheet
合并产负债表-所有基金combined balance sheet-all funds
合并金来源与运用表consolidated statement of source and use of funds
合并有形产净值combined net tangible assets
合成型产证券化synthetic securitization
合格投accredited investor
合格的境内机构投qualified domestic institutional investor
合格的境内机构投者产品qualified domestic institutional investor products
合格的境内机构投者产品QDII products
合格的境内机构投者基金qualified domestic institutional investor funds
合格的境内机构投者管理公司QDII managers
合格的境内机构投者计划QDII scheme
合格的境内机构投者金砖四国基金QDII Brie fund
合格的境外机构投qualified foreign institutional investor (经过证监会的审核之后,境外机构投资者可以在外管局允许的额度内将外汇换成人民币进行境内投资)
合理的投规模reasonable scope of investments
合约性合经营contractual joint venture
合适的本价格appropriate price of capital
吊销格令disqualification order
名义immaterial assets (intangible assets)
后备contingent capital
后期mezzanine fund
后门筹backdoor financing
后门融假说back-door equity financing hypothesis
向中国输送send money into China
向企业提供工补贴或贷款wage subsidy or loan to enterprise
向国际投者出售人民币债券sell renminbi bonds to international investors
向国际金融机构注人大量give a significant capital injection to international financial institutions
向…提供融资finance up to…
向海外金开放国内资本市场open up domestic capital markets to foreign inflows
向美国经济注人新pump new money into the US economy
向金融体系注人inject money into the financial system
payroll account
在华外商投企业foreign-invested enterprises in China
在外汇储备中持有人民币hold mainland renminbi assets in its reserves
在市场上的融tapping markets
在建项目后续融follow-up financing for ongoing projects
在线投on-line investment
在线投on-line investing
在线投服务on-line investment service
在线投on-line investor
在途money in transit
在途fund in float
备抵短期投跌价损失allowance for reduction of short-term investment to market
复式帐目产负债表double account form of balance sheet
复式账户型产负债表double account-form balance sheet
企业foreign investment enterprise
并购安全审查制度security review system for mergers and acquisitions involving foreign investment
情况表statement showing status of foreign funds
流人foreign inflows
流人foreign capital inflow
的利用和管制utilization and control of foreign capital
foreign share
金融机构foreign financial institutions
银行承兑票据foreign acceptances
项目foreign-funded project
外商投foreign investment
外商投企业foreign investment enterprise
外商投企业foreign-funded enterprise
外商投企业enterprise with foreign investment
外商投企业会计accounting of enterprises with foreign investment
外商投气候foreign investment climate
外国产管理公司foreign asset managers
外国投者持股限额limit of foreign investors' holding of stocks
外国来华直接投direct investment by other countries or regions in China
外币长期股权投的折算translation of long-term equity investments in foreign currencies
外汇foreign exchange holdings
外汇产的保险总额coverage of foreign exchange assets
外汇金特别账户foreign exchange fund special account
外汇基金投有限公司Exchange Fund Investment Limited
外汇投foreign currency investments
外逃金余额refugee monetary balance
多元化投与融资需求diverse demand for investment and financing
多元化普通股diversified common stock fund
多层次本市场multilevel capital market
多层次本市场体系system of multilevel capital markets
多栏式产负债表columnarized balance sheet
多次筹piggyback financing
多种选择融安排multi-option facilities (指允许借款人从多种长短期金融工具获得资金的融资方式,其中包括银行贷款、商业票据和欧洲票据等,还有多种货币可供选择)
多边金融通机构multilateral finance agency
多边投担保机构Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (世界银行下属机构之一,成立于1988年6月,目标是鼓励在其会员国之间,尤其是向发展中国家会员国融通生产性投资,以补充世界银行、国际金融公司和其他国际开发金融机构的活动)
《多边投担保机构公约》Convention Establishing the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (该公约于1985年10月11日在世界银行年会上获得通过,根据该公约建立了多边投资担保机构 (Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency)(该机构是世界银行的附属机构,但具有独立的法人地位))
多重产账户multiple asset account
大公国际信评估有限公司Dagong Global Credit Rating Co., LTD (简称"大公",1994年经中国人民银行和国家经贸委批准成立,是中国信用评级与风险分析研究的专业机构,是面向全球的中国信用信息与决策解决方案的主要服务商)
大宗商品投组合portfolio of commodities
大幅扩容本市场expand greatly the size of capital markets
大规模本流人huge capital flows
大量本流人massive capital inflows
大量购买美元buy dollar assets in bulk
大额金转账系统wholesale funds transfer system
天使angel capital
天使投angel investment (指具有一定净财富的个人,对具有巨大发展潜力的初创企业进行早期的直接投资,属于一种自发而又分散的民间投资方式)
天使投angel investor
太平洋区本市场研究中心Pacific-Basin Capital Markets Research Center
封存固定fixed asset sealed and stored
封闭式投基金closed-end investment fund
封闭式证券投基金closed-end securities investment fund
金撤出新兴市场pull money out of emerging markets
金撤出高息发达经济体pull money out of high yielding advanced economies
尊重投者利益respect the interests of investors
小时工rate per hour
小额small capital
小额本市场small capital market
小额投small investor
币值money-value assets
市场本主义market capitalism
市场本总值collective market cap
市场本总额market capitalization
市场融market finance
市场计划融financing of the marketing program
帐外non-ledger assets
帐外assets out of book
帐外hidden asset
帐外off-the-book property
帐外unlisted asset
帐外secret assets
帐外assets out of accounts
帐户式产负债表account form of balance sheet
帐面ledger assets
带息投项目interest-bearing investment
《1970 年投公司修正案》Investment Company Amendments of 1970
《1940年投公司法案》Investment Company Act of 1940
《1940年投顾问法案》Investment Advisors Act of 1940
《开展境内个人直接投境外证券市场试点方案》Pilot Program for Direct Foreign Portfolio Investments by Domestic Individuals
开放本账户open the capital account
开放本账户liberalize the capital account
开放本账户free up the capital account
开放国内本市场liberalize domestic capital markets
开放型投公司open-end investment corporation
开放式证券投基金open-end securities investment fund
开放的本账户open capital account
开放的投open investment
开放的投环境open environments for investment
开放贸易和投open trade and investment
attract investment from overseas
引发产价格泡沫lead to asset price bubbles
弥补赤字融deficit-covering financing
成熟的融市场mature financing market
或有损赠contingent donated capital
战略投strategic investor
战略矿物源基金Strategic Mineral Resources Fund
持有holding assets
持有人民币hold renminbi assets
持有至到期投held-to-maturity investments
持续披露及料传递政策continuous disclosure and communication policy
指定的subscriber capital
按总体结构百分比编制的比较产负债表comparative common-size balance sheet
按揭mortgage assets
按揭mortgage money
按揭融mortgage financing
搁置lock up capital
明智投prudent investment
最低本要求minimum capital requirements
最佳optimum capital
最佳投组合optimal portfolio
最却投original investment
月份产负债表monthly balance sheet
月份产负债表审计monthly balance sheet audit
格上市证券qualified listed security
格开展跨境贸易结算的内地企业mainland enterprises eligible for cross-border trade settlement
有价值admitted asset
有价证券投investment in marketable securities
有价证券投组群marketable security portfolio
有保障的市场投guaranteed market investment
有否决权voting capital
有外背景企业foreign-backed enterprise
有形固定tangible plant assets
有担保的短期secured short-term financing
有担保短期融secured short-term financing
有收益active asset
有效投组合efficient portfolio
有毒toxic assets
有自主决定权的投管理操作discretionary investment management operation
有自主决定权的集体投管理discretionary management of collective investment
有选择地推动本项目改革push forward with selective capital account reforms
有酌情决定权的投discretionary investment
有问题doubtful asset
有限寿命的limited-life asset
期中产负债表interim balance sheet
期权料表option information form
期货投futures investment
期货融futures financing
未分派本收益undistributed capital gains
标准工standard labor wage rate
标准投组合风险分析standard portfolio analysis of risk
标准普尔合格境内机构投者系列指数Standard & Poor's QDII Indices
标普投政策委员会S & P Investment Policy Committee
标普推荐产配置S & P recommended asset allocation
标的underlying assets (指衍生品合约中约定的资产,可以是实物商品(如原油、小麦、铜等)、金融资产(如外汇、银行存款、股票、证券等)、利率、汇率或各种综合价格指数等)
模拟投市场simulated investment market
次标准substandard assets
次级junior capital
次级本池junior capital pool
次级再融junior refunding
次级融junior financing
次贷subprime assets
次贷投subprime investment
次贷相关subprime relation holdings
欧式产或无价值二元期权European asset-or-nothing binary option
欧式产或无价值看涨期权European asset-or-nothing call
欧式产或无价值看跌期权European asset-or-nothing put
欧洲投银行European Investment Bank (欧洲经济共同体成员国合资经营的金融机构,成立于1958年1月1日,1959年正式开业,总行设在卢森堡)
欧洲投银行Composite Investment Bank
欧洲投银行贷款European Investment Bank loan
欧洲投银行贷款Composite Investment Bank loan
民间投non-governmental investment
民间融non-governmental financing
清洁产负债表clean balance sheet (低负债资产负债表)
清算产表liquidation statement of assets
清算产负债表liquidation balance sheet
清算产负债表财产情况说明书condition of affaire (statement of affaire)
清算金短期贷款short-term loan of settlement funds
清算会员clearing membership
理财业务投运作investment operation of the wealth management business
生产或货品的producer's capital or goods
生产储备production stock fund
生产工productive wage
生利的quick capital
生息interest-bearing assets
用于担保的无形intangible assets used for guaranties
用预算外源办理的financed from extra-budgetary sources
真实real assets
税屏投tax-sheltered investment
紧缩性融政策tight financing policy
缓冲buffers of capital
缓冲储存物预付资金prefinancing of buffer stock
缓解中小企业融难等问题alleviate the financing problems of SMEs
缩减本损失loss from capital reduction
耗减wasting asset
耗竭wasting asset
营业trading assets
营业business assets
营业产周转率operating asset turnover
营业产负债表平衡表administrative balance sheet
营运working balance
营运working capital fund
营运本变动表statement of working capital change
营运本周转数working capital turnover
营运本来源及用途表statement of sources and use of working capital
营运本流转表statement of working capital flow
营运金准备working capital reserve
营运金周转率working capital turnover (指年销货净额与营运资金之比,反映营运资金在一年内的周转次数)
营运金循环working capital cycle
营运金承兑汇票working capital acceptance
营运金来源及使用表statement of sources and uses of working capital
营运金概念working capital concept
营运金短缺数working capital deficit
营运金管理working capital management
营运金表working capital statement
营运金贷款working capital loan
谨慎人投prudent man investing
negative equity
minus asset
产帐户科目negative assets account
亏损negative capital
本净值negative net worth
负债本率net worth to debts ratio
负债本项目liabilities and capital item
负债与产比率debt-to-assets ratio
负债与本净值liabilities and net worth
负债和净liabilities and net assets
负债和净产总计total amount of liabilities and net assets
负债对产总额比率liabilities to total assets ratio
负债对产比率debt-to-asset ratio
负债对产比率liabilities to assets ratio
负债对产比率debt-asset ratio
负债对本净值比率liabilities to net-worth ratio
负债对主权本比率负债总额:主权资本debt-to-equity ratio
负债对总产比率debt-to-total assets ratio
负债抵押asset pledged as security for liabilities
负投决定disinvestment decisions
负纯投negative net investment
市场公会Treasury Markets Association
财力和人力financial and manpower resources
财务产的组合portfolio of financial assets
财务financial information
财务本保全概念concept of financial capital maintenance
财务和计划料网financial and programme information network
财务计划实施后的产负债表balance sheet giving effect to proposed financing
财政financial capital
财政源的转移financial resources transfer
财政源规则financial resources rules
财政源规定financial resources requirements
财政源预算financial resources budget
财政金流量flow of financial resources
财政投financial investment
财政部国际本系统Treasury International capital system
财政部投与贷款Treasury investment and loan
财政部投及贷款计划Treasury investment and loan program
财源负担总表资力负担汇总表;预算帐用产负债总表summary statement of resources and obligations
账外out-of-book asset
账外asset out of book
账外asset out of account
账户式产负债表account form balance sheet
账面价值超过投成本额excess of book-value over investment cost
货币dollar assets
货币产负债表money balance sheet
货币money fund
货币工money wage rate
货币市场money market assets
货币性monetary assets
货币性产以外的资产assets other than monetary assets
货币性营运金调整monetary working capital adjustment
货币营运本净额net monetary working capital
货币融monetary financing
质押产对长期债务比率ratio of pledged assets to long-term debts
退休金金缺口pension shortfall
退出投策略exit strategy
逐步实现人民币本项目可兑换gradually achieve the RMB's convertibility under capital accounts
逐步放开本管制gradual dismantling of capital controls
递减wasting asset
递延递延借项,预付费用deferred debits
递延递延借项,预付费用deferred expenses
递延递延借项,预付费用deferred assets
递延递延借项,预付费用prepaid expenses
递延递延借项,预付费用deferred charges
递延产审计audit of deferred assets
递延产帐户deferred assets accounts
递延产账户deferred asset account
递延所得税deferred-income tax asset
递延投损失deferred loss on investment
递延投损益deferred-investment gain and loss
递延投贷项deferred-investment credit
递耗wasting assets
递耗decaying assets
通用产负债表balance sheet for all purposes (all-purpose balance sheet)
通用产负债表all-purpose balance sheet
通胀和产价格上行压力upwards pressure on inflation and asset prices
通融finance capital
通货膨胀与本预算inflation and capital budgeting
速动流动资产减存货后,现钱quick asset
速动产净额变动表schedule of changes in net quick assets
速动现金产净额流量表statement of net quick asset flows
速动产对流动负债比率ratio of quick asset to current liabilities
速动liquid capital
造成新兴市场产的膨胀inflate emerging market assets
销售sales financing
销售与固定产的比率sales to fixed assets ratio
销售筹sales financing
锚定投anchor investor
鼓励外商投企业参与技术研发encourage foreign investment enterprises to participate in R&D
鼓励扩大民间投encourage greater non-government investment
鼓励投机性投encourage speculative investments
鼓励私人本流动encourage private capital flows
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