
Terms for subject Project management containing | all forms
上述承运人应当对旅客、托运人或者收人承担连带责任These carriers shall be jointly and severally liable to the passenger or to the shipper or consignee
不可自由兑换的irredeemable currency
不清洁提unclean B/L
世界universal currency (money)
业主供范围scope of supply by owner
为通膨胀而预留的款项allowance for inflation
二手second hand goods
delivery of cargo (goods)
delivered price
价格指包括包装和运输费用在内的货价delivered price
搬运free carrier
条件delivery of terms
运至买方指定地点的条件delivered terms
清单delivery order
通知delivery advice
产地交价格loco price
产地交loco invoice
仓库交ex store
他说他的职责是"牢牢地控制通膨胀、以避免更多的波动He said that it was his duty to "solidly anchor inflation expectations to avoid additional volatility
通知书delivery note
币值表示的期限monetary term
价格交条件price delivered term
任选卸optional port of discharge
但依赖单一国家币的全球货币体系是有问题的、对于发行者和使用者而言都是如此But a global monetary system that rests on the currency of a single country is problematic, for both issuer and users
与安装furnishing and erecting
厂商先期确认图advanced certified vendors' drawings
厂商先期确认图纸preliminary vendor drawings (PD)
厂商最终确认图certified vendor drawings (CD)
厂商最终确认图certified final drawings (CF)
厂商终期确认图advanced certified final drawings
商名单vendor list
担保supply bond
供选择的alternative goods
保付款代理人del credere agent
偷窃提不着险theft, pilferage and non-delivery
催促交expedite deliveries
免税duty-free goods
免税进口报关单entry for free goods
免费送到目的地交delivered free to destination
内部产生的通膨胀domestically generated inflation
几天后我们将会寄给你方我们的售清单以及银行汇票We will send you our account sales together with the banker s draft in a few days
出口value of export
出口export value
出港物结关port clearance
分批交delivery in instalment
质量arrival quality
到岸价格加卸cost, insurance, freight, landed
到岸轮船舱底交cost, insurance, freight, ex-ship's hold
到达地完好sound arriving value
北京将回归一天内基于市场情绪小范围汇率升降的币政策Beijing -will return to a narrow band of appreciation or depreciation a day depending on market sentiment
伦敦保险协会物保险条款Institute Cargo Clauses C (C, 平安险)
伦敦保险协会物保险条款Institute Cargo Clauses B (B, 水渍险)
伦敦保险协会物保险条款Institute Cargo Clauses A (A, 一切险)
伦敦保险协会物条款Institute Cargo Clauses
单日掉期外汇期one day rolling currency futures
单日掉期外汇期合约one day rolling currency futures contract
卡车交free on truck
即时银交收real-time delivery versus payment
discharge of cargo (goods)
价格landed price
记录landing account
证书landing certification
landing charge
通知单landing order
压仓ballast cargo
及时交timely delivery
反通膨胀措施anti-inflation measure
反通膨胀政策counter-inflationary policy
反通膨胀立场anti-inflationary stance
bill of sale
bill of parcels
port of discharge
可替换的alternative goods
合同物验收证书acceptance certificate of the contract goods
合同规定的currency of contract
合格的物与服务eligible goods and servers
启运地机场交FOB airport
商品存trading stock
商品期合约commodity futures contract
国内币供应domestic money supply
国内通膨胀率domestic inflation rate
国际贸易international trading currency
在第二次世界大战之前、 英国曾经是世界上重型资本物的主要出口国Britain was one of the world's leading exporters of heavy capital goods until the Second World War
地区存territory inventory
备抵销折扣allowance for sales discount
复合币单位basket unit
外币现净额net spot foreign currency position
外汇期forex futures
外汇期currency futures
外汇期合约currency futures contract
多兀币买卖multicurrency trading
多种币单位basket unit
大豆期soybean futures
允许限度inventory allowance
基金账stock fund account
总账stock control account
数据inventory data
盘点表inventory sheet
调整stock adjustment
安全存buffer stock
完税后交delivered... duty paid
完税后交delivery duty paid
完税后交delivered duty paid
时付款cash with order
定值偏低的undervalued currency
physical commodity
实际购订单价格actual purchase order price
代而言、 这是否更难保障对客户的服务承诺?Does this make it more difficult for forwarders to meet service guarantees to customers?
对外贸易中的款支付是非常复杂的Payment in foreign trade is often complicated
对…货物行禁运put an embargo on
将来交forward delivery
工厂交ex-factory price
工厂交price of ex factory
已到岸提的提单accomplished bill of lading
已完税duty-paid goods
干预市场intervention currency
年通膨胀率annual inflation rate
广义币供应broad definition of money supply
应纳税taxable goods
延交定back order
延迟交late delivery
开口订open-end orders
当一家亚洲央行用当地币买进美元时、净结果就是国内货币供应量上升When an Asian central bank buys dollars in exchange for local currency, the net result is an addition to the domestic money supply
恶性循环的通膨胀inflationary spiral
成本、保险费、运费加卸cost, insurance, freight, landed
成本、保险费、运费加吊钩下交cost, insurance, freight under ship's tackle
成本、保险费、运费加船舱底交cost, insurance, freight, ex-ship's hold
成本推动的通膨胀cost-push inflation
我们使用自定义的软件系统、可以追踪每一个方面的设计和制造过程、以保证模具的交时间We use a custom software system that tracks every aspect of the design and build process to guarantee the delivery time of the moulds
我这是来给你送复印机运单I've brought you the delivery note for the duplicator
所有不能从固定费用中收回的成本应由你方以现加以补偿All the costs not recoverable under the fixed fee shall be reimbursed by you at actuals
批准的供商名单approved vendors list
承包商供范围scope of supply by contractor
承诺的交日期promised delivery date
投标价格是指应按一定比例以不同币向投标者支付的款额The tender price is the sum of all payments stated or expressed as a percentage in various currencies required to be made to the tenderer
指数的currency of index
按人口平均计算的币收人money income per capita
delivery of cargo (goods)
不着通知单notice of non-delivery
与否均需付款协议take-or-pay agreement
即付款协议take-and-pay agreement
撤销订recall an order
take over
无存采购计划stockless purchase arrangement
贸易counter trade
最迟交last delivery
11月23日、俄罗斯央行宣布10月份已购买 15.6吨黄金用以增加本国的币性资产On No 23, Russia's central bank announced that it had bought 15.6 metric tons of gold in October to add to its monetary assets
有存keep in stock
有限量法定币纸币limited legal tender currency note
交易futures dealings
交易forward dealings
介绍经纪futures introducing broker
future price
futures price
合约市值futures contract value
合约期权option on a futures contract
外汇汇率forward exchange rate
期权option on a futures contract
组合portfolio of commodities
经纪futures broker
未交定outstanding order
未发订单unfilled order
未完税后交delivered duty unpaid
未能交failure to deliver
本地币供应量domestic money supply
核准approved currency
汇率浮动的floating currency
法定币使用限额limit of legal tender
海外币存款市场offshore currency deposit market
海洋运输物保险ocean marine cargo transportation insurance
海运提ocean bill of lading
淡仓期合约short futures contract
清洁提clean bill of lading
火车交free on rail
然而、在这同一时期流通币只是增长7%However, currency in circulation is up only 7% in that same time period
爬行式通膨胀creeping inflation
狭义币供应narrow definition of money
业务spot transaction
spot rate
actual price
即期价格spot price
合约spot contract
月份spot month
月份交易spot month trading
用本国币支付的费用expensive in local currency
用本国币支付的费用expenses in local currency
由于不可抗力事故而不能交或延期付款、 卖方不负责任The seller shall not be liable for failure or delay in delivery of goods in consequence of any force majeure incidents
甲板提on deck B/L
电子electronic money (e-money)
电子e-cash (e-money)
留用进口retained import
目的地交price of delivery to destination
目的港岸上交条件landed terms
目的港码头交ex-quay EXQ
目的港码头交delivery EX quay
直接定direct contract
相对其他币升值appreciation against other currencies
看样交sale by sample
目的港码头交ex quay
目的港码头交关税已付delivered ex quay duty paid DEQ
稀有 通scarce currency
第三国the third-country currency
等值money equivalent
等值币价值money's worth
美联储不应当为了刺激累计总需求而做出会导致未来通膨胀的承诺The Federal Reserve should not make a credible commitment to future inflation as a means of stimulating aggregate demand
联邦百商店Federal Department Stores
股市指数期stock index futures
股市指数期市场stock index futures market
自动售vending sales
自动售机经营商vending-machine operators
航空air freight
舱面交提单on deck bill of lading
船上交delivered on board the ship
目的港船上交ex ship
目的港船上交delivered ex ship DES
起运港船上交free on board (FOB)
船坞码头ex dock
船边交price delivered alongside
装运港船边交free alongside ship
营业存trading stock
螺旋式上升的通膨胀inflationary spiral
被扣detained goods
country of embarkation
日期date of loading
单格式order form
卷宗order file
合同goods-ordering contract
周期long-lead time
周期order cycle time
档案order file
规模销售分析sales analysis by order size
订明prescribed currency
认可approved currency
设备供贷款equipment supply loan
证明物合格性的文件document establishing the goods' eligibility
详尽与准确的销售资料将有助于减少存、 以降低营运成本Detailed and accurate sales data can help to reduce stock level and thus the operating cost
主负担风险owner's risk
交承运人指定地点free carrier... named point FCA
值提单ad valorem bill of lading
到付款cash on delivery (COD)
品说明综合表summary sheets of goods
币互兑currency swap
币交易bank note transaction
币供应的内在调节功能built-in control of the money supply
币供应量财经中分为 MO, Ml, M2, M3M
币兑换money changing
币兑换业务business of exchange currencies
币化价值monetized value
币危机currency crisis
币压缩monetary squeeze
币基础money base
币外流outflow of money
币套期保值currency hedge
币市场互助基金money market mutual funds
币市场利率.money market rate
币市场存单money market certificate
币市场存款账户money market deposit account
币市场运作money market operation
币性与非货币性方法monetary-nonmonetary method
币性资产或负债money assets or liabilities
币性项目monetary item
币总体数字monetary aggregate
币情况monetary situation
币收人money income
币比例currency proportions
币流通总额monetary aggregate
币的可获得性currency availability
币的时间价值money time value
币管理外包currency overlay
币经纪money broker
币自由兑换性currency convertibility
币计价money measurement
币认兑证currency warrant
币认股权证currency warrant
币调整因子currency adjustment factor
币谈判conversation of currency
币贬值调整devaluation adjustment
币限制currency restrictions
币限制monetary restraint
cargo terminal
源选择source selection
物与服务goods and services
物件数no. of packages
物及服务出口export of goods and services
物发运费用freight forward cost
物吞吐量port's volume of freight traffic
物检查cargo inspection
物说明书description of goods
物运输险cargo insurance
物进口完税单import duty memo
物采购procurement of goods
运单证cargo paper
运合同contract of carriage
运唛头shipping mark
运唛头cargo mark
运提单cargo document
与存货管制purchasing and inventory control
发盘buying offer
成本purchasing cost
核算流程图purchase flow chart
跨国币结算风险cross-currency settlement risk
转口value of re-export
软通、纸币soft money
边境交delivered at frontier
运费由提人支付freight forward
运费由提人支付freight collect
这一利率水平是以币市场上廉价的利率为基础、外加少量管理费用与贷款利润计算出来的This was calculated on the basis of a cheap money market rate, plus a small administration fee and a lending margin
代理人buying agent
prime cost
日计账purchase journal
进口value of import
远期forward price
远洋oceangoing freighter
连锁商店的进中心buying offices
追加订additional order
退回的returned goods
紧缩力量deflationary force
膨胀基本趋势underlying trend of inflation
膨胀指针indicator of inflation
膨胀时期inflationary period
膨胀调整inflation adjustment
遏止通膨胀suppress inflation
铁路交free on rail/truck
铁路交free on rail (FOR)
铁路到通知railway advice
银制流通silver currency
银行同业拆息期合约futures contract in interbank interest rate
附批注提claused bill of lading
露天存open storage
非作币用途的黄金non-monetary gold
预算考虑到了通膨胀的准备金The budget made allowance for inflation
预计卸完成时间estimated time of finishing discharging (ETFD)