
Terms containing 贸易 方 式 | all forms | in specified order only
busin.传统贸易方式orthodox form of trade
busin.国际贸易方式international trade form
commer.国际商品贸易方式international trade patterns
commer.国际商品贸易方式international patterns of trade
commer.国际商品贸易方式international commercial trade patterns
oil国际石油贸易方式international oil trade mode
textile国际贸易支付方式international trade payment form
busin.寄售方式对外贸易foreign trade on a consignment basis
commer.技术贸易支付方式forms of payment for technology (包括:先付一笔款项后再按期提成 (a combination of lumpsum fee and running royalties), ― 次总算 (lump-sum fee),技术服务费 (payment for technical services), 按期提成 (running royalties))
tech.技术贸易支付方式payment of technology transfer
textile贸易方式分类classification by the form of trading
textile按业务形式分的类,按贸易方式分的类classified by forms of business
busin.贸易方式type of trade
econ.贸易方式methods of conducting trade
textile贸易方式manner of trade
textile贸易方式trade form
interntl.trade.贸易方式method of conducting trade
tech.贸易方式trade method
tech.贸易方式type of trading
tech.贸易方式mode of trade