
Terms for subject Information technology containing | all forms
全局拷global copy
写时拷快照copy-on-write snapshot
冷快照拷cold snapshot copy
分离镜像拷split mirror copy
unix 到 unix 的拷协议unix to unix copy protocol
0 参考点上的分毫瓦dBm 0
反射拷reflection copy
块拷复制block copy
寄存器拷指令register copy instruction
对等远程拷peer-to-peer remote copy
己调分decibels adjusted
己调分dBa (decibels adjusted 或 adjusted decibels)
快照拷snapshot copy
保护copy protection
保护格式copy-protected format
copy volume
指针拷pointer copy
按噪声加权的高于1 mW 的分dBmp (decibels above milliwatt psophometrically weighted)
时间点拷point in time copy
暖快照拷warm snapshot copy
本地拷操作local copy operation
热快照拷hot snapshot copy
盲拷blind carbon copy
相片拷photographic copy
硬拷任务hard-copy task
硬拷打印输出hard-copy printout
硬拷视频接口hard-copy video interface
硬拷记录hard-copy log
移动与拷move and copy
调准分adjusted decibel (dBa)
叶斯决策规划Bayes decision rule
叶斯判定理论Bayes decision theory
叶斯判定规则Bayes decision rule
塞尔低通滤波器Bessel lowpass filter
尔兼容调制解调器Bell-compatible modem
尔时空分层Bell labs layered space time
尔曼-福特距离矢量路由选择算法Bellman-Ford distance-vector routing algorithm
尔集成光学器件Bell integrated optical device
尼什网络Benesh network
彻尔并行方法Batcher's parallel method
高于 1 V 的分dBV (decibels above 1 volt)
高于 1 pW 的分dBp (decibels above 1 picowatt)
高于参考噪声的分dBrn (decibels above reference noise)
高于参考耦合的分dBx (decibels above reference coupling)