
Terms for subject Electronics containing 评理 | all forms
作战系统跟踪与评估管理系统combat system tracking and evaluation management system
全面管理与产出评估total evaluation of management and production output
动作评估处理器motion estimation processor
动作评估处理子系统motion estimation processing subsystem
库存管理、产品补充与定单有效性评估inventory management, product replenishment and order validity evaluation
微处理机评价系统microprocessor assessment system
性能评估神经网络代理performance evaluation agent
战术电子侦察信息处理与评估tactical electronic reconnaissance processing and evaluation
物理学评论快报Physical Review Letters
自动化库存管理评估系统automated inventory management evaluation system
计算机化现场电视评估与处理computerized spot television evaluation and processing
计算机控制管理评价技术computer-operated management evaluation technique
评估处理机模块evaluation processor module
语言评价用语法宏预处理机syntax macro preprocessor for language evaluation
资源评估与管理系统resource evaluation and management system