
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
一再要求新兴市场升值keep asking emerging markets to revalue their currencies
一揽子a basket of currencies
一揽子a basket of currency
一揽子主要a basket of major currencies
上市币权证listed currency warrant
上海期交易所Shanghai Futures Exchange (简称"上海期交所")
上门取付款凭单collection voucher
不受限制unrestricted currency
不变币值通膨胀会计constant-dollar inflation accounting
不可兑换inconvertible currency
不可兑换的nonconvertible currencies
不可兑换的non-convertible currency
不定期期undated futures
不能兑现的通irredeemable currency
不能自由兑换inconvertible currency
不随押汇汇票clean bill (fine trade paper, white paper)
与外国央行之间的币互换协议currency swap agreements with foreign central banks
与欧元相关联的euro-linked currency
世界指金银money of the world
世界币重新定值world monetary realignment
世界储备world's reserve currency
世界性通膨胀world-wide inflation
世界首屈一指的world's number one currency
东京国际金融期交易所Tokyo International Financial Futures Exchange
丢失物说明书statement of shorts
两位数通膨胀two-digit inflation
两国币的双边中心汇率bilateral central rates
伦敦币市场London Money Market
伦敦保险协会物保险条款Institute cargo clause
伦敦国际金融期和期权交易所London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange
exchange of debt
借方记入买进物帐户Dr. Mdse. Pur debit merchandize purchase
借记进Dr. Mdse. Pur debit merchandize purchase
币会费分摊记帐split assessment accounting
分店间送运费freight on inter branch transfers
分批法用于生产方面,存类别计价法lot method
分期付款进instalment purchase
分期付款销之特质distinguishing features of installment sales
分期付款销成本cost of installment sales
分期付款销收人installment sales revenue
分期付款销毛利之列计gross margin recognition on installment sales
分期付款销instalment plan (system)
分期销的应收帐款accounts receivable from installment sales
创建一种超主权储备create a super-sovereign reserve currency
合成卖出期synthetic short futures
合成期synthetic futures
合格eligible currency
合法币债券legal tender bonds
合理运用币政策工具rationally use monetary policy tools
吉隆坡期权和金融期交易所Kuala Lumpur Options & Financial Futures Exchange
名义nominal dollar
名义币供给nominal money supply
名义币需求nominal demand for money
向总公司purchase from head office
圣保罗商品和期交易所São Paulo Mercantile & Futures Exchange
备考pro-forma invoice
复写式现金销传票duplicate cash-sales slip
外国币存款foreign money deposit
外国币的交换掉期foreign currency swap
外国通foreign currency
外在通市场external currency market
外币币性项目foreign currency monetary items
外币非币性项目foreign currency non-monetary items
外汇期foreign currency futures
外汇期式期权futures-style options
外汇期式期权foreign currency futures-style option
外汇期期权option on foreign currency futures
多伦多期交易所Toronto Futures Exchange
多头期交易long futures
多极multipolar currency
多栏式销簿columnar sales day book
多种币买卖multi-currency trading
多种主要币的体系system of multiple major currencies
多管齐下的币紧缩措施multi-pronged monetary tightening
大幅收紧币政策sharply tighten monetary policy
大额可转让定期存单期CDs futures
封存款银行保付书blocked funds attestation
将人民币打造成国际储备transform the renminbi into an international reserve currency
将到goods to arrival;goods afloat
将所购物记在某人帐上put the purchase down to sb's account
小型恒生指数期合约Mini-Hang Seng Index Futures Contract
小麦期wheat futures
市场上流通的币总额sum total of currency in circulation
阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯期市场Buenos Aires Futures Market
希腊退出单一exit by Greece from the single currency
帐上money on account
帐面存book inventory
弥补因币不可兑换造成的短缺remedy the lack of non-convertibility of currencies
意大利币地区Italian monetary area
意大利期市场Italian Futures Market
成本推动型通膨胀inflation of cost push
或有存contingent remainder
持久性通膨胀protracted inflation
持续上升的币供应rising money supply
指数币期权票据index currency option note
指数期index futures
指数期合约index futures contract
指数期期权index-futures option
指明期交易所specified futures exchange
指明证券或期合约specified securities or futures contracts
按原始币单位编制的报表historical dollar statement
按市价估计存利润estimated profit from sales valuation of merchandises inventory
按揭销mortgage sale
按销收入净额百分比估计percentage of net sales
挑战美国在全球币体系中的主导地位challenge America's dominance of the global monetary system
最广义币供应量M3 (又称"货币3"。在我国,它由"M2+金融债券+商业票据+大额可转让定期存单"构成; 在美国,它由"M2 +大额定期存单+定期回购协议+大额可转让定期存单+美国居民持有的隔夜欧洲美元"等构成)
最终进成本法last invoice cost method
最适币区optimum currency area
有效币期权virtual currency option
有管理的managed currency
GNMA 期GNMA futures (指以政府全国抵押协会 (GNMA)所发行的吉利美过手证券 (Ginne Mae pass-through securities)为基础工具的期货)
业从业人员futures industry practitioner
业务员associated person
业务牌照futures business licence
业协会Futures Industry Association (前身是1955年5月成立的商品交易公司协会 (ACEF),近年来该协会的影响力已渐渐超出美国国界,成为一个国际性的期货协会组织)
买卖futures dealing
交割futures delivery
交易futures dealing
交易商futures dealer
交易市场market of futures transaction
交易总值结算方式gross basis
交易所futures exchange company
交易所交割结算价exchange delivery settlement price
交易所公开喊价区futures pit
交易顾问futures trading adviser
介绍代理人futures introducing agent
介绍经纪人futures introducing broker
代理futures agency
佣金代理人futures commission agent
利率协议futures rate agreement
前景outlook on futures
卖方futures call
及期权基金futures and options fund
及货币市场工具futures and money market instruments
合同契约forward contract
合约交易dealing in futures contract
合约价值futures contract value
外汇合同futures foreign exchange contract
外汇合同futures exchange contract
套期保值hedging with futures contracts
对盘程序futures crossing procedures
市场特点characteristics of futures market
市场的使用use of forward market
庄家futures market maker
成交量futures volume
或期权基金futures or options funds
或期权结算所futures or options clearing house
投资futures investment
抛空advance sale
报价futures quotation
指数futures index
期权option on futures
期权月futures option month
期权经纪商Futures Commission Merchant (必须得到美国商品期货交易委员会 (CFTC)认可)
独立结算交易商futures individual clearing dealer
/现货比率futures-physical ratio
电子化交易electronic futures trading
经理人协会Association of Futures Brokers and Dealers
经纪人futures broker
经纪公司futures brokerage company
经纪商futures brokerage
经纪商commission merchant
经纪有限公司futures brokerage Co., ltd.
经纪牌照futures brokerage licence
自营交易futures proprietary trading
融资futures financing
购买选项forward purchase option
赔偿基金futures compensation fund
转换现货交易exchange for physical
通用结算交易商futures general clearing dealer
非结算交易商futures non-clearing dealer
顾问futures consultant
顾问futures adviser
期初存opening inventory (initial inventory, beginning inventory)
期末存final inventory (merchandise inventory final)
标价quoted currency
标准币记帐单位standard monetary unit of account
标准欧洲币利率standard Euro-currency rate
模拟股指期交易mock stock index futures trades
欧洲Euromoney (在发行国以外流通的货币,最广泛使用的欧洲货币是欧洲美元,即在美国以外地区流通的美元)
欧洲币体系European monetary system (1979 年3月,欧洲经济共同体 (European Economic Community)的 8 个成员国(法国、德国、意大利、比利时、丹麦、爱尔兰、卢森堡和荷兰)决定建立欧洲货币体系 (European Monetary System, EMS),将各国货币的汇率与对方固定,共同对美元浮动)
欧洲币制度European Currency System
欧洲币单位存款Eurocurrency unit deposit
欧洲币合作基金European Monetary Cooperation Fund (欧洲经济共同体国家于1973年4月建立的政府间经济联合组织,总部设在卢森堡)
欧洲币合作基金European Monetary Cooperation Fund (欧洲经济共同体国家于1973年4月建立的政府间经济联合组织,总部设在卢森堡)
欧洲币合作基金Composite Monetary Cooperation Fund
欧洲币复合单位European Composite Unit
欧洲币存款Eurodeposit (即"Eurocurrency deposit",泛指一国银行体系中的外币存款,如欧洲美元存款)
欧洲币存款利率Eurodeposit rate
欧洲币市场Euromoney market
欧洲币市场信贷借款Eurocredit borrowing
欧洲币期货Eurocurrency futures
欧洲币期货合约Eurocurrency futures contract
欧洲币汇率联合浮动European joint float
欧洲币管理局European Monetary Institute (欧洲中央银行的前身)
欧洲币联盟European Monetary Union (欧共体12个成员国于1991年12月在荷兰马斯特里赫特召开的首脑会议上签署了《经济与货币联盟条约》,规定最迟在1999 年1月1日之前建立经济货币联盟 (Economic and Monetary Union 简称 EMU),从此在该联盟内实现统一的货币、统一的中央银行以及统一的货币政策)
欧洲币贷款利率Euroloan rate
欧洲币辛迪加贷款利息interest on syndicated Euro-currency credits
欧洲单一Europe's single currency (即"欧元")
欧洲日元东京银行同业拆息利率期Euroyen Tibor Futures
欧洲日元期合约Euroyen futures contract
欧洲经济与币联盟European Economic and Monetary Union
欧洲美元期Eurodollar futures
欧洲美元期合约Eurodollar futures contract
欧洲财政和币当局European fiscal and monetary authorities
欧盟币事务专员EU's monetary affairs commissioner
欧盟经济与币事务专员European Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs
欧陆的通continental currency
真实real currency
码头卸帐单dock landing account
紧急通emergency currency
紧缩币政策tighten the monetary screws
紧缩币政策的放松relaxation of the monetary tightening
紧缩性币政策tight money policy
紧缩性币政策tight>money policy
紧缩性币政策tight monetary policy
缓慢持续的通膨胀creeping inflation
编制通膨胀的预算inflation budgeting
老练的大宗商品期交易者seasoned commodity futures traders
调整后的期价格adjusted futures price
调节币信贷增速regulate the supplies of money and credit
负债与通膨胀liabilities and inflation
财政年度币换算调整translation adjustment for fiscal year
财政政策与币政策的配合coordination of fiscal and monetary policies
MO (流通于银行/储蓄机构以外的现金)
red gold
币与价格数量说quantity theory of money and price
币中性论theory on neutrality of money
币乘数monetary multiple
币传导机制monetary transmission mechanism
币体制monetary institution
币债券市场currency bond market
币债务money obligations
币债务负担monetary debt burden
币债权money claim
币兑换money exchange
币兑换业者money changers
币兑换损益currency exchange gains or losses
币分析模型monetary approach model
币划拨money transfer
币划拨currency transfers
币创造monetary creation
币创造理论theory of money creation
币利息论monetary theory of interest
币利率money interest rate
币利率下降easing of money rate
币利率交叉互换cross currency interest rate swap
币制度monetary regime
币刺激monetary stimulus
币升值stronger currency
币升值upward revaluation of currency
币单位unit of money
币单位pecuniary unit
币单位抽样monetary unit sampling
币单位的含金量gold content of the money unit
币单位调整后账户money unit adjusted accounting
币单位财务报表unit of money financial statement
币危机浪潮tide of monetary crisis
币名目论money nominalism
币名称monetary name
币均衡论monetary equilibrium theory
币外流money outflow
币失衡monetary imbalance
币失调misalignment of currencies
币套期保值战略currency hedging strategy
币套期保值战略hedging strategy
币存款money on deposit
币存量monetary stock
币存额保值所需之暂定款项notional amount required to maintain value of currency holding
币季节monetary season
币市场互助基金股份money market mutual funds share
币市场优先股money market preferred stock
币市场共同基金money market mutual funds
币市场基础money market basis
币市场基金商业模式money market fund business model
币市场头寸money market position
币市场实际借贷利率effective money market borrowing rate
币市场工具money market instrument
币市场工具instruments of money market (指具有很高流动性、期限小于或等于1年的债务工具)
币市场干预money market intervention
币市场收益money market yield
币市场票据money market instrument
币市场证券money market securities
币市场证券money market paper
币市场账户money market account
币市场资产money market assets
币市场银行money market bank
币帐户monetary accounts
币平衡表money balance sheet
币当量monetary equivalent
币性债务monetary obligation
币性营运资金调整monetary working capital adjustment
币性负债monetary liabilities
币性资产monetary assets
币性资产以外的资产assets other than monetary assets
币性项目monetary items
币性项目的汇兑损失exchange loss of monetary items
币性项目的汇兑收益exchange gain of monetary items
币总计monetary aggregate
币总额sum of money
币恐慌money crunch
币成色monetary quality
币成长理论money growth theory
币战争monetary war
币损益monetary gain and loss
币换算调整translation adjustment
币收人流通速度income velocity of money
币收入proceeds in cash
币收入proceed in cash
币收益money income
币收益monetary income
币收益乘数money income multiplier
币收紧monetary tightening
币政策参数parameter of monetary policy
币政策失误论theory of lapse of monetary policy
币政策委员会Monetary Policy Committee
币政策工具tools of monetary policy
币政策工具monetary policy tools
币政策工具monetary policy instruments
币政策工具instrument of monetary policy
币政策意图monetary policy intent
币政策支持monetary policy support
币政策时滞time lag of monetary policy
币政策时滞lags of monetary policy effect
币政策的退出monetary policy exit
币政策管理management of monetary policy
币数据monetary data
币期权currency option
币期权交易currency option trading
币期货合约currency futures contract
币期货期权option on currency futures
币本位制度monetary standard system
币机制monetary mechanism
币汇率低估currency undervaluation
币流向money flow
币流通currency of money
币流通基数monetary circulation base
币流通总量monetary circulation aggregate
币流通的加快acceleration in money-circulation
币流通速度velocity of currency
币流通速度velocity of currency in circulation
币流通速度monetary circulation velocity
币流通量money in circulation
币流通量amount of currency in circulation
币流通额amount of currency in circulation
币流量帐户money flow account
币流量指数money flow index
币税tax in money
币稳定monetary stability
币符号monetary symbol
币等价物money equivalent
币紧缩政策dear-money policy
币职能money function
币职能论theory of money function
币营运资本净额net monetary working capital
币行动monetary action
币调拨currency transfers
币调整realignment of currencies
币责任dollar accountability
币贬值与折算程序devaluation and conversion procedures
币贬值之损失losses from devaluation
币贬值损失loss on devaluation
币贬值损失loss from devaluation
币购买力变动会计accounting for changes in the purchasing power of money
币购买力指数index of monetary purchasing power
币贷款currency loan
币资产dollar assets
币资产负债表money balance sheet
币资金money fund
币需求demand for currency
币需求曲线money demand curve
币需求模型money demand model
币需求表money demand schedule
币非中性论theory on non-neutrality of money
币非均衡monetary disequilibrium
币非均衡和市场出清monetary disequilibrium and market clearing
币面值par value of currency
币项目按物价水平调整price level adjusted of monetary items
退returned purchase (purchase returns)
退减帐credit for returned goods
退单据returned purchase (credit memo for purchase returns)
退及折让returns and allowance
退及销售折让日记帐sales returns and allowances journal
退报告书returned material report (credit memo for purchase returns)
退记录簿sales returns book
退出币宽松政策withdrawal of monetary accommodation
退出宽松币政策retreat from easy monetary policy
退出宽松币政策exit from easy monetary policy
退岀宽松币政策back away from easy monetary policy
到门费已付paid home
适度从紧的币政策moderately tight monetary policy
适度宽松的币政策moderately easy money policy
适度宽松的币政策moderately easy monetary policy
逃离flight from currency
选择性币贷款optional currency loan
逐步走向自由浮动的move gradually towards a freely-floating currency
递延期deferred futures
主义currency principle
信用credit in currency
currency area
升水currency premium
帐面利率book rate of currency
检査员controller of currency
短缺scarcity of money
紧缩deflation of currency
紧缩压力deflationary pressure
紧缩差额deflationary gap
紧缩预期deflationary expectations
紧缩风险deflation risk
膨胀与资本预算inflation and capital budgeting
膨胀中性论theory of neutral inflation
膨胀主动论者inflation activist
膨胀会计accounting for inflation
膨胀套期保值inflationary hedge
膨胀差额inflationary gap
膨胀恐惧症inflation phobia
膨胀指数化债券Inflation Index bonds
膨胀指数化债券inflation index bond
膨胀损益inflation gain and loss
膨胀政策论theory of inflationary policy
膨胀有害论theory of bad inflation
膨胀有益论theory of good inflation
膨胀率偏离divergence in inflation rate
膨胀的后果inflationary effect
膨胀目标制定inflation targeting
膨胀综合指数general inflation index
膨胀蔓延transmission of inflation
膨胀蔓延spread of inflation
膨胀调整inflation-related adjustment
膨胀调整后有效汇率指数inflation-adjusted effective index
膨胀调整后贴现率inflation-adjusted discount rate
膨胀输出export of inflation
膨胀非主动论者inflation non-activist
膨胀风险inflation risk
膨胀风险报酬inflation risk premium
通胀指标币政策inflation indexed monetary policy
与寄销的区别sale and consignment distinguished
与应收帐款的比率sales to receivable ratio
之抵销项目deduction from sales
以后年度控制成数变动change during year subsequent to year of sale
佣金sales commissions
债务力trade debtors
净利net trading profit (net profit on sales)
减项扣除额sales deductions
分配sales distribution
发票sales tickets (ship)
回扣及折旧sales rebates and allowance
坏帐调整sales uncollectible accounts adjustment
定单汇总表summary of customer’s orders
客户trade debtors
客户余额表schedule of customers' balances in sales ledger
客户余额表schedule of creditors' balances in purchase ledger
客户总帐sold ledger
account sales
account of sales
帐目account of goods sold
年度控制权变动change during year merchandise was sold
成本及营业费用对销货净额比率ratio of cost of sale and operating expenses to net sales
成本换算为现金支出额conversion of cost of sales to cash disbursements
成本预算cost of goods sold budget
手续费sales commissions
折扣discount granted
报酬率净利÷销售额rate of return on sales
收入sale revenue
日记帐sales journal (sales day-book)
日记帐簿sales daybook
毛利gross margin profit; price margin
毛利变动计算表statement accounting for variation in gross profit
现金sale dollar
登记簿sales register
trading statement
谭回通知单returns sales memo
运费freight-out (carriage outward delivery expense)
退回与销货总额之比ratio of returns to gross sales
退回帐户returned sales account
退回的现金折扣discount on returned sales
部房租rent of sales office
额百分数法percentage-of-sales method
销售的进purchase of merchandise
锤边clipped coins
需求变动型通膨胀demand-shift inflation
需求引起的通膨胀demand pull inflation
需求拉动型通膨胀inflation of demand pull
需求拉动型通膨胀理论demand-pull theory of inflation
需求过多引起通膨胀论theory of excess demand of inflation
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