
Terms for subject Technology containing | all forms
不交叉规non-crossing rule
不完全塔函数incomplete β function
不规地震反射结构chaotic seismic reflection configuration
不规显性irregular dominance
不规毛石路面irregular rubble paving
不规演替anomalous succession
不规的脉冲形成irregular pulsation
不规线圈random winding
中心法central dogma
中间拷intermediate copy
伏特分decibels relative to one volt
伏特分decibel above one volt
优先法sequence rule
传感拷transmission copying
格-奥斯古特力与变形关系Ramberg-Osgood force-deformation relation
格-奥斯古特滞变曲线Ramberg-Osgood skeleton curve
增益decibel gain
对数频率特性decibel-log frequency characteristic
测定decibel measurement
电位计decibel potentiometer
decibel notation
decibel meter
计算图表decibel calculator
记录器decibel recorder
分离拷copy separation
分解规decomposition rule
初生氏体primary bainite
包装商品规packaged goods regulations
加尔极性超带North-Baikal polarity superzone
加尔极性超时North-Baikal polarity superchron
kapok oil
吉布斯相法Gibbs rule
壳的细砂fine shelly sand
壳石灰石shelly limestone
壳砂shelly sand
壳黏土shell-bearing clay
含有泥沙壳石等的冰块muddy ice
地下水消毒规groundwater disinfection rule
地图拷map copy
尔•斯托克斯式日照时数计Campbell-Stokes' heliograph (sunshine recorder)
备份拷backup copy
纤维Sharpens fibre
加尔山地outer Baical mountains
加尔海湾outer Caecilian gulf
多拷平均multiple copy averaging (法)
夹有小壳黏土yoldia clay
工程图的尺寸标示规dimensioning rule
布鲁塞尔一朗银行Banque Bruxelles Lambert
弯道子足巨horizontal sight distance inside of curve
强制性规obligatory rule
强制性规mandatory rule
general principles
general articles
放射性测量total beta-radioactivity survey
放射性测量total beta-radiation survey
感觉到的噪声分perceived noise level in decibels
感觉噪声分perceived noise decibel
戈尔德格光楔Goldberg wedge
按吸收原理工作的塔测量计beta absorption gauge
按吸收原理工作的塔测量计beta absorption gage
显示拷display copier
最大阿耳扩张maximal Abelian extension
有限阿耳群finite Abelian group
17世纪法国巴黎尔府邸Hotel Lambert
标准校正拷answer print
校正拷answer print
核动力船安全规nuclear ship regulation
公式计算重复荷载引起的最大破坏力公式Greber's formula
尔自动绘图系统Geber model automatic drafting system
式桁架Gerber's truss
式桥hinged cantilever beam
式梁Gerber's girder
式梁Gerber's beam
格兰型侧卸出碴车granby type trolley
格子百egg-crate type louver
格子百grille louver
水下塔一伽马测量beta-gamma survey under water
活赤live ark shell
塞尔函数spherical Bessel function
塞尔函数spheric Bessel function
生产成本法law of cost
稀土塔石rare earth betafite
稳定的塔型钛合金stable beta titanium alloy
第一类一阶虚宗塞尔函数order one imaginary coordinate Bessel function of the 1st kind
第一类零阶塞尔函数order zero Bessel function of the 1st kind
第一类零阶虚宗塞尔函数zero modified Bessel function of the 1st kind
第一部完成拷first answer print
第二类一阶塞尔函数order one Bessel function of the 2nd kind
第二类一阶虚宗塞尔函数order one imaginary coordinate Bessel function of the 2nd kind
第二类零阶塞尔函数order zero Bessel function of the 2nd kind
第二类零阶虚宗塞尔函数order zero imaginary coordinate Bessel function of the2 nd kind
紫贻Mytilus edulis
编辑拷edited copy
tongue shell
舌形板层Lingula flags
航向扇形现象course scalloping
蔡斯一阿数值孔径计Zeiss-Abbe apertometer
调整分adjusted decibel
谢尔取土器Shelby soil sampler
谢尔薄壁取土器thin-walled Shelby tube sampler
伦斯一费希尔问题Behrens-Fisher problem
佛莱日天线Beverage antenna
克一帕金混合机Baker-Perkin mixer
克一施密特反射镜系统Baker Schmidt mirror system
克一施密特望远镜Baker-Schmidt telescope
克一纳恩摄影机Baker-Nunn camera
克一纳恩照相机Baker-Nunn camera
克勒尔射线Becquerel's ray
克勒耳电池Becquerel cell
克威思统Beckwith series
克式钟形系船墩Baker bell dolphin
克式钟形系船柱Baker bell dolphin
克挡土墙设计规则Baker's rules
克数值口径计Beck apertometer
克斯坦光度计Bechstein photometer
克曼二氧化硫分析仪Beckmann SO₂ analyzer
克曼二氧化硫库仑分析仪Beckmann coulometric SO₂ analyzer
克曼仪器Beckmann apparatus
克曼分光光度计Beckmann spectrophotometer
克曼分子转换Beckmann molecular transformation
克曼弯沉仪Benkelman beam
克曼微量水分分析仪Beckmann trace moisture analyzer
克曼总氧化剂分析仪Beckmann total oxidant analyzer
克曼梁Benkelman beam
克曼梁回弹弯沉Benkelman beam rebound (值)
克曼梁弯沉值Benkelman beam deflection
克曼流程氧量监测仪Beckmann process oxygen monitor
测量路面挠度用克曼测杆Benkelman beam
克曼石英分光光度计Benkelman quartz spectrophotometer
克曼辐射计Beckmann bolometer
克曼镇石灰碳Beckmantown limestone
克曼顺磁型电子分析器Beckmann electronic analyzer of paramagnetic type
带止回阀的克水泥浮鞋Baker cement float shoe
克生物指数beck biological index
克生物指数beck biologic index
克管鞋Baker shoe (方形齿刃)
克系缆桩Baker dolphin
克系船墩Baker bell dolphin
克莱标准数Berkeley normalized value
克莱雨量计Beckley gauge
克莱雨量计Beckley gage
克试Becke test
克里悬吊式单轨运输设备Becorit system
克钳位Baker clamp
克黏度计Bekk's viscometer
兰板式蒸发计Belain plate atmometer
兹动量理论Betz momentum theory
净格钢丝网Benzinger metal lathing
净格钢丝网Benzinger metal lath
利克瓷Belleek ware
利斯浊度计Baylis turbidimeter
利漆画木纹工艺Berries graining
利炭粒炉Baily furnace
利特水泥belite cement
加尔古陆Baical old land
加尔旋回Baikal movement
加尔构造作用幕Baikalian orogeny episode
加尔海槽Baikalian marine trough
加尔裂谷地震构造带Baikal rift seismotectonic zone
加尔裂谷带Baikal rift zone
包特式栅孔活动坝Bebout wicket dam
包特式门坝Bebout wicket dam
包特旋转桁架上木板坝Bebout wicket dam
叶斯不确定性Bayesian uncertainly
叶斯估算Bayes estimation (法)
叶斯估计Bayes estimation (法)
叶斯决策定则Bayesian decision rule
叶斯决策理论Bayesian decision theory
叶斯决策规则Bayes decision rule
叶斯决策规则的宜取性admissibility of Bayes decision rule
叶斯准则下的判别分析discriminatory analysis on Bayesian criterion
叶斯分析法Bayesian approach
叶斯分类Bayes's classification
叶斯分类Bayesian classification
叶斯判决规则Bayes decision rule
叶斯后验分析Bayesian posterior analysis
叶斯定律Bayes law
叶斯检测Bayes test
叶斯检测Bayes detection
叶斯检测理论Bayes detection theory
叶斯检验Bayes test
叶斯概率决策法Bayesian probability decision method
叶斯模型Bayesian model
叶斯规贝Bayes rule
叶斯风险Bayes risk
叶棕talipot palm
司罗量热计Berthlot's calorimeter
哈姆转盘Benham top
塔一伽马取样beta-gamma sampling
塔一伽马测量beta plus gamma survey
塔一伽马综合分析beta-gamma composite analysis
塔一伽马编录值beta-gamma documentary value
塔函数beta function
塔分布beta distribution
塔射线beta ray
塔射线谱法beta-ray spectrometry
塔放射性beta radioactivity
塔放射性测量beta radioactivity measuring
塔相beta phase
塔粒子beta particle
塔系数beta coefficient
塔织物beta fabric
塔衰变beta decay
塔质子beta particle
塞尔图上定位Bessel's method
塞尔假年岁首beginning of Besselian fictitious year
塞尔内插公式Bessel's interpolation formula
塞尔函数cylindric harmonics
塞尔喇叭Bessel's horn
塞尔大地问题解算公式Bessel's formula for solution of geodetic prob lem
塞尔年Besselian year
塞尔微分方程Bessel's differential equation
塞尔支承点Bessel's point
塞尔日数Bessel's day number
塞尔日期Bessel's date
塞尔星数Bessel's star number
塞尔根数Besselian elements
塞尔椭圆体Bessel's spheroid
塞尔椭圆体Bessel's ellipsoid
1841 塞尔椭球体1841Bessel ellipsoid of
塞尔法Bethel's method (木材防腐)
塞尔要素Besselian elements
塞尔转移系数Bessel's transition coefficient
塞尔防腐法Bethel's process
塞麦方法Bessemer process
塞麦钢Bessemer steel
塞麦钢Bessemer mild steel
塞麦铁Bessemer pig iron
塞麦铁Bessemer iron
oyster shell lime
shell lime
灰岩shelly limestone
灰岩shell limestone
shell road
集料shell aggregate
骨料shell aggregate
壳养殖shellfish farming
壳堤shell ridge
壳层shell bed
壳层mussel bed
壳岩coquina shell
壳岸shell bank
壳工艺品shell work
壳式缝边机shell-type edge seamer
壳形shell type
壳挖泥船shell dredger
壳挖泥船shell dredge
壳本质shell fiber
壳杉树胶Kauri gum
壳杉树胶kauri copal
壳杉清漆kauri varnish
壳杉脂Kauri resin
壳杉脂丁醇溶液溶解kauri-butanol value
壳杉脂丁醇溶解试验kauri butanol test
壳杉脂稀释值kauri reduction value
壳杉脂稀释试验kauri tolerance value test
壳杉脂素ka uro resene
壳松烯二agathic acid
壳松脂Kauri gum
壳松脂kauri copal
壳柱头scalloped capital
壳沙滩shell beach
壳沙滩shell bank
壳泥灰岩shell marl
壳混凝土shell concrete
壳混凝土屋顶shell concrete roof
壳混凝土建筑shell concrete construction
壳状斜边shell bevel
壳状斜边round punt bevel
壳状斜边conchoidal bevel
壳状柱头scalloped capital
壳状流痕shell-like flow mark
壳状砂岩conchoidal sandstone
壳状破裂conchoidal fracture
壳状裂痕conchoidal fracture
壳状集块岩shelly agglomerate
壳石灰岩shelly rock
壳石灰石shelly limestone
壳石灰石coquina (产于美国南部,用于建筑)
壳砂sand shell
壳砂岩shelly sandstone
壳砂岩shell sandstone
壳砂石shell sandstone
壳砂石beach rock
壳砾石shell gravel
壳碎屑shell debris
壳类Mytilus edulis
壳粉shell powder
壳粉oyster shell whiting
壳粉ground oyster shell
壳花shell flower
壳路面shell surface
壳路面shell pavement
壳铺面shell pavement
壳面scalloped surface
壳页岩mussel bind
壳饰柱头scalloped capital
尔俾层Beilby layer
尔函数Baire function
尔型修整砂轮器Bell dresser
尔型整形砂轮器Bell dresser
尔塔密强度理论Beltrami's theory of failure
尔实验室Bell laboratory
尔拉盖公式晴天条件下计算室外水平面扩散光照度公式Berlage's formula
尔斯坦火焰电离探测器Beilstein flame detector
尔斯坦试验Beilstein test
尔曼投影Behrman's projection
尔曼方程式Bellman's equation
尔曼最优原则Bellman's principle of optimality
尔曼最优性原则Bellman's principle of optimality
尔法斯特弓形屋架Belfast roof truss
尔法斯特弓形屋顶Belfast roof
尔法斯特桁架Belfast truss
尔法斯特水槽Belfast sink
尔法斯特港Port Belfast (英国)
尔特体Belt's corpuscle
尔特体Beltian body
尔纳衬砌法Bernold lining method
尔维德雷宫Belvedere Wien (18世纪奥地利维也纳)
尔解释系统Bell interpretive system
尔鞍形填料Berl saddle packing
尔鞍形填料Berl saddle
尔麦式漂白机Belimer bleacher
尔默漂白机Bellmer bleacher
尚还原Bechamp reduction
尼奥夫地震Benioff seismic zone
尼奥夫伸长计Benioff extensometer
尼奥夫地带Benioff fault place
尼奥夫型俯冲带benioff-type subduction zone
尼奥夫应变计Benioff strain meter
尼奥夫短周期地震仪Benioff short-period seismograph
money cowrie
式弓弦屋盖Belfast roof
式弓弦桁架Belfast truss
式弓形屋盖Belfast roof
式弓形桁架Belfast truss
弗宁甲硫酸盐bevonium metilsulfate
德灰岩Indiana limestone
德福呢Bedford cloth
恩罐笼托座Bein kep gear
拉米偏航角Bellamy drift
拿勒斯麻Benares hemp
措尔德-布鲁克现象Bezold–Brücke phenomenon
斯顿岩群Bayston Group
昂油behen oil
替斯窑Boetius furnace
杜工资奖励方案Bedaux plan
森克函数Besinc function
母花fritillary flower
氏体淬火bainite hardening
氏体转变开始点bainite start point
氏体转变终了点bainite finish point
氏体铸铁bainite ductile iron
氏弓形屋架Belfast roof truss
氏弹簧Belleville spring
氏弹簧垫圈Belleville spring washer
氏振动稠度计Vebe consistometer
氏法球墨铸铁bainite ductile iron
氏转炉Bessemer converter
洛梯跨式起重机Belotti straddle crane
特洛一汤姆逊原理Berthelot-Thomsen principle
特洛方程式Berthelot's equation
特洛量热器Berthelot's calorimeter
特顿一克洛耳法Betterton-Kroll process
瑞亚砂岩Berea sandstone
类保护地shellfish reserves
类养殖场shellfish farming
类养殖水shellfish water
类加工废水mussel processing wastewater
类加工废物mussel processing waste
壳鱼类污染shellfish contamination
纳单体convection cell
纳尔德单体Benard cell
纳尔德环流Benard circulation motion (运动)
纳尔德窝Benard cell
纳特氏立克次体Coxiella burnetii
纳特离子质谱仪Bennet ion-mass spectrometer
cowrie pattern
耙型采捕机scooper type harvester
茨干涉仪Bates interferometer
茨拟态Batesian mimicry
茨法Betts process
茨波前剪切干涉仪Bates wavefront shearing interferometer
蒂一萨尔彼特方程Bethe-Salpeter equation
蒂互易定律Betti's reciprocal theorem
蒂互易定理Betti's reciprocal theorem
蒂互等定理Betti's reciprocal theorem
蒂反应betti's reaction
蒂定律Betti's law
蒂定理Betti's theorem
蒂法Betti's method
蒂诺德一拉图尔交流发电机Bethenod-Latour alternator
西克纤维basic fiber (聚碳酸酯纤维)
西单位Bessey unit
诺希尔德单层烘燥机Beno-Shilde drying machine
诺托施工Benoto method (大口径现浇混凝土桩)
诺托冲击式抓具Benoto hammer grab
诺托式大口径挖掘机Benoto machine
诺托式大口径现浇混凝土桩施工法Benoto method
诺托施工法Benoto process (大口径现浇混凝土桩)
诺托法Benoto system
诺托钻孔压桩机Benoto boring rig
诺托钻孔压桩机Benoto boring plant
诺托钻孔灌注桩Benoto pile
轮港Port Belem (巴西)
1120~1160年法兰西里格大教堂Cathédrale, Perigueux
shell sculpture
雕画shell carving picture
式桁Bailey truss
雷克补偿器Berek compensator
雷式桁架桥跨Bailey span
雷式桥Bailey bridge
雷桥Bailey bridge
雷流量计Bailey meter
雷流量计Bailey flow meter
雷硫试验Bailey test for sulphur
鲁特港Port Beirut (黎巴嫩)
齐利阿斯价键理论Berzelius theory of valency
逆幂法inverse power law
锤击工弋渺求冲逼妻萱厦荠金乏hammer-blow type pulse-velocity measuring device
不变式Abbe invariant
不变量Abbe invariant
处理Abbe's treatment
闪点试验Abel test
尔不等式Abel's inequality
尔加热试验Abel heat test
尔域Abelian field
尔域Abelian domain
尔定理Abel theorem
尔密闭实验Abel's close test (一种测定液体燃料和润滑油闪点的方法)
尔富度Abell richness class
尔收敛性判别法Abel's test of convergence
尔测定仪Abel tester
尔耐热试验Abel heat test
尔试剂Abel reagent
尔金相浸蚀剂Abel's reagent
尔闪点closed flash point
尔闪点Abel flash point
尔闪点测定Abel flash point apparatus
尔闪点试验仪Abel testing apparatus
尔闪点试验器Abel tester
尔闪点试验器Abel flash point tester
尔闭式试验器Abel closed tester
尔闭杯试验Abel Pensky flash point test
成像原理Abbe's theory of image formation
球径计Abbe's spherometer
透镜成像理论Abbe's theory of imaging
阿尔斯电缆Alpeth cable
古埃及阿布辛勒神庙Temple of Abu Simbel
阿布辛勒神庙Temple of Abu Simbel
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