
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
一大批技术a large collection of technical data
企业three foreign-founded enterprises (包括外资独资企业 (enterprises of sole foreign capital) 、合资企业 (joint ventures)、合作经营企业 (cooperative operation enterprises))
不受保nonadmitted assets
不受欢迎的本流入undesired capital inflow
不变constant capital (与可变资本 (variable capital) 相对)
不可税inadmissible asset
不合并计算投unconsolidated investment
不同阶段的投费用与生产成本估算精确度不同:机会研究阶段为±30%,初步可行性研究阶段为 ±20%,可行性研究阶段为±10%at prefeasibility study, ± 20%, at feasibility study, ±10%
不同阶段的投费用与生产成本估算精确度不同:机会研究阶段为±30%,初步可行性研究阶段为 ±20%,可行性研究阶段为±10%The accuracy of estimates of investment and production costs varies greatly at different stages: at the opportunity study, it is ± 30%
不流通immovable capital
与贸易有关的投措施缩写为TRIMStrade-related investment measures
与银行商定向出口人提供arrange with a bank to provide finance for the exporter
专家的expert's credentials
专有special capital
专有技术作价折为投capitalization of knowhow
专用金拨款appropriation for special fund
专门specific capital
业主owner capital
业主自有owner's equity
两者为多数本主义国家所使用system of balances of the national economy
个人日工individual per diem rate
个人独企业single proprietorship
个人独企业individual proprietorship
个人独企业sole proprietorship
个人计件工individual piece rate wage
中华人民共和国中外合经营企业法Law of the Peopled Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Joint Ventures (1979)
中国外国投管理委员会Commission to Regulate Foreign Investment
中国工商信托投公司China Industry and Commerce Trust and Investment Corporation
中外合经营企业劳动管理规定Regulations on Labour Management in Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment
中外合经营企业登记管理法Regulations on the Registration of Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment
中外契约式合经营企业Chinese-foreign contractual joint ventures
中外股权式合经营企业Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures
中期融通medium-term financing
为实现各种计划向大金融家集gather capital from great financiers for various schemes
企业产评估property estimation of enterprise
企业固定fixed capital of enterprise
企业自留funds retained by enterprise
优厚工liberal wages
优惠出口融preferential export financing
估价assess assets
估定appraised assets
估计本流量imputed capital flow
住宅建设投investment in housing
与总资本比率gearing ratio
借债筹debt financing (包括:短期贷款 (short-term loan)、公司债券 (corporate bond) 等)
借入debt capital (包括:公司债券 (debenture)、短期贷款 (short-term loan) 等)
借入loaned funds
借入borrowed funds
债券debenture capital (属借贷资本 (loan capital))
债权投creditor's investment
充分利用capitalize on assets
充足abundance of capital
全部能力生产时期的流动working capital at full capacity
分散的dispersed funds
分期付款金融通installment financing
分类group data
分红工wage dividend
初期产价值initial assets value
初期本投资initial capital investment
初期固定投initial fixed investment
初期投支岀总额total initial investment outlay (指 total initial investment costs (项目)初期投资费用总额,包括:期初固定投资 (initial fixed investment)、生产前资本支出 (pre-production capital expenditures)、经营基金 (operating fund))
初步preliminary data
利润本化值capitalized profit
剩余residual property
剩余remaining capital
包裹邮charge for parcel post
半数以上的外majority foreign participation
半数以下外minority foreign participation
单位产品投费用volume of investment costs per unit of production
单位投成本specific investment cost
各种miscellaneous capital
各种投miscellaneous investments
经营equity joint venture
经营企业中止termination of the joint venture
中外经营企业的规章条例regulation for joint venture
合伙人本表statement of partner's capitals
合同融contract financing
合并产负债表amalgamated balance sheet (包括母公司 (parent company) 或控股公司 (holding company) 与其子公司 (subsidiary) 合并总额)
名义authorized capital
名义工nominal wage (指货币工资 (money wage))
周转本和准备金working capital and reserve
土地购置及厂址准备投成本investment cost for land and site preparation
土木工程data on civil engineering
土木工程投费用investment cost for civil engineering works
在一企业中大量投invest much capital in an enterprise
在缺少技术料的情况下in the absence of technical data
备用contingent assets
复式本结构complex capital structure
偿还期限term of foreign capital repayment
利用与管制utilization and control of foreign capital
引进introducing of foreign capital
外国投人可调回他们的投资及其资本收益The foreign investors are allowed to repatriate their own invested capital and any capital gain
外国投foreign investment laws
外来outside funds
外汇周转foreign exchange operation fund
外用投净额net foreign investment
外部external finance
外部金供应outside finance
外部金提供outside financing
多种投diversified investments
多重组合融multiple component facility
大量投于一个企业invest heavily in an enterprise
奖励工incentive wage (主要采计件工资制 (piece rate system), 产量奖金制 (production bonus system))
奖励工wage incentive (主要采计件工资制 (piece rate system), 产量奖金制 (production bonus system))
奖励工premium pay
奖励工incentive pay (包括:计件工资制 (piece rate system)、产量奖金制 (production bonus system))
奖金工wage bonus
银行存款金不足no sufficient funds
存款与本比率deposit ratio
将一次性付清的技术费或工艺费作为本处理capitalize the lump-sum payment or cost of technology
将公司预备基金移作capitalize the company's reserve funds
小时工hour wage
小时工收入hourly earning
小时工hourly wage rate
美国小额shoe string
开业投the amount of one's investment on commencing business
开发国家自然develop the natural resources of a country
开发海洋石油exploit offshore oil resources
开发自然tap natural resources
引进外introduction of foreign investment
引进外introduction foreign capital
弹性工flexible wage system
当货运单据转让给最终买主,他就取得提单收货人的When the shipping documents are transferred to the final buyer, he acquires the status of a consignee of the bill of lading
产周转率total asset turnover
产负债表aggregate balance sheet
本化比率total capitalization ratio
本周转额total capital turnover
总投aggregate investment
总投rate of total investment
总投盈利率profitability of the total investment
总投total investment costs
总营业产周转额turnover of total operating assets
总计1,000,000英镑an aggregate capital of £ stg. 1,000,000
成套包建投turnkey investment
我们的金仅限于技术引进We limit our expenditures to the technology acquisition
我把钱投于公司债券My money is invested in debentures
所使用的物material used
所需投现值present value of the investment required
所需投现值present value of investment required
扣押garnished assets
扩展中的投expanding investment
扩展投expansion investment
指流动current assets 与流动负债current liabilities 之比current ratio
本比率分配division in capital ratio
金分配distribution according to funds
捐赠性donative money
捐赠的donated money
损耗depletion for wasting assets
换汇与投swap and investment
收回投redeem a capital invested
政府对领海源的管辖权the government's claim of dominion over the resources of the marginal sea
最低认缴minimum subscription
最低预期本回收率cutoff discount rate
最佳源配置optimal resource allocation
格当公共鉴定人be qualified as a public surveyor
有些国家的石油源正在迅速消耗The oil resources in some countries are rapidly wasting
有价证券投记录entry of portfolio investment
有保证的guaranteed capital
有关竞争的第一手first-hand intelligence data on the operation of the competition
有劳纠纷公司的托运货物hot cargo
有形physical assets (与无形资产 (in tangible assets) 相对)
有形tangible assets (与无形资产 (in tangible assets) 相对)
有形产价值value of tangible assets
有形产存量stock of tangible assets
有形产明细表schedule of tangible assets
有形产统计statistics of tangible assets
有用物useful material
未偿还outstanding capital
未限定undefined asset
本地indigenous capital
杂项投miscellaneous investments
标准投回收年限standard recouping year of investment
标准投回收年限standard recovery period of investment
核定本值capitalized cost
核定本总额capitalized total cost
核定投总额capitalized cost
核定投项目check investment item
根据本额而非根据收入而课的资本税capital levy
横向拆供horizontal call loan
信件postage due
邮票postage-due stamp
欧洲投者联合会European Investment Casters Federation
欧洲投银行European Investments Bank
正当投defensible investment
永久permanent asset (指资本资产 (capital asset),固定资产 (fixed asset))
活动working capital
活动floating capital
活动circulating capital
活动active capital
流动working assets (包括:现金 (cash)、存货 (inventory)、 有价证券 (marketable securities)、 预付款 (prepayment)、应收账款 (receivables))
流动liquid assets (包括现金 (cash)、有价证券 (marketable securities))
流动floating assets (与固定资产 (fixed assets) 相对)
流动circulating assets (包括:现金 (cash)、存货 (inventory)、 有价证券 (marketable securities)、 预付款 (prepayment)、应收账款 (receivables))
流动current assets (与固定资产 (fixed assets) 相对)
流动产与流动负债的需要额requirements of current assets and liabilities
流动产净值net working assets
流动产周转movement of current assets
流动产周转额turnover of current assets
流动周转working capital
流动本净额net current assets
流动本净额net working capital
流动本准备working capital reserve
流动本周转turnover of working capital
流动本总定额total quota of current capital
流动本需要量working capital requirements
流动call money on call
流动funds in circulation
流动金余额liquid balance
流动金净额net liquidity balance
流动金利用率utilization rate of current fund
流动金占用系数use coefficient of circulating funds
流动金占用费fee for the use of current fund
流动金周转期turnover period for circulating funds
流动金周转额turnover of current fund (率)
流动金来源source of current fund
流动金管理体制system of management of circulating funds
流动金紧缺be pressed for liquid funds
流动金耗尽depletion of working capital
流通金来源与用途表statement of sources and use of working capital
流通实物circulating real capital
清查make a checkup of assets
分类账stores ledger
分类账store ledger
利用materials utilization
周转率turnover rate of material
库存总额total materials inventory
流转flow of materials
消耗materials consumption
消耗效果核算calculation of the effect of materials consumed
生产领域sphere of material production
用途use of material
的使用运用use of material
管理material control
管理materials management
调度materials dispatch
调拨materials transfer
调配distribution of material
瑞典投银行Sverige Investerings bank
甘特奖励工Gantt premium system (根据动作研究 (motion study) 与时间研究 (time study) 而确定一定作业标准,达到或超过标准者受到奖励)
生产料产品capital goods products
生产料消耗consumption of the means of production
生产production fund
生产固定fixed assets for production
生产性productive capital
原料,工具等生产物producer's goods
原料,工具等生产物producer goods
生活means. of subsistence
由于公司最近对其他行业的分散投Earnings were not affected by the decline because of the firm's recent diversification into other lines
研究与发展投research and development investment
破产bankrupt assets
社会social capital (指社会公用资本(social overhead capital))
社会公用social overhead capital
社会化socialized capital
社会化投网络socialized network of investment
社会统计social statistical data
美国穆迪投公司Moody's Investors Services, Inc.
第二手secondary source data
第二手secondary data (与第一手资料 (primary data) 相对)
累进工progressive wage
缓冲库存金供应办法buffer stock financing
罗文奖励工Rowan premium system (与哈尔西奖励工资制 (Halsey premium system) 相似)
耗减wasting assets
职工工labour and staff costs
职能functioning capital
职能functional capital
职能与function and qualification
联合筹Club for the purpose of raising funds
美国联邦金票据Fed fund bill
营业fonds de commerce
营业中的企业产价值going-concern value
补偿进口技术使用金额offset the amount used for imported technology
补充supplement data
补充supplemental resources
补发工retroactive pay
补差工makeup pay
调换金融通swap financing
调整本流动accommodating capital movement
调查测量survey data
财务financial resources (包括:银行信贷 (banker's credit)、流动资产 (current asset)、自有资本 (equity capital)、政府补助金 (government financial grant)、公开认股 (public subscription)、卖方信贷(supplier's credit) 等)
财政投与借款计划treasury investment and loan program
货币工wage in money
货币工money wages
质量管理quality control data
贸易物trading commodities
产与负债对冲offsetting assets and liabilities
产交易asset transaction
产价值重估revaluation of assets
产优选理论theory of assets preference
产使用年限分布age distribution of assets
产冻结freeze of assets
产净值net assets (亦用 net assets value, net assets worth)
产减少decrease of funds
产刚性rigidity of assets
产变动分析analysis of asset changes
产处理assets disposal
产总额周转率total asset turnover
产总额收益率all capital earnings rate (企业税后净利与资产总额比率)
产抵消项目offsets against assets
产持有费carrying charges
产持有费用资产不生产时业主负担的费用carrying charge
产损益表statement of business operation
产损益表statement of assets losses and gains
产更新率ratio of replacement
产流失losses of assets
产清单inventory of assets
产的陈旧报废obsolescence of assets
产盘盈assets inventory surplus (与资产盘亏(assets inventory shortage) 相对)
产耗尽depletion of assets
产记账现值entry value
产评估appraisal of assets
产评估中的意外损失assessment contingency
产负债表分析balance sheet analysis (运用流动比率 (current ratio) ,速动比率(quick ratio) 等分析财政状况)
产负债表外融资off-sheet finance (指企业生产设备长期作业性租赁)
产购置手续费用acquisition commission
产重新安置费用rearrangement cost
信情况credit status
信情况credit standing
信程度degree of credit
信评级机构rating organization
信调查中涉及的信誉、能力及资金character, capacity and capital in credit rating
grant financing
亦缩为 IFMN, INFN, INFOinformation
数据来源source of data
料分析information analysis
料统计整理statistical processing of data
料评价data evaluation
料货物material goods
料费用data expenses
方代理an agent of a capitalist
本与负债比率gearing rate
本主义国家capitalist nations
本主义工业化capitalist industrialization
本主义时期capitalist period
本亏损capital loss
本亏空capital deficit
本亏空capital deficiency
本产值比率capital output ratio (即指资本与总产值之比)
本产值比率capital coefficient (即指资本与总产值之比)
本-产岀增长比率incremental capital output ratio
本估值capital rating
本借款capital loan
本公司société de capitaux (出资人仅负有限责任)
本利润税capital gains tax
本剩余capital surplus
本化以外ex capitalization
本化比率capitalization rate
本化股票发行capitalization issue
本原始积累primitive accumulation of capital
本周转期period of capital circulation
本周转迅速The capital circulates briskly
本增加increase in capital
本外流Capital flows out of the country
本存量stock of capital (缩为 CS)
本密集型技术capital-intensive technique
本密集度较低工艺less capital-intensive technique
本岀口export of capital
本性租赁financing lease
本性租赁capital lease
本成本principal cost
本成本capital cost (股份公司每年为公司债券,优先股及普通股所支付的股息与利息等)
本投入统计statistics on capital input
本投资capital outlay
本投资效率efficiency of capital investment
本提供provision of capital
本搭配率gearing rate
本收支账户receipt and expenditure on capital account
本构成率capitalization ratio
本比率capital rate
本水平level of capital
本消耗折旧capital consumption
本用途运用use of capital
本的使用者成本user cost of capital
本的减损impair ment of capital
本的原始积累primitive accumulation of capital
本盈余capital surplus (指溢收资本 (capital contributed in excess of par value))
本破坏性流动disruptive movement of capital
本破坏性流动disruptive flow of capital
本移动movement of capital
本移动capital movement (包括本国对外投资与贷款、外国对本国投资与贷款、短期资本的出入等)
本结余计算书statement of capital surplus
本结构financial structure (包括股本,长期贷款、短期贷款、债券等所占比例)
本结构capital structure (包括股本,长期贷款、短期贷款、债券等所占比例)
本节制regulation of capital
本调回repatriation of capital
本货物产品capital goods products (指厂房、机械设备及运输工具等固定资产 (fixed assets) 或生产物资 (producer goods))
本货物总量quantum of capital goods
本资产增值盈余surplus of appreciation of capital assets
本资产损失loss on capital assets
本转让税capital transfer tax
本迁移migration of capital
本过剩capital surplus
本限额capital allowances
本预算capital expenditure budget
源估价resources appraisal
源使用resources utilization
源分析resources analysis
源利用水平level of resources utilization
源组合assembling resources
源耗尽depletion of resources
源配置deployment of resources
源雄厚的企业enterprise with substantial resources
源预测resources forecasting
生堂公司Shiseido Co., Ltd. (1927)
工作,作用荷载working load
金亏损funded deficit
金使用运用use of funds
金冻结fund tie-up
金分散使用decentralised use of fund
金划拨银行giro bank
金利用utilization of fund
金占用效果核算calculation of the effect of funds used
金占用率rate of capital employed
金占用系数coefficient of application funds
金占用费fee on use of funds
金合并投资fund pool
金周转turnover of capital
金周转与循环turnover and circulation of funds
金周转率rate of capital turnover
金外流outflow of funds
金存额amount of funds on deposit
金存额amount of funds deposited
金已被许多业务占用The funds have been tied up in numerous commitments
金平衡表statement of fund balance
金平衡预测表statement of fund balance forecast
金应用application of funds
金或数量不足not enough
金承诺额commit merit of funds
金挪用diversion of fund
金搭配率gearing ratio of funds
金来源与运用表source and disposition statement
金来源与运用表statement of sources and application of funds (指资金表 (funds statement))
金来源与运用表source and uses statement
金来源运用表sources and uses statement (指资金表 (funds statement)、财务状况变动表 (statement of changes in financial position))
金汇划转账制giro system
金流转时间与金额time and amount of the flow of funds
金状况cash status
金状况cash position
金现时成本current cost of funds
金用途use of funds
金盈余fund surplus
金短缺scarcity of funds
金筹措手段means of finance
金筹措来源sources of financing
金筹措计划financing plan
金筹集手段financing means
金筹集方式financing pattern
金筹集方法financing method
金缺口的弥补coverage of resource gaps
金缺口程度extent of the resource gap (项目建设)
金融通funds accommodation
金融通finance accommodation
金补助financial grant
金计划incentive plan
金运用表statement of funds and application
金运用表statement of funds
金运行fund operation
金运行funding operation
金运转机制fund operation mechanism
金限制resource constraints
金限制financial constraints
金雄厚have a large capital
金雄厚的公司a company with large finances
金需求financing requirement
金需求resources requirement
金需求financing demand
金需求量financial requirement (兴建企业)
金需要量financial requirements
金需要量requirements of financing
递增increasing capital
递增incremental capital
递增的increasing capital
递延defer red assets
通知即缴callable capital
通融金背书人endorsor for accommodation
速动quick assets (包括:应收账款 (accounts receivable) 、现金 (cash)、有价证券 (marketable securities), 比较 current assets 流动资产,包括:应收账款 (accounts receivable)、现金(cash)、 存货 (goods in stock)、有价证券 (marketable securities), 流动性资产(liquid assets),包括:现金 (cash)、有价证券 (marketable securities))
附加工supplementary wages
附加工supplemental wages
附随collateral data
陈旧obsolescent assets
限定用途restricted cash
非买卖non-trading assets (指固定资产 (fixed assets))
非优先投部门non-priority sectors of investment
非实物non-physical assets (指资本化生产前支岀 (capitalized preproduction expenditure))
非流动illiquid assets (与流动资产 (liquid assets) 相对)
非物质intangible assets (包括:版权 (copyright)、商誉(goodwill)、专利 (patent)、商标 (trade mark))
非物质immaterial assets (包括:版权 (copyright)、商誉(goodwill)、专利 (patent)、商标 (trade mark))
非生产性non-productive assets
非货币产与负债non-monetary assets and liabilities
非限定undefined asset
面向源的工业resource-oriented industry
鼓励投investment incentive law
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