
Terms for subject Technology containing 说明 | all forms | in specified order only
一般说明general remark
三角点说明trigonometrical point description
三角点说明trigonometric point description
不合法的窗口说明invalid window specification
不完全说明incomplete specification
不完全说明布尔函数incompletely specified Boolean function
专业版本说明special interest edition statement
专利说明patent specifications
专利说明proprietary specification
专利说明description of patent specifications
专利说明书节录本patent abridgement
专利申请说明patent application specification
业务地区说明description of territory
说明操作数string specification operand
书面说明written documents
产品说明product description
产品说明manufacturer's specification
产品说明product instruction
产品说明product data
产品说明product literature
产品说明commercial specification
产品使用说明manufacturer's recommendation
产品性能说明performance specification
付款说明schedule of values
付款项目说明contract item
以图表说明represent graphically
价值说明declaration of value
价格说明记录price description record
传输说明transput declaration
作业说明job specification (书)
作业说明job description (书)
使用说明operator's handbook (书)
使用说明operating specification (书)
使用说明operating instruction manual (书)
使用说明operating instruction (书)
使用说明instruction manual (书)
使用说明direction for use
使用说明operation sheet
使用保养说明service and maintenance manual
使用状态说明status note
修复说明rebuilding instruction
修订说明revision note
全部说明的有限状态机fully specified finite-state machine
公共说明common denominator
公共说明common declaration
公差规格说明tolerance specification
公用说明语句common declaration statement
内数据说明interior label
决算说明statement of final accounts
说明书销售sale by description
说明销售sale on description
凭文字说明买卖sale by description
出厂说明shop instruction
出版说明publication note
出版说明imprint impression
出版日期说明publication date note
出版者说明publisher's note
刀具补偿计算说明cutter offset calculation declaration
刀具规格说明cutter specification
分区控制说明partition control descriptor
分类说明classification manual
分类说明classification declaration
分类合并文件说明sort-merge file description
初值说明initial value declaration
初步说明preliminary specification
制造说明fabrication specification
制造厂说明maker instruction
功能条件说明functional requirement
功能管理概念说明functional management profile
加工规格说明process specification
说明unitary declaration
单个说明single declaration
卖主装运说明vendor shipping instruction
厂商说明shop instruction
厂商说明manufacturer instructions
压载说明ballasting instruction
发包说明contract specification
发放贷款的书面说明disclosure statement
发明说明description of the invention
发明的简要说明description of the invention
发明的详细说明detailed description of the invention
发行说明issuing authority note
变量说明部分variable declaration part
可调说明符下标adjustable declarator subscript
可调数组说明adjustable array declarator
合同说明contract note
合同说明remark on a contract
合同说明contract accounting
后果的说明description of consequence
品种说明key to variety
品种鉴定说明key to varieties
售主装运说明vendor shipping instruction
商品说明description of commodity
商品质量的标签说明grade labelling
图件说明direction of map
图例说明key to symbol
图例说明key to legend
图像说明picture specification
图像说明字符picture specification character
图幅说明书编制要求requirement for map introduction
图廓外测图说明survey note
图纸说明explanatory notes of drawings
图解说明graphical extension
图解说明graphical illustration
图解说明graphic illustration
图解说明graphic extension
土建施工说明general specification of building construction
在别处未加说明not elsewhere specified
地图说明sheet memoir
地图说明map reading
地基高度说明graded description
坐标网说明grid note
坐标网说明coordinate note
坡度说明graded description
型号说明demonstration of the type
基操作数说明base operand specifier
基本说明basic statement
基本域说明basic field description
基本字段说明basic field description
基本投标标价说明base bid specifications
基本标价项目说明base bid specifications
复数说明语句complex declaration statement
说明external declaration
外形说明physical presentation statement
多种说明multiple declaration
多重说明multiple declaration
她决定用图表来说明这个问题She decides to use charts and diagrams to illustrate
字符形象说明character picture specification
安全使用说明instruction for safe use
安全使用说明specification for safe use
安全使用说明direction for safe use
安装说明fixing instruction
安装说明instruction for mounting
安装说明instruction for installation
安装说明fitting instruction
安装图说明framing drawings
实在说明actual declarator
实在说明actual declarer
实在数组说明actual array declarator
实型说明real type specification
宽度说明width specification
就业情况说明employment letter
尺寸说明statement of size
局部说明的有限状态机partially specified finite-state machine
局部变量说明local variable declaration
工业标准说明trade association specification
工作说明job specification
工作说明job instruction sheet
工程说明construction specifications
工程说明project specification
工程说明project description
工程技术说明engineering specification
工程技术说明specification of works
工程费概算说明statement of probable construction cost
工程进度说明description of construction progress
工程部门说明engineering department instructions
工程部门说明engineering departmental instructions
工程项目说明engineering item description (书)
工艺说明description of the process
工艺说明process specification
工艺规程说明work programme specification
说明方差explained variance
常数说明符下标constant declarator subscript
常数说明部分constant declaration section
并行说明collateral declaration
应用的详细说明specification for applications
建筑设计说明architectural specifications
开关说明switch declaration
开出附说明的账单descriptive billing
形式说明formal specification
形式说明formal declarer
微机控制装置说明microprocessor control description
性能说明statement of performance
说明general specification (书)
说明general description
总概要说明integral schematic description
房地产销售说明settlement statement
扩充说明extended partition specification table
技术规格说明technical specification
技术说明technical direction
技术更改建议说明engineering change proposal work statement
技术要求说明technical specification
投标说明instructions to tendering
投标说明书文件bidding document
拒付说明statement of refusal to pay
拒绝订单并加以说明rejection of order with explanation
指令性说明closed specification
按照说明to specifications
按照说明according to specification
损益说明statement of loss and gain
控制说明control specification
控制卡片说明control card specification
控制软件说明control software specification
提供说明的责任burden of persuasion
插图说明cut-line (指图下文字说明)
摘要说明abstract statement
操作说明handling instruction
操作说明operational sheet
操作说明run book
操作说明working instruction
操作说明operating specification
操作数说明operand specifier
操作数说明符类型operand specifier type
数值图像说明numerical picture specification
数值图像说明numeric picture specification
数值法说明explanation of numerical method
数值法说明explanation of numeric method
数学统计或说明numerical statement
数学统计或说明numeric statement
数据说明语句data declaration statement
数据流说明stream data specification
数组说明语句array declarator statement
文件说明file directory
文字说明type matter
方式说明mode specifier
施工说明general description of construction (书)
施工说明construction specification (书)
施工说明operation sheet
施工说明contract specification
施工说明closed specification (严格做法和材料的)
施工说明书摘要streamlined specifications
施工说明书阶段construction documents phase
施工说明卡片card of work order
施工图纸及技术说明plan and specification
施工方法说明description of execution method
施工方法说明description of job practice
施工方法说明description of construction method
施工程序摘要说明memorandum of procedure
说明分录blind entry
JASS日本建筑学会建筑工程标准说明Japanese Architectural Standard Specification
日本建筑学会建筑工程标准说明JASS.Japanese Architectural Standard Specification
最终设计说明description of final design
有专利权的说明proprietary specification
有关海上打捞爆炸物的说明instruction regarding explosive picked up at sea
有限说明finite specification
说明用途的支出expenditure for unexplained purpose
未作说明not specified
未加说明not elsewhere specified
未另说明not otherwise specified
机器说明machinery specification
机器说明machine instruction
机床说明machine specification
杂项说明miscellaneous declaration
材料说明description of materials
构造说明description of structural construction
标准说明standard declaration
标准说明standard specification
标准会计实例说明statement of standard accounting practice
标准作业说明standard procedure instructions
标准作法说明standard practice instructions
标准技术说明standard technical specification
标准附加说明appended description of standard
标号变量说明的标号表label list of a label variable declaration
标识符说明identifier declaration
样品说明sample specification
核实规范说明方式validation specification mode
格式说明qualification to the form
格式说明类型format description type
格式项说明format item specification
检修说明service manual
模型说明specification of a model
模型说明specification of model
模型说明model specification
模式说明mode declaration pattern specification
正投影图样说明orthographical design interpretation
正投影图样说明orthographic design interpretation
水准点说明benchmark description
注释说明explanatory notes
说明flow specification
流程图文字说明flowchart text
测试说明test specification
海图说明information of the chart
润滑说明lubrication instruction
润滑说明lube chart
润滑点说明oiling chart
润滑点说明lubrication chart
混凝土说明concrete specification
点的说明description of points
焊条使用说明running characteristics of an electrode
版权说明copyright note
版次说明edition note
特别说明special version
特别说明special prescriptions
特别说明special direction
特殊产品规范说明closed specification
现场说明on-site orientation
现场说明field description
现场说明onsite orientation records
生产说明production programme
生产说明production program
生产技术说明operating technical statement
用图表说明illustration with figures
用户说明instruction manual
用户使用说明instructions to the user
用法说明directions of use
用法说明directions for use
由标准程序的说明interpretation by standard procedure
电缆说明cable record
电规范说明electrical specification
电规范说明electric specification
略图参考说明advice added to delineation
监测站说明station description
监测站说明monitoring station description
省缺说明default declaration
程序说明program description
程序说明process specification
程序说明programme specification block
程序规范说明programme specification
程序规范说明program specification
空白域说明blank field descriptor
空白字段说明blank field descriptor
竣工说明as-built description
竣工说明complete certificate
等价说明equivalent statement
等价性说明equivalence declaration
等同说明identity declaration
等级说明graded description
简单说明simple declaration
简单变量说明的分析parsing a simple-variable declaration
简要说明preliminary specification
简要施工说明streamlined specifications
简要施工说明outline specifications
类型说明type specification
系统技术说明system specification
结构说明instruction to the structure
结构说明structure specification
结构说明construction details
结构说明和结构属性structure declaration and attribute
结构说明的分析parsing a structure declaration
统计说明statistical description
统计说明statistic description
维修说明instruction for maintenance
维护保养说明maintenance instruction
编制说明compiling explanation
编图说明compilation note
编辑说明editorial note
缺席说明default declaration
缺席说明文件default specification file
缺省说明default interpretation
缺省说明文件default specification file
缺省说明范围range of a default specification
翻译说明异常translation specification exception
舍弃说明ignore specification
航海说明sailing instruction
船体说明hull specification
色彩做法说明colour specification
说明virtual declarator
说明virtual declarer
行业协会说明trade association specification
补充说明explanatory note
补充说明supplementary note
补充说明additional remark
表式说明table description
表式数据说明部分list-directed data specification
说明变数explained variable
装配说明fitting instruction
覆盖说明overlay declaration
规则、标准与说明rules and standards and instructions
计算方法说明explanation on calculation method
记录说明recording description
记录说明recording declaration
记录说明recording description word
记录说明recording descriptor
记录格式说明recording form descriptor
设备说明equipment specification
设计说明design specification (书)
设计说明description of design
设计说明instruction of design
设计说明performance specification
设计说明design book
设计任务说明performance specification
识别符说明identifier declaration
词汇表等价说明vocabulary equivalence declaration
试样说明test description of sample
详细说明detailed particulars
详细说明extended explanation
详细说明detailed instruction
详细说明detailed explanation
详细说明detailed specification
详细说明detail specification
详细说明closed specification
详细系统说明detailed system description
说明operation sheet
说明technical regulation
说明data sheet
说明specification sheet
说明书号specification number
说明书规范specification limit
说明detail bit
说明作用域scope of declaration
说明instruction card
说明变量explanation variable
说明explanatory drawing (纸)
说明clarification drawing
工程修改补充的说明图纸clarification drawing
说明子程序specification subprogramme
说明子程序specification subprogram
说明字幕telltale title
说明字幕side title
说明异常specification exception
说明性资料accountability information
说明手册instruction manual
说明提要descriptive abstract
说明操作码declarative operation code
说明数组declarative array
说明比例尺statement scale
说明注解explanatory comment
说明注记descriptive report
说明注记descriptive statement
说明注记descriptive text
说明注记explanatory text
说明注记descriptive data
说明注记descriptive name
说明注记description note
说明indexing plate
说明理由令order to show cause
说明理由的仲裁裁决award containing reasons
说明符名称declarator name
说明符定义declarator definition
说明符扩展部分specifier extension
说明符注脚declarator subscript
说明资料detail file
财产状况说明condition of affairs
财务会计标准说明statement of financial accounting standards
财务情况说明financial situation statement
财务报表注释说明explanatory notes to the financial statement
财务状况说明notes to financial statements
质量说明quality description (书)
质量说明quality standard
质量品级说明quality grade description (书)
质量技术说明quality specification
质量等级说明graded description
资料评价说明description of data evaluation
路线说明route report
身份说明statement of identity
输出格式说明output format specification
边界说明boundary description
过程说明procedure specification
运算说明operation declaration
运算说明calculation specification
运行说明running book
返回值说明returned value specification
部分说明的有限状态partially specified finite-state
配筋说明reinforcement notes
重复说明repetitive specification (部分)
钉齿耙使用说明instruction book of spike tooth harrow
长度说明length specification
问题说明problem description
队列说明queue descriptor
防止事故说明accident prevention instruction
说明图表descriptive schedule
说明的账单descriptive bill
说明目录descriptive catalogue
说明目录descriptive catalog
附有说明的损益计算书descriptive financial statement
附有说明的目录descriptive catalogue
附有说明的目录descriptive catalog
附有说明的资料目录annotated bibliography
附有说明的项目表annotated list of items
除另有说明unless otherwise stated
除另有说明unless otherwise noted
除另有说明unless otherwise mentioned
项目说明description of items
项目说明specification of an item
预算说明budget statement
题目说明problem description
题目说明problem definition
饰面说明description of finishes
驾驶说明steering instruction
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