
Terms for subject Electronics containing 读写 | all forms | in specified order only
一次写人只读存储光盘compact disc write once read memory
一次写人多次读出光盘write once, read multiple disc
一次写人多次读出光盘write once, read many times disc
一次写人多次读出光盘compact disc write once read many times
不破坏信息读写nondestructive read-write
互斥读互斥写exclusive read, exclusive write
互斥读并行写exclusive read, concurrent write
允许读/写write/read enable
允许写人/读出状态enable write/read status
先读后写write after read
写人只读存储器write into ROM
写人后直接读出direct read after write
写人期间直接读出direct read during write
写后可读direct read after write
写后读验证read-after-write verification
写时可读direct read during write
写/读启动write/read enable
单写多读光盘write once, read multiple disc
单写多读光盘write once, read many times disc
双向读/写共享读出放大器bidirectional read/write shared sense amplifier
只写、只读存储器write-only, read-only memory
可擦可改写只读存储器erasable and alterable read-only memory
可擦除式写后直接读出erasable direct read after write
可重写只读存储器rewritable read-only memory
多读单写multi-read, single write
多路读写计算机multiple read-write computer
并行读互斥写concurrent read, exclusive write
并行读并行写concurrent read, concurrent write
慢写快读slow write fast read
电可改写只读存储器electrically alterable read-only storage
电可改写只读存储器electrically alterable read-only memory
电可改写可编程只读存储器electrically alterable programmable read-only memory
电可改写非破坏读出electrically alterable nondestructive read-out
磁带读-写程序库tape read and write library
磁带同时读写simultaneous tape read and write
磁道与扇区的读或写read or write a track and sector
系统读/写system read/write
组合读写combined read-write head
读、写与抹去read, write and erase
读/写可扩充存储器read/write expandable memory
读写pick-up head
读/写存储器read/write storage
读/写存储器read/write memory
读/写寄存器read/write register
读写总线适配器read-write bus adapter
读、写、扩充与删除read, write, extend and delete
读写控制read-write controller
读/写文件read/write file
读/写磁头read/write head
读写磁带read-write tape
读可写控制存储器read writable control storage
读和写read and write
随机存取读写存储器random access read-write memory
非破坏性读写nondestructive read-write