
Terms for subject Economy containing 费用账 | all forms | in specified order only
修缮费用账improvement account
制造费用账factory overhead account
制造费用分类账manufacturing ledger
制造费用效率差异账户factory expense efficiency variation account
制造费用预算差异账户factory expense budget variation account
外出査账费用public accounting fee
实际费用账cost incurred account
工业制造费用总账abstract ledger
已分配制造费用日记账manufacturing overhead applied journal
已分配的间接制造费用账manufacturing overhead applied account
总店账上的分店费用branch expense on home office books
按性质分类费用账natural expense account
收账费用collection expense
查账费用audit expense
给你们增添的任何费用均请记入他方账户的借方,并请将货物代为保管,听候他们处理Please debit them with any expenses you may have incurred and hold the goods at their disposal
请把他们新增添的任何费用记入我的账户借方Please debit me with any expenses they may have incurred
费用抵消账户expense contra account
费用校对账户expense adjust account
费用账簿expense book
递延费用账deferred charge account
部门费用差异账departmental expense variance account
间接控制制造费用账manufacturing overhead control account
非营业营业外收益及费用账non-operating income and expenses account