
Terms containing 资本货物 | all forms | in specified order only
textile专用资本货物specialized capital goods
interntl.trade.资本货物quasi-capital goods
busin.资本货物quasicapital goods
econ.资本货物the semi-capital goods
econ.资本货物semi-capital goods
proj.manag.在第二次世界大战之前、 英国曾经是世界上重型资本货物的主要出口国Britain was one of the world's leading exporters of heavy capital goods until the Second World War
econ.大型资本货物heavy capital goods
commer.实物资本货物physical capital goods
busin.工业资本货物industrial capital goods
tech.日本航空货物通关资料处理制度Nippon Air Cargo Clearance System
textile流动资本货物circulating capital goods
commer.现存资本货物existing capital goods
tech.资本密集货物capital intensive goods
econ.资本性货物的购置capitalized purchases
econ.资本货物capital goods
econ.资本货物生产资料capital goods
econ.资本货物producer's goods
busin.资本货物即生产者货物,指厂房、机器、车辆等capital goods
commer.资本货物产品capital goods products (指厂房、机械设备及运输工具等固定资产 (fixed assets) 或生产物资 (producer goods))
busin.资本货物使用年限构成age composition of capital goods
econ.资本货物包括制造其他商品所用的机器、建筑物和原料Capital goods consist of machinery, buildings and raw materials used to make other goods
busin.资本货物存量stock of capital goods
commer.资本货物总量quantum of capital goods
busin.资本货物报酬计算calculation of return on capital goods
econ.资本货物的使用services of capital goods
met.资本货物部门capital goods industries
tech.资本货物需求demand for capital goods
busin.资本货物需求变动change in demand of capital goods
busin.重型资本货物heavy capital goods
econ.长期资本货物long-lasting capital goods
IMF.资本货物noncapital goods