
Terms containing 试样品 | all forms | in specified order only
agric.不定样品试验blind trial
tech.不定样品试验blight trial
econ.为第一个试制样品规定的工时定额first piece time
econ.产品抽样试验production sampling test
tech.代表性样品试验方案testing project of representative sample
tech.作为试验样品的电动机model motor
tech.分析试验样品number of analysis and experiment samples
tech.分析试验样品组数group number of analysis and experiment samples
auto.取下供试验用的样品test coupon
met.商品试样sale sample
tech.商品试样commercial sample
auto.在试验观察期不受破坏的样品suspended item
tech.墙试验样品wall sample
econ.如果要重新提交样品,则任何附加测试的费用必须由你方负担In the event of the resubmission of samples you must bear the cost of any additional tests
textile实验室试验样品laboratory sample
textile实验室试验样品laboratory test sample
adv.店内样品试用in-store sampling
tech.技术测试样品sample testing technical property
auto.更换有故障样品的试验方法replacement test procedure
space月球试验样品lunar test article
auto.样品试样,抽样试验sample testing
auto.样品试样,抽样试验sample test
commer.样品或样机试制advanced development
commer.样品测试test of sample
tech.样品测试sample testing
tech.样品测试实验室laboratory of sample testing
tech.样品测试方法testing method of sample
tech.样品测试日期testing data of sample
tech.样品测试类型testing type of sample
tech.样品测试项目testing term of sample
tech.样品试制advanced development of sample
busin.样品试制计划sample plan
avia.样品试制阶段pilot stage
tech.样品试池sample cell
met.样品试验sample test
met.样品试验specimen test
stat.样品试验sampling test
tech.样品试验sample trial
tech.样品试验pilot test
telecom.试样品test specimen
tech.试样品testing sample
geol.试样品指示标志test sample indicator
tech.物性测试样品sample testing physical property
commer.试先样品pilot model
textile试制样品pilot sample
econ.试制样品prototype unit
busin.试制样品developmental prototype
busin.试制样品development type
tech.试制样品preproduction model
compr.试样品test sample
commer.采矿试样品sampled grade
tech.试样品sampled grade
genet.试管苗样品in vitro collection
interntl.trade.试选样品pilot model
tech.试选样品pilot sample
auto.试验中未损坏的样品run-out specimen
shipb.试验失败的样品failed test sample
tech.试验样品test sample
tech.试验样品test specimen
econ.试验样品a pilot sample
eng.geol.试验样品laboratory sample
econ.试验样品plot sample
wind.试验样品development type
stat.试验样品pilot sample
avia.试验样品test piece
tech.试验样品test piece model
construct.试验样品development type (机)
agric.试验样品working sample
avia.试验样品test article
tech.试验样品模具test sample mould
tech.试验样品模具test sample mold
auto.试验样品的制造pilot production
tech.试验样品规格specification of experimental sample
tech.铸坑样品试验pit test
avia.静态试验样品static test article
el.mach.非散热试验样品non heat-dissipating specimen
avia.飞行器的试验样品boilerplate (指金属结构样机)