
Terms for subject Corporate governance containing | all forms
两种币分算制split currency-based scheme
两种币分算法split currency-based scheme
期优先原则due date priority
期限lead time
以当地币支付的待遇local-currency entitlement
以硬通支付薪金的任职地点hard currency duty stations
水平费用曲线service level cost curve
具有完善信息的存量期望值expected value of acting with perfect information
再订reorder level
可变订量系统variable order-quantity system
启运机场交free on air
固定订量系统fixed-order-quantity system
基于币篮子的安排currency basket-based scheme
外汇期合同forward exchange contract
之建立与控制establishment and control of inventories
延期交back order
报价通quoted currency
报告reporting currency
合同forward contract
期望币表expected monetary table
未交清定back order
公司tally company
职工币差异currency variance on staff cost
职工币差异staff currency variance
职工费用的币差异currency variance on staff cost
职工费用的币差异staff currency variance
螺旋式通膨胀inflationary spiral
时价格price at the time of order
记帐presentation currency
记帐reporting currency
品职员merchandize employee
币不可兑换性保险inconvertibility of currency coverage
币保护currency protection
币兑换交易currency exchange transaction
币兑换率波动currency exchange rate fluctuation
币换算currency translation
市期望值expected monetary value
物审核清单缩写为GRLgoods review list
运单shipping order
购买国buy national
周期receipt period
receipt rate
退运费freight charge for returned goods
膨胀因素inflationary factor
预约自动物保险单托运人一般在年初支付预约保险费, 然后在保单有效期结束时与保险公司进行结算open cargo policy