
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
会计通general rule of accounting
会计通general principle of accounting
克莱姆—切谢夫不等式Cramer-Tchebychev inequality
对数频率decibel-log frequency
—对数频率特性decibel-log frequency characteristic
格分解定理Lebesgue decomposition theorem
格可测函数Lebesgue measurable function
格收敛定理Lebesgue convergence theorem
审计通general principle on auditing
广义塔统计量特征根latent root of the generalized beta-statistic
度量准measurement criterion
拉斯尔公式Laspeyres formula
拉斯尔—康亚斯指数Laspeyres-Konyus index
拉斯尔物价指数Laspeyres price index
number of replication
指导准guiding principles
最优准optimistic criterion
比内米─切谢夫不等式Bienayme-Tchebychev inequality
毫瓦分电平、音强单位decibels referred to one milliwatt
渐进叶斯方法asymptotic Bayes procedure
特切切夫不等式Tchebycheff inequality
罢工pearl strike
tax regulation
约翰逊与尔曼定律Johnson & Bellman rule
职工劳动守work rules for workers and staff
自由阿尔群free Abelian group
尔奖Nobel Prize
伦斯方法Behrens' method
伦斯—费雪双样本检验Behrens-Fisher two-sample test
叶回归Bayesian regression
叶斯买主Bayesian purchaser
叶斯估计Bayesian estimation
叶斯估计法Bayes' assessment
叶斯公式Bayes formula
叶斯公设Bayes postulate
叶斯决策模式Bayesian decision model
叶斯决策程序Bayes decision procedure
叶斯分析Bayesian analysis
叶斯式先验密度函数Bayesian-type prior density function
叶斯—拉普拉斯法则Bayes-Laplace rule
叶斯操作特性Bayesian operating characteristic
叶斯方法Bayesian techniques
叶斯方法Bayesian method
叶斯模式Bayesian model
叶斯法则Bayes rule
叶斯理论Bayesian theory
叶斯逆概率方法Bayes' inverse-probability approach
叶斯预测Bayesian forecasting
叶斯风险函数Bayes' risk function
塔二项式分布beta binomial distribution
塔基本分布beta-prime distribution
塔差错beta error
塔概率图beta probability plot
塔积分beta integral
塔风险beta risk
塞尔函数分布Bessel function distribution
塞尔校正系数Bessel's correction
奴里群体平均数mean of Bernoulli population
尔曼—哈里斯过程Bellman-Harris process
尔系统bell system
弗里奇制度Beveridge System
弗里奇报告Beveridge Report
弗里奇社会保险方案Beveridge Plan
弗里奇级数Beveridge series
统计斯假定Bays postulate
斯定理Bays theorem
氏酸性转炉钢Bessemer Acid Steel
茨—内曼模型Bates-Neyman model
达克斯工资制Bedaux System
达克斯计点工资制Bedaux Point System
道克斯尺度Bedaux scale
道克斯工资奖励方案Bedaux plan
道克斯工资计划Bedaux wage plan
道克斯法Bedaux system
道克斯积点工资制Bedaux point system
道克斯计点奖励工资制Bedaux point premium system
恰夫不等式Tchebychev's inequality
塔分布inverted Beta distribution
尔函数Abelian function
尔积分Abelian integral
尔簇Abelian variety
—海默特判别检验Abbe-Helmert criterion test
预测中的叶斯分析Bayesian analysis in forecasting