
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
一俟新到来,我方即与你方联系As soon as new supplies arrive, we'll lose no time to communicate with you
一俟有可供,我们将一定向你方报盘As soon as supplies are available, we'll make you an offer without fail
一俟有可供,我们将毫不迟疑地与贵方联系As soon as the goods are available, we'll not hesitate to contact you
一俟有我们即告你方We'll cable you as soon as the goods are available
一周内把该批物备齐get the shipment ready in a week
一周后我们将装运We'll ship the goods in a week
一周后我们装运了We shipped the goods after a week.
一批consignment of goods
一批物订单shipment order
一批花色齐全的a large assort ment of goods
一接到贵方信用证,我方将准备装运第一批As soon as your L/C arrives, we'll make arrangements to ship the first consignment of goods
运输一整车运量亦缩为 C/Lcarload lot
一旦有新的物,我们将马上与你方联系As soon as fresh supplies are available, we'll contact you right away
一般物的运费率general cargo rate
一般交条件general conditions of delivery of goods
上述物报价为每公吨200美元The above mentioned article is quoted at USD 200 per M/T CIF London
下一条next vessel
下列各项目前无可供following items not available
不习惯于用托收方式岀售be unaccustomed to selling on collection basis
不作支付的clearing sterling
不保持物的良好品质就会有损于未来的交易Future business would be jeopardized if the quality of goods is not kept up
不保证物无瑕疵with all faults
不准许进口negative list
不合规格的off-gauge goods
不喜欢那些have no use for those articles
不回收single trip container
不定期irregular ship
不定航线或不定期远洋ocean tramp
不清洁装foul shipping order
不能再接新的订We are too heavily committed to be able to entertain fresh orders
不能自由交换的inconvertible currency
不论物发生何种情况,按 CIF 条件成交的买主可以根据提单对船主提岀诉讼,或根据保险单对保险人提出诉讼The c.i.f. buyer, whatever happens to the goods, will have either a cause of action on the bill of lading against the ship or a cause of action against underwriters on the policy
不附运单据的汇票clean bill
不附运单据的汇票bill unaccompanied by documents
与其他物接触受损damage through contract with other cargo
与其他卖主物质量相比The quality of our product prevails over that of other sellers' products
与其它物一起with other goods
与几家公司联合生产该associate with several companies in the production of the goods
与附样相似的goods close to the enclosed samples
专用柜运费exclusive use freight
世界币储备international reserves
世界空运物分类World Air Cargo Commodity Classification
严格地说,物质量与合同规定并不完全相一致The quality to the goods, properly speaking, is not fully in conformity with the stipulation in the contract
优等quality goods
伦敦交的订单The seller received a shipment order from a buyer in London on terms c.i.f. London
伦敦谷物期市场London Grain Futures Market
分割交split delivery
分批定job order
分批订job order
分期或分批交delivery of goods by installments
分类assorted goods
列入已定运费表内的closed cargo
包换包退goods on approval
包装的packed goods
各种存stock lines
合同the currency of a contract
合同contractual currency
合同规定买方所订物未能完成一定时期的最低限额时The contract stipulates that the seller shall have an option of giving notice of termination when the orders placed by the buyer do not represent a minimum volume for a fixed period
合同进purchase by contract
合法legal tender
合法lawful currency
合法lawful cargo
吊钩下交的离岸价格FOB under tackle
吊钩下交离岸价格F.O.B. under tackle
同意价打10%折扣allow 10% discount on the price of the goods
名义nominal currency
后者则为日杂sundry goods
后者则指政府正式宣布减少本国币单位含金量或降低与外币的官定比价currency devaluation
向一国走私smuggle goods into a country
向买方收取collect the price value from the buyer
向卖方力陈及时装运物的重要性urge upon the seller the importance of shipment in time
向某人担保物的质量give sb. a warranty of quality for the goods
向某人订indent upon sb. for goods
以便交租赁的货轮装运get the goods ready in preparation for shipment on the chartered vessel
备有存in stock
备用存reserved stock
备运goods waiting for shipment
复进口re-imported goods
夏令载吃水线summer on load-line
外围仓库收制度terminal receiving system
外表状况良好的goods in apparent good order
外部outside money
多兀通条款multicurrency clause
多元币制度multiple currency system
大批积压而未交付的订a large backlog
大批订substantial order
大批订extensive orders
美国大百公司巡视人floor walker
大量物从别国运到Large consignments arrived from other countries
大量到large arrivals
大量报售物使市场不振Heavy offerings have depressed the market
提交海关查验submit goods to customs authorities
物办理保险effect insurance on the cargo
物装入船舱stow cargo in the hold
将外币兑换为本国commute foreign currency to domestic
少于一车的less than carload
市场market goods
市场存指数availability index
市场无存market bare of stocks
开立信用证以支付购货款open a letter of credit to cover the purchases
急剧通膨胀galloping inflation
性质不明进口物登记bill of sight
成组unitized goods
成组化unitization cargo
我们一定注意包装好这批We'll see to it that goods are properly packed
我们只能在六/七月装运The best shipment we can do is during June/July
我们可以从多处获取供We can procure supplies from many sources
我们将于本月底装运We'll ship the goods by the end of this month
我们将千方百计于下月内装运We'll make every endeavour to ship the goods within next month
我们将尽可能加速装运We will expedite shipment as much as possible
我们将装运We'll ship early next month subject to the availability of vessel
我们必须把这些物分两船装运We have to make two loads of the cargoes
我们急盼物到来We're anxiously awaiting the arrival of the goods
我们急需此,不可久等We're in urgent need of the goods, we cannot afford to wait for long
我们手中存不多We have only a limited stock in hand
我们正忙于备出运We're busy preparing the goods for shipment
我们理所当然地认为物品质存在一些差异We take it for granted that there exits some difference in quality of the goods
我们相信物将及时抵达你处We trust that the goods will reach you in due course
我们相信物质量将得到你方认可We believe the quality will meet with your approval
我们相信此将如期到达你处We trust the shipment will reach you in due course
我们预料新不久将到来We expect a new supply to arrive soon
我们预期不久将完成你方订We expect to fill your order very soon
我劝你买这些物,不会吃亏I can safely advise you to buy the goods
我方不胜感激你方立即办理我方1122号订单的物装运Your immediate attention to the shipment of our order No. 1122 will be much appreciated
我方作艰苦工作才使物及时装岀We had hard work getting all the goods shipped in time
我方保证一直向你方供We can assure you of consistent supply of the goods
我方制造商已无存Our manufacturers are running out of stock
我方可从现中供应所需数量We can supply the quantity required from stocks
我方存已差不多售完了Our stocks are almost exhausted
我方存快售完了Our stocks are running short because of increase in orders
我方客户不接受期Our client won't accept forward shipment
我方将设法在本月底前装运We'll manage to ship the goods by the end of this month
我方已为你方保留100公吨We have earmarked 100 MT for you pending the insurance to you of the import licence
我方已将1,000公吨花生装王子号轮,以执行我方第110号销售确认书In pursuance of our Sales Confirmation No. 110, we've shipped 1,000 M/T peanut per s.s. Prince
我方已承接大批订单,无力接受追加订数量We're weighted down with orders, we're not in a position to take on additional quantities
我方希望这些订不久获得批准We hope these purchases will soon be licensed
我方建议你方试订一批We suggest your placing a trial order
我方很高兴接受你方1,000公吨花生的订We're pleased to have booked your order for 1,000 M/T peanut
我方急于取得新We are in a hurry to get new supplies
我方承揽单太多We are too heavily committed to be able to entertain fresh orders
我方抱歉不能答应你方要求,将物保留到许可证签发下来We regret to say that we can not grant your request for retaining goods pending the issuance of licence
我方有理由要求你方及时装运We have reason to request you to effect shipment in time
我方现寄去标准We're sending you the standard samples at the request of your representative
我方目前可以向你方提供所要求的We take pleasure in informing you that we're now in a position to supply you with the goods required
或有订contingent order
指不随附运单据的票据clean draft (bill unaccompanied by shipping documents)
指不随附运单据的票据clean bill (bill unaccompanied by shipping documents)
指定specified currency
指定物出口earmark goods for export
指定交地点place designated for delivery
指定地点交价格franco rendu
指定岀口的the goods destined for export
指定的装named port of shipment
按 CIF 条件,卖方承担保险物的义务Under the CIF clause, the seller is under an obligation to insure the goods
按与以前某一订单完全相同再续订一次的订单duplicate order
按付款交单方式向买主收取draw D/P against the buyer's purchase
按体积采购purchase goods on a volume basis
按你方意愿可接受也可拒收You may take or reject the goods, according as you prefer
按定单交delivered to order
按打数或百数等购买buy goods by the tally
按班轮条件船上交价格FOB liner terms
按目的港交净重计算on a net delivered weight
按美国保险条件承保物运输保险undertake to insure the goods in transportation subject to AC
按重量采购purchase goods on a weight basis
贸易trade by barter
贸易barter trade
易坏鲜变质很快Perishable goods deteriorate quickly
易腐物容易受损Perishable goods are subject to damage
最佳订optimum order quantity
最畅销best-selling line
月末存stocks at the close of the period (与期初存货(stocks at the commencement of the period) 相对)
有关此次发的检验证书表明货物在装运时情况良好The Certificate of Inspection covering the shipment indicates that the goods were in sound condition when they were shipped
有兴趣从中国购be interested in purchasing goods from China
有劳资纠纷公司的托运hot cargo
有升值倾向的revaluation-prone currency
有权拒绝接受The buyer is in certain cases entitled to refuse the acceptance of the goods i£ they are not packed in accordance with his instructions or with the custom of the trade
有责任及时交be obligated to deliver the goods in time
forward goods
买卖人position trader (场上交易人 (floortrader), 有三类:代客买卖的经纪人 (floor broker),投机人 (speculator) (包括:当日交易人 (day trader),期货买卖人(position trader), 逐小利者 scalper))
交割日forward value date
合同交易trading of futures
交易中经纪人给履约的客户的清单difference account (盈亏通知书)
交易场所trading pit
价格forward price (与现货价格 (spot price) 相对)
到期日forward maturities
合同市场option market
基本品级contract grade
基本品级basic grade
商品交易所市场terminal market
抛出与买进选择权put and call option
标准合同basic contract
溢价contango of futures
补进费用cover cost
订单order for futures
证券交易time bargain
期末存closing stocks
标题项下的the captioned cargoes
次要散装minor bulks (与重要散装货 (major bulks) 相对)
欧洲Euroyen 等 (指欧洲银行中心外币存款,为 Eurodollar)
欧洲Euro-Swiss franc (指欧洲银行中心外币存款,为 Eurodollar)
欧洲Euro-money (指欧洲银行中心外币存款,为 Eurodollar)
欧洲Euro-sterling (指欧洲银行中心外币存款,为 Eurodollar)
欧洲Euro-mark (指欧洲银行中心外币存款,为 Eurodollar)
欧洲Euro-currency (指欧洲银行中心外币存款,为 Eurodollar)
欧洲币单位European Currency Unit, European Composite Unit
欧洲币单位European Composite Unit
欧洲币合作基金Fonds Europeen de Cooperation Monetaire
欧洲经济币同盟Union Economique et Monetaire Europeenne
清洁运单据clean shipping documents
清洁收clean receipt
清点tally the cargo
清理存大贱卖clearance sale
清理所有的订wind up all the orders placed
保险渗漏由主负责owner's risk of leakage
cargo superintendent
记录tally note
证明tally certificate
sorting charges
理应按规定供be bound to supply the goods in accordance with the stipulations
理舱费及加固费包括在内的船上交价格FOB stowed and secured
理舱费及平舱费包括在内的船上交价格free on board stowed and trimmed
理舱费及捆扎费包括在内的船上交价格FOB stowed and lashed
买卖as seems
试用后再作决定的货物goods on approval
后再作决定的货物不满意可退还goods on approbation
后再作决定的货物goods on approbation
看来有必要简单说明一下交问题A few words of explanation for the delivery appear necessary
真实bona fide sample
码头物运输与储存亦缩为 whgewharfage
码头上交价格free on board quay
码头交at wharf
码头交价格free at dock
码头交价格ex pier (quay, wharf)
码头交价格ex dock
码头理与点货工作sorting and tallying at ports
码头理a shipping clerk
码头装loading area
符合样规格be up to sample
索回claim the purchase price
紧密包装的closely packed goods
紧急定rush purchase order
紧急工程定rush engineering order
紧缩币投放tighten up money supply
考虑take supply of goods into account
耗尽存deplete stocks
调拨allocate and transfer goods
财政性币发行over-issue of banknotes
主与货主的直接交易principal to principal business
主与货主的直接交易principal to principal transaction
保险主承担风险owner's risk
主负责损害的危险owner's risk of damage
主负责渗漏的危险owner's leakage
主负责破损的危险owner's risk of breakage
主风险owner's risk
交承运人价格free carrier... named point
到付款payment on arrival of goods
到付款payment upon arrival of goods
到付款买卖COD sales
到付款交易COD transaction
到付款手续费COD commission
到付款汇票arrival bill (draft)
到付现cash on receipt of merchandise
到即付cash on arrival
到提示hold for arrival of goods
到日起计算ROG dating
卡交通truck traffic
品年大约消耗量approximate yearly consumption of the goods
场交货价yard price
亦缩为 curr.currency
经济合作与发展组织币与外汇问题委员会Committee for Monetary and Foreign Exchange Matters
币互惠信贷currency swap (国家中央银行之间以短期贷款方式相互供应对方所需外币的方式)
币互换协定reciprocal swap agreement
币交换currency exchange
币供应总量total money supply
币供应量1M1 (美国联邦制度定义)
币供应量扩大expansion of money supply
币信用confidence in currency
币借贷monetary loans
币储备stock of money
币区monetary area (指美元区 (dollar area)、英镑区 (sterling area)、法郎区 (French franc area))
币发行issue of bank notes
币可供条款currency availability clause
币含金量价值intrinsic value
币周转turnover of money
币回笼recovery of paper money
币工资wage in money
币工资money wages
币市场工具money market instruments
币市场流通票据money market instruments
币平衡money balance
币性黄金变动monetary gold movement
币投放money supply
币指数money index
币收入紧缩deflation of money income
币数量学说quantity theory of money (物价随货币流通量的多与少而升降的理论)
币汇价调整monetary realignment
币波动currency fluctuation
币流通总量monetary aggregates
币流通总额total currency flow
币流通量currency flow
币的指定currency designation (指确定债务货币(currency of obligation), 支付货币 (currency of payment))
币补偿金额monetary compensatory amount
币贬值currency devaluation (与货币升值(currency revaluation) 相对)
币贮藏hoarding of money
币贮藏hoard of money
币过量发行over-issue of banknotes
币金额限制monetary limitation
币预防性需求precautionary demand for money
抵装运港有效的发盘offer subject to arrival of goods at port of shipment
权保证guarantee of title
权凭证documents of title to the goods
栈交货at godown
purchase price
款与贴现loans and discounts
款代收贸易factoring trade
款保付del credere (意大利语)
款净额net proceeds
托收行给代收行的款托收书remittance letter
款支付payment of purchase price
款支付payment of price
款支票check for the price
款收讫received payment
款预存cash deposit in advance
源充足be in abundant supply
源渐趋短缺Supplies are running short
物一俟装出Please advise us by cable immediately the goods are shipped
物不能在途中转运The goods can't transshipped en route
英国物买卖法Sales of Goods Act
物于七月一日发运,但提单日期倒填为六月二十日The goods were shipped on July 1, but the B/L was backdated to June 30
物付运方式manner of departure
物保险险别types of insurance cover used in cargo insurance (指单独海损不赔 (F.P.A.)、单独海损包括在内 (W.A.)、综合险 (all risks))
物储存storage of goods
物共有community of goods
物分几个等级The goods fall into several grades
物分散供应dispersed supply of goods
物到达时状态良好The goods arrived in fair condition
物勿近锅炉It is imperative that the goods should be stowed away from the boiler
物包装不当The goods are not properly packed
物受保综合险与兵险The goods are covered against all risks and war risk
物变质deterioration of the goods
物周转与上月一样迅速Goods are moving as fast as last month
物周转率velocity of goods circulation
物品质必须与样品品质严格一致The quality of the goods shall be in strict accordance with that of the sample
物品质证据evidence as to the quality of the goods
物在运输途中受损严重The goods were seriously damaged in transit
物在雨中受潮The goods have been damped in the rain
物处置权right of disposal of the goods
物备装通知notice of readiness
物外观不良bad order
物将由王子号轮承运The goods will be forwarded per S.S. PRINCE
物尺码measurement of cargo
物已交付goods delivered
物已交空运The goods have been dispatched by air freight
物已交铁路托运The goods have been consigned by rail
物已交铁路运送the goods have been consigned by rail
物已到达goods arrived
物已迅速被消耗了The goods have been rapidly consumed
物应标上我方缩写名称并外加三角形Goods are to be marked with our initials in a triangle
物必须在信用证期满前装岀The goods must be shipped before the lapse of the L/C
物必须在规定时间内装运The goods must be shipped within the time prescribed
物必须按上批货物同样的方式包装The goods must be packed after the manner of last shipment
物必须按发票金额加10%投保The goods shall be insured at invoice value plus 10%
物必须装在牢固的木箱内The goods must be packed in strong wooden boxes to withstand the strain of the long voyage
物成组化unitization of cargo
物所有权即随之转移The property right in the goods passes when the bill of lading relating to them is tendered to the buyer
物扣押seizure of goods
物承保人cargo underwriters
物抵押垫款advances against hypothecation of goods
集装箱物拼装consolidation of goods
物捐税dues on the cargo
物损害短量索赔人a claimant to goods damage and shortage
物暂准通关证制度Temporary Admission Carnet System
物暂时入境证海关合作理事会1961 年规定ATA carnet
物暂时入境证ATA carnet
物来源source of goods
物样品卡片sample card
物检验goods inspection
海关物检验处office for examination of cargo
物正在制造中The goods are now in course of manufacture
物残损检验证书inspection certificate of damaged cargo
物流通速度velocity of goods circulation
物瑕疵goods blemish
物由王子号轮发运至香港The goods were shipped per S.S. Prince to Hong Kong thence connecting with S.S. Hero to London
物申报merchandise declaration
物的运费the carriage of the goods
物短量险risk of shortage
物积载图cargo stowage plan
保险物移动由货主负责owner's risk of shifting
海关物移转证removal bond
物结算制goods clearing system
物补充replenishment of goods
物被认为是第一流的The goods are rated as first-class
物装卸搬运作业cargo handling
物装卸搬运设备cargo handling equipment
物装船前或卸岸后陆上运输中发生损失的保险条款shore clause
物装船清单cargo list
物装载embarkation of cargoes
物规定分批交付The goods are to be delivered by instalments
物规格说明description of the goods
物质量不合标准The quality of the goods is not up to the mark
物质量在不断提高The quality of the goods is being progressively improved
物运价分类等级classification of freight rate
物运费freight cost
物运输标准符号standard transportation commodity code
物运销管理physical distribution management
物重新装运reshipment of goods
物销路很畅These goods are in large demand
物防损费用expenses in protecting and preserving the goods (提单规定)
物陈列display of goods
物陈列goods display
物需要重新加工The goods need to be reprocessed
物须一次装岀The contract is not concluded on installment basis. The goods must be shipped in one consignment
物须投保综合险与战争险The goods are to be insured against all risks and war risk
膨胀会计inflation accounting
a ship of burden
船定于下周六到达The vessel is due to arrive next Saturday
车上交货价格free on wagon
车周转时间time of turnaround of freight cars
车车厢wagon box
车运费账单cart note
车运费账单cartage note
车静载量static load of freight cars
轮必须始终保持漂浮状态。Vessels must always be kept afloat.
轮…船上交货价格FOB per S/S
载测定measurement of cargo
亦缩为 fgt, frgt., frit.freight
运单way bill
运单据亦缩为 S/Dshipping documents
运单据到后付款payment on arrival of shipping documents
运单据总清单general specification of shipping documents
运单据流转movement of goods documents
英国运承揽业协会Institute of Freight Forwarder
运承揽人提单forwarder's bill of lading
运承揽人收据forwarder's cargo receipt
运承揽人证明书forwarding agent's certificate of transport
运承揽人证明书forwarder's certificate of transport
运费shipping cost
退return of goods
退sales return ratio
deliver goods
上门pickup and delivery
consignment invoice
适时goods appropriate for the season
适用fit currency
选择卸港费optional port charge
选择卸港费option charge
选择卸港费optional charge
选择卸港附加费optional surcharge
选港交optional delivery
选港卸货物optional cargo
紧缩deflation monetaire
紧缩deflation (与通货膨胀 (inflation) 相对)
紧缩不是解决国家财政混乱的有效对策Deflation is not an effective cure for the financial chaos in the country
紧缩差距deflation ary gap
紧缩差距deflation gap
膨胀inflation monetaire
膨胀传播transmission of inflation
膨胀影响effect of inflation
膨胀的浪潮inflation boom
膨胀螺旋上升inflationary spiral
膨胀螺旋上升inflation spiral
通用提uniform bill of lading
通知承兑人支付inform the acceptor of making payment
速动quick money
速谴费仅在卸时计付dispatch discharge only
速遣费仅于装时计付despatch loading only
sales note
帐簿sales book
报表account sales
sales ticket
sales slip
sales book
销售sales sample
销售这些物看来没有什么困难There appears to be no difficulty in marketing these goods
错误交wrong delivery
需求带动型通膨胀demand-pull inflation
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