
Terms for subject China containing | all forms
交付物时at the time of delivery of the goods
从事物运输performance of carriage of goods
代收价邮件协定Cash-on-Delivery Agreement
币形式in monetary terms
伪造currency forgery
伪造counterfeit currency
伪造的counterfeit currency
军事订order for military supplies
出售、购买伪造的sell or purchase forged currency
出售、购买伪造的sell or buy counterfeit currency
制定币金融政策formulate monetary and financial policies
变造alter currency
合法的lawful merchandise
国际币基金协定Agreement of the International Monetary Fund
多式联运goods under multimodal transport
成本cost of the inventory
实缴币资本fully paid-up in monetary form
属于限制进出口的goods import and export of which are restricted
年度币供应量annual money supply
扣押船载arrest of the goods on board
扰乱证券、期交易市场disrupt the securities or future trading market
拍卖船载auction of the goods on board
持有伪造的hold forged currency
提取draw samples of the goods
提取take delivery of the goods
待运提单received-for-shipment bill of lading
散装oil in bulk
明知是伪造的币而持有、使用knowingly hold or use counterfeit currency
更换replace the goods
交易量futures trading volumes
经纪公司futures agency
未申报的goods undeclared
海上物运输合同contract of carriage of goods by sea
海关监管goods under customs control
港口理port tally
由收人支付paid by the consignee
留置的goods under lien
确定的卸chosen port of discharge
稳健的币政策a prudent monetary policy
约定的intended goods
继续将物运抵目的地forward the cargo to its destination
联合国国际物销售合同公约United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
自买自卖期合约trade in future contract with oneself as the counterpart of transaction
船载goods on board
计价denominated currency
认为物已经灭失treat the goods as lost
值金额commodities value
值金额monetary value
币信贷增幅growth of the money supply and credit
币信贷工具monetary and credit tools
币币值value of the currency
币政策工具monetary policy instrument
币金融制度monetary and financial system
币金融政策monetary and financial policy
物、技术进出口importing and exporting goods and technologies
物灭失loss of the goods
物运输shipment of the goods
物运输保险合同cargo transportation insurance contract
物进出口import and export of goods
物配额quota for goods
transport goods
银对付的原则principle of delivery versus payment (DVP)
走私smuggle goods
走私伪造的smuggle forged currency
转运transshipment goods
过境、转运和通运transit, transshipment and through goods
运输伪造的transport counterfeit currencies
检查验收制度check-for-acceptance system
进出 口import and export goods
进出境物、物品inward and outward goods and article
退return of commodities
退还refund of a commodity purchase price
通运through goods
防止通膨胀和防范金融风险fend off inflation and financial risks
附件 1A:物贸易多边协定Annex 1A: Multilateral Agreements on Trade in Goods
限制进出口的goods whose import or export are subject to restrictions
限制进出口的goods restricted to import and export
币财产non-monetary property