
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing | all forms
中美洲币稳定基金Central American Monetary Stabilization Fund
亚洲币单位Asian Current Unit
亚洲决算Asian Clearing Dollar
delivery order
交换现against actuals
仓内交价格free into bunker
付成本费交delivery against cost
付现后交cash before delivery
全国经济学家币政策委员会Economist's National Committee on Monetary Policy
到岸价格加卸cost, insurance, freight landed terms
包括延迟收到款应计利息在内的到岸价格cost insurance freight interest
卡车上交价格free on truck
启运港船边交价格free on steamer
商品期贸易委员会Commodities Futures Trading Commission
国际币会议International Monetary Conference
国际币市场international monetary market
国际币金融问题全国咨询委员会National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Problems
国际运协调协会International Cargo-Handling Coordination Association
完税码头交条件ex quay, duty paid
cash with order
关于的先期通知advanced ordering information
尼日利亚矿产评估和币化计划Nigerian Minerals Appraisal and Monetisation Programme
工厂交价格free at factory
付款payable on receipt
新加坡币局Monetary Authority of Singapore
本船收ship's receipt
材料的定和交货order and deliver all material
欧洲币协定管理委员会Board of Management of the European Monetary Agreement
欧洲币记账单位European Monetary Unit of Account
火车上交free into wagons
火车上交价格free on rail
码头交价格free an quarry
码头交价格free dock
税讫码头交条件ex quay, duty paid
空运费、保险费在内的机上交价格cost, insurance and freight by plane
缓冲存bu£fer stock
船边交价格free from along side ship
ports of embarkation
西非币局West African Currency Board
交承运人指定地点价格free carrier
价、运费与佣金cost, freight and commission
到付cash on arrival
到付现cash on delivery
币地租cash rent
币外部性pecuniary externalities
币平价par value of currency
币性债务monetary liabilities
币虫灰岩早第三纪nummulitic limestone
物税consignment tax
容积吨cubic capacity tonnage
输入港船上交价格free over side
边境交价格delivered at frontier
单据freight bill
bill of lading
通知书letter of advice
银行和币委员会Banking and Currency Committee
需求带动的通膨胀demand-pull inflation
预付cash with order
飞机上交价格free on aircraft