
Terms for subject Business containing 货运 率 | all forms
不定期货船运费率tramp shipping freight rate
停埠货物运费率berth rates
列名货物运费率named cargo rate
存货与营运资本的比率ratio of inventories to net working capital
整车和不足最低载货量的一批货物或运费率carload and less than carload lot or rate
时间/货量运费率time/volume rates
普通货物运费率general cargo rate
普通货运费率general cargo rate
未列明运费率的货物cargo not otherwise specified
特定货物运费率commodity rate
货物运输与货物总量比率coefficient of product transported to total produced
货运班轮运费率cargo liner freight rate
货运班轮运费率cargo liner freight rate
运用成本比率计算期末存货applying cost ratio to ending inventory
零担货运费率less-than-carload rate