
Terms for subject Business containing 货运 | all forms | in specified order only
一般货运general ship
一般商业货运ordinary commercial shipment
不够整车货运less-than-carload shipment
不定期货船运价指数index of tramp shipping freight
不定期货船运费率tramp shipping freight rate
不定期货轮运费tramp freight
不定期货轮运输tramp service
与其他货物合运with other goods
中型货运供应船freight and supply vessel, medium
中西部货运咨询局Mid-West Shippers Advisory Board
为货物运输办理投保手续effect insurance in respect of the carriage of the goods
交货付款运输cash on delivery shipment
交铁路运输货物consign goods by rail
从事空运货物的公司air freighter
以托运人为收货人consigned to shipper
以托运人代理行为收货人unto shippers agency
以托运人国外代理行为收货人unto shipper's foreign agency
以托运人海外代理人为收货人unto shipper's foreign agent
以货物安抵装运港为有效subject to safe arrival of goods at port of shipment
低运费货物lower pay cargo
为满载而降低运价的低运费货物completive cargo
保税运货商bonded lighterman
停埠货物运费berth freight
停埠货物运费率berth rates
关桟运货证明书bond notes
内河水运发货单inland waterway consignment
内陆货物运输保险inland cargo transportation insurance
冷藏货物运输险risk for shipment of frozen products
报关出口货运清单manifest of clearance
出口货运经纪人export drop shipper
出口货运carriage outward
出口货物运费outward freight
出运货物outbound freight
出运货物outbound cargo
分店之间送货运freight on inter-branch transfer
分店间货运freight on inter-branch transfers
分期取款发运货物merchandise shipped on installment sales
列名货物运费率named cargo rate
到船边的货运cartage to shipside
卸货港内陆承运人inland carrier at port of discharge
收货人向船公司办理卸货港订运手续home booking
货运输清单list of forwarded traffic
发货人与承运人签订的合同shipper's contract
发运货吨数number of tons of freight originated
发运货物goods shipped in transit
受限制的货运如禁止运送易燃品等restricted freight
吊运货物lift cargo
吊运货物设备lifting equipment
后续承运人装运货物successive-carrier shipments
启运机场交货价free on board airport
启运港交货delivery at port of shipment
启运港机场交货价FOB airport
启运港码头交货价free on board quay
启运港船上交货价free on steamer
启运港船上交货价free on board in harbor
启运港船上交货价free on board harbour
启运港船边交货free alongside ship
启运点交货价free on board shipment point
国内货运发货人domestic freight forwarder
国际货物运输international cargo transportation
国际货物运输保险international cargo transportation insurance
国际货物运输合同contract of international transport of goods
国际货物运输合同contract of international goods transport
在控温下的货物运输traffic carried under controlled temperature
在途货运traffic in transit
地方运送货物local consignment
备运提货单指未装船前签发的提单received for shipment bill of lading
外贸货物运输保险insurance of transport of foreign trade goods
多种运货multiple freight
大宗货物运输量traffic in the bulk commodity
如果您想要尽早发货,那我们只能分批装运了If you desire earlier delivery, we can only make a partial shipment
存货与营运资本的比率ratio of inventories to net working capital
货运输单位unit of traffic
将订单货物集中一次装运pool the order into one shipment
将货物交由承运人保管delivery into the custody of the carrier
小件货物运单parcel ticket
货运cartage out
巨型货运jumbo freighter
已纳税货物准运证removal permit of duty-paid goods
已装运货物cargo loaded
巴黎统筹委员会对中国禁运货单Chincom List
干货期租船运价dry cargo time charter freight rate
平板运货车flat car
1978 年联合国海上货物运输公约即汉堡规则United Nations Convention on the Carrier of Goods by Sea 1978
待装货物运输traffic on hand to be loaded
待运货物merchandise awaiting transportation
待运货物hold cargo
待运货物back log
待运货物traffic for clearance
快件托运货express consignment
快运货物quick dispatch
快运货物express goods
快运货物express freight
为履约急於抢运的货物distress cargo
总公司运来货物shipments from home office
成套货运单证包括正本与副本set of shipping documents
成本、运费泊位交货条件cost and freight berth term
成组货运cargo unitization
成组装运的货物goods in unit load
成组货物运输集装箱运输unitized goods transport
托盘货运pallet shipment
托盘装运货物cargo on pallets
托运货物consign goods
托运货物体积大小consignment size
承运货物收据是目前国内和香港货运中常用的收据, 由运输行出具cargo receipt
承运货物账户freight account
投保海运险是很重要的,货物在海上可能遭遇各种风险,例如火灾、暴雨、碰撞、偷窃、泄漏、爆炸等Ocean shipping cargo insurance is important because goods run the risk of different hazards such as fire, storm, collision, theft, leakage, explosions, and etc
押运货物escort goods in transport
按最后卸货量计算的运费freight on final outturn
按货物体积计收运费cubic measurement
〈法〉按货的价值计算的运费freight by ad valorem
按载货负担能力收取运费制度charging what the traffic will bear
放射性货物运输包装等级表list of classification of packing radioactive goods
敞篷运货车pickup truck
散装货运bulk carrier
整型运货卡车heavy goods vehicle
整车货运carload freight
整车和不足最低载货量的一批货物或运费率carload and less than carload lot or rate
无收入货运non-revenue freight
无许可证装运货物ship goods without a permit
时间/货量运费率time/volume rates
普通货运费率general cargo rate
普通货运集装箱general freight container
普通货物运费率general cargo rate
最省运费航线运货shipment by the cheapest route
未列明运费率的货物cargo not otherwise specified
货运break bulk transport
水上运输货物条件floating condition
水运货物cargo afloat
水陆货运freightage and cartage
汽车运输提货单trucking company L/B
沿海货运coasting shipping
货运bulky cargo charge
海上货物运输会议Conference on the Carriage of Goods by Sea
海运货sea borne articles
清理货运办法clearance of goods traffic
港口货运吞吐量装卸量volume of freight goods loaded and unloaded in the port
满载货物运费一次总付dead-weight lumpsum
特定货物运价particular commodity rate
特定货物运费率commodity rate
特种货物托运exceptional consignment
现金购货自运指由卖方提供折扣,买方即付现金,并自己将货物运回的交易方式。多见于零售商向批发商进货中cash and carry
用快车运货by express
用普通货车运货by freight
用普通货车运送by freight
由卖方代为租船、订舱或投保的启运地船上交货条款free on board clause providing for additional duties for the seller
由运货人承担风险at carrier's risk
申请运输保税货物application for transportation in bond
直接货运即货船直接由启运港码头装货,运至目的港卸货direct service
直接运货指制造商不经批发商直接运货给零售商drop shipment
直达货运drop shipment
离埠外运货物outbound cargo
空运提货单air transportation waybill
空运收货单air waybill
空运的货物air cargo
空运货air freight
空运货单Air Way Bill
空运货物air borne goods
空运货物air borne cargo
空运货物air cargo
空运货物保险aviation insurance
空运货物单据house airway bill
空运货物单据指承揽装运人收到空运货物的证明单据house air bill
空运货物清单Air Freight List
空运货物运费表air cargo tariff
空运货物险经纪人aviation broker
终点货运terminal depot
经铁路运至边界交货by rail over frontier
统一货运公司consolidated freightway incorporation
综合海洋货运aggregation of marine cargoes
联运货物运费through freight
联运货物条款through cargo clause
联运货票cargo bill for transit
自由运价货物open rated cargo
航空货运air shipping
航空货运业者air freight forwarder
航空货运air waybill
航空货运air transportation waybill
航空运货air freight
航空运货单air consignment note
舱面装运的货物goods carried on deck
船运货物shipping goods
船运货物sailing goods
装运散装货物ship goods unpacked
装运港船上交货价free on board port of shipment
装运货样shipping sample
装运货物shipping goods
装运货物embark cargo
要求货物在某日或前运达require the goods to arrive on/before
议价运费货物open rated cargo
谷物货运容积grain capacity
货主承担风险托运单bill of adventure
货交承运人FCA (Free Carrier)
货交承运人价free carrier... named point
货价加运费发票cost and freight invoice
货价包括运费在内cost and freight included
货价及运费发票cost and freight
货到付运费freight payable on delivery
货到付运费freight at destination
货物交火车运送consign goods by rail
货物到目的地卸货后付运费freight to be paid after discharge at destination
货物启运国country where consigned
货物平均运程average freight haul
货物托运单application for cargo
货物托运清单invoice of goods
货物承运人cargo carrier
货物承运代理佣金forwarding commission
货物承运公司forwarding company
货物承运单forwarding order
货物承运站forwarding station
货物承运说明书forwarding instruction
货物押运员cargo attendants
货物搬运业务goods handling service
货物搬运管理management of shifting goods
货物火险与海运险fire and marine insurance
货物空运carriage of goods by air
货物联运combined carriage of goods
货物自运cash and carry sale
货物航运执照cargo navigation certificate
货物装运指南cargo boarding advisory
货物误运miscarriage of goods
货物运输merchandise transportation
货物运输cargo freight
货物运输与货物总量比率coefficient of product transported to total produced
货物运输确认书confirmation of shipping instruction
货物运输系数coefficient of product transported to total produced
货物运达后所取样品outturn sample
货物运销系统physical distribution system
货物错运:货物不按规定运送miscarriage of goods
货船与飞机运输船and Aircraft Ferries
货车承运人cartage contractor
货车运费box car tariff
货车运费单cart note
货车运费单cartage note
货运中介人transportation middleman
货运主管人traffic manager
货运主要路线life line
货运交接单list of freight delivered and received
货运仓库transportation stores
货运仓库freight house
货运代理人goods agent
货运保险freight insurance
货运保险货运保险分四类:海运货物保险、陆运货物保险、空运货物保险及邮包保险cargo transportation insurance
货运保险单goods-in-transit policy
劳埃德公司货运保险经纪人承保集团cargo syndicate
货运公司delivery service
货运出口报关清单shipping specification
货运分摊cargo sharing
货运协会Freight Association
货运协议freight agreement
货运freight notes
货运forwarding note
货运单元化cargo unitization
货运单到付款payment upon the arrival of shipment documents
货运单据shipping document
货运单据move ment of goods document
货运单据documentation of shipment
货运单据总清单general list of shipping document
货运合伙经营freight pool
货运合同freight transport contract
货运合同contract of affreightment
货运即计算运费的吨数shipping ton
货运吨公里freight ton-kilometre
货运吨数以 40 立方英尺为一吨计算freight tonage
货运shipping clerk
货运周转量turnover volume of freight traffic
货运freight forwarder
货运cargo freighter
货运提单forwarder's bill of lading
货运收据forwarder's certificate of receipt
货运goods office
货运Transportation Service
货运freight office
货运季节波动系数coefficient of seasonal fluctuations in freight tragic
货运市场cargo market
货运总代理人general freight agent
货运承保人cargo insurer
货运承运业forwarding business
货运承运商forwarding agent
承运人发给托运人的货运承运商提单house bill of lading
货运承运行forwarding agent's house
货运承运行提单forwarding agent's house bill of lading
货运承运行收据forwarding agent's receipt
货运损失诉讼cargo claim
货运搭配traffic mix
货运操作manipulation of goods
货运收入receipt from goods traffic
货运transport number
货运服务freight service
货运服务car service
货运air freighter
货运机车freight engine
货运机车日产量output of a freight locomotive per day
货运条件condition of carriage
货运港口cartage port
货运特许权concession for goods traffic
货运班轮运费率cargo liner freight rate
货运班轮运费率cargo liner freight rate
货运申报价值declared value for carriage
货运积载图cargo stowage plan
货运经理freight traffic manager
货运经纪人cargo broker
货运经纪人freight broker
货运统筹方案cargo consolidation scheme
货运联营freight pool
货运航程cargo passage
货运舱单cargo manifest
货运订舱中心freight booking centre
货运质量指货运中货物损失和损耗情况quality of the freight service
货运goods traffic expense
货运cargo freight
货运距离distance of freight carried
货运路线单指令routing order
货运stock handling car
货运转运商freight forwarder
货运辛迪加cargo syndicate
货运达时所抽样品outturn sample
货运运价等级classification of freight rate
货运Transport Office
货运freight department
货运shipping department
货运trucking department
货运Traffic Volume
货运freight traffic volume
货运量减少falling-off in freight
货运量单位Traffic Unit
货运量综合容纳吞吐能力指港口、泊位、货场、仓容等综合承受能力combined capacity of freight traffic
货运transportation on purchases
从保税仓库取出贮运货单bill of victualling
走私货运contraband tragic
起运点交货价FOB shipping point
超长货物运费lengthy cargo charge
goods转运货物tranship cargo
轻泡货运measurement freight
轻量货运light weight shipment
载货装运指南cargo boarding advisory
过境货物运费freight in transit
运交分店分支机构货物branch consignments
运交分店货物shipment to branch office
运交分支机构货物branch consignment
运出货物号数number of consignments forward
运出货物登记簿register for goods forwarded
运出货物编号number of consignments forwarded
运用成本比率计算期末存货applying cost ratio to ending inventory
运用货币资本净额net monetary working capital
运货freight goods
运货一节车厢freight car
运货与转运商Shipping and Forwarding Agent
运货业务cargo service
运货人自装自理货shipper's load and tally
运货人自装自算shipper's load and count
运货列车货车goods train
运货列车freight train
运货单watered way-bill
运货单Way Bill
运货单bill of freight
运货单据号number of transport bill
运货卡车delivery truck
运货回单advice of delivery
〈藁〉运货快车liner train
运货指数shipment index
运货监督人cargo superintendent
运货监督人总管cargo superintendent
运货能力cargo carrying capacity
运货船market boat
〈美〉运货船keel boat
运货许可证removal permit
运货货证carriage note
运费交货时即付carriage forward
运费付至指定目的地交货价carriage paid to named point destination
运费收货时付收款freight to collect
〈美〉运费由收货人支付freight collect
运费自定货物free rate cargo
运载矿砂货船ore carrier
运进货物登记簿register for goods received
运途中处理货物的权利right of disposal of the goods during transit
运途货物路货stock afloat
近海运货near cargo
货运incoming freight
货运freight in
货运carriage inward
进出口货物运输保险合同contract of insurance for the transportation of imports and exports
进口货物运费carriage inward
进口货物运输inward traffic
远东货运公会Far Eastern Freight Conference
远洋货运运价表ocean freight tariff
退货运return freight
退货运back goods freight
适于运货cargo worthy
适于运货条款cargo worthy clause
适于集装箱运输的货物containerable cargo
通用轻型运货卡车light general service lorry
邻接货运adjacent load
重运一批货物reforward a consignment
铁路货运railway carriage
铁路货运单副本duplicate of waybill
铁路货运提单railroad bill of ladings
铁路免费运货railroad free delivery
铁路货物运输rail freight
铁路运货车railroad freight car
货运freight outwards
货运freight out
长途货物运输long-haul goods traffic
长途货物运输long haul of goods traffic
集装货运containerized shipment
集装箱货运制度container system
集装箱货运服务费CFS receiving charge
集装箱货运站货物container freight station
集装箱货运container carrying vessels
零担货运less-than-carload shipment
零担货运less-than-carload freight
零担货运less-than-carload lot
零担货运不满一辆货车的货物运费less-than-carload freight
零担货运费率less-than-carload rate
零担货集中托运concentration of part-load goods consignment
货运non-transportation charges
高篷运货卡车removal van
高运价抢运货物distress cargo