
Terms for subject Commerce containing 证书 | all forms | in specified order only
专家鉴定品质证明书a certificate of quality by experts
临时关税完税证书temporary duty certificate
书面凭证written document
产品保证书product warranty
仓库保证书warehouse warrant
价值及原产地联合证明书combined certificate of value and origin
估价证明书certificate of appraisal
供应厂商证明书supplier's certificate
依据书面证据独任仲裁员判被告胜诉The sole arbitrator decided for the defendant on the basis of documentary evidence
证书亦缩为 recogsrecognizances
债券证书document of obligation
债务证书bill of debt
债权证书title to debt
偿还保证书refund ment bond
公司合法组成证书certificate of incorporation
公司注册证书corporate charter
公证证书notarial certificate
公证证书authentic act
公证人出具的拒绝证书notarial protest certificate
共同海损无限责任证书unlimited general average guarantee
出厂证明书manufacturer's certificate
制造厂商检验证书manufacturer's inspection certificate
劳埃德船级社制冷机合格证书Lloyd's Refrigeration Machinery Certificate
劳埃德船级社船机设备合格证书Lloyd's machinery certificate
化验证书certificate of analysis
受益权证明书certificate of beneficial interest
品质证明书旨在证明我方产品的良好质量The certificate of quality purports to be an evidence of sound quality of our products
商品检测证书certificate of commodity inspection and testing
国际专利证书中心International Patent Documentation Center
在拒绝承兑时免作拒绝证书no protest nonacceptance
型式合格证书type certificate
容积重量证明书certificate of measurement and weight
对背保证书counter indemnity
履约保证书contract bond
岀口合格证明书certificate for export
岀境证明书exit certificate
工厂检验证明书work inspection certificate
已作成拒绝证书汇票bill duly protested
开证申请书application for establishing L/C
必须提供原产地证明书Certificate of Origin is required
交易所成交证实书floor report
成分证书certificate of composition
所有权证书proprietorship certificate
菲律宾所有权转让证书transfer certificate of title
承运人货物缺损证明书carrier's statement
技术熟练证明书certificate of proficiency
担保抵押证书guaranteed mortgage certificate
担保解除证书release of mortgage
拒绝证书certificate of protest (汇票付款人拒绝承兑或付款时,持票人依法委托公证人 (notary public) 作成拒绝证书,以向出票人追索)
拒绝承兑证书protest for nonacceptance
损害证明书damage certificate
授予合格证书的检验人certificated inspector
授予某人证明书confer a certificate on (sb.)
授予某人证明书award a certificate to (sb)
数量证明书certificate of quantity
无传染病健康证明书clean bill of health
无拒绝证书sans protest
无病害植物检疫证书phytopathological certificate of freedom from disease
普惠制产地证明书GSP certificate of origin
普遍优惠关税产地证书generalized system of preferences certificate of origin
有关我第5051号销售确认书项下的信用证至今尚未岀现Your L/C covering our S/C No. 5051 has so far failed to appear
有关此次发货的检验证书表明货物在装运时情况良好The Certificate of Inspection covering the shipment indicates that the goods were in sound condition when they were shipped
英国有合格证书会计师chartered accountant
美国有合格证书会计师certified public accountant
有合格证书的特许会计师Chartered Accountant
权益转让证书letter of subrogation
材料检验证书material certificate
构造证明书specification for structure
检验证明书inspection and testing certificate
植物消毒证明书phytosanitary certificate
残废证明书disability certificate
残损证书certificate of damage
海关许可证书customs permit
消毒检验证书certificate of disinfection inspection
消毒证明书certificate of disinfection
清算人或接管人债务证书receiver's certificate
皮重证明书certificate of tare
票据拒付证明书protest jacket
离港证明书certificate of departure
签发产地证明书issue a certificate of origin
信用证签字式样证明书letter of indication
信用证签字式样证明书letter of identification
美国有合格证书会计师certified public accountant
联邦特惠证书Commonwealth Preference Certificate
股票认购保证书stock purchase warrant
船籍证明书certificate of registry
船舶证书ship's papers
船舶适航证明书certificate of seaworthiness
英国有合格证书会计师chartered accountant
营业证明书certificate of business
记名股权证书registered certificate of shares
证书亦缩为 warrtywarranty
证书亦缩为 instr.instrument
证书亦缩为 docu., dcmtdocument
证明书亦缩为 certif 有时还缩为 Ccertificate
证明书伪造forgery of a certificate
该证明书一经法院或仲裁庭宣布无效The certificate ceases to be binding if it is set aside by a court or arbitration tribunal
请尽快开立我方第552号销售确认书项下有关信用证Please establish the relevant L/C covering our S/C No. 552 as soon as possible
货物残损检验证书inspection certificate of damaged cargo
货运承揽人证明书forwarding agent's certificate of transport
货运承揽人证明书forwarder's certificate of transport
购得货物的保证书warranty for goods purchased
贷款参加证书participating certificate in loan
转移证书transfer certificate
运费付讫证明书freight release
这一证书一经证明人撤销即告无效The certificate ceases to be binding if it is revoked by the certifier
进口商保证书importer guarantee bond
进口证明书certificate of importation
适合航海证明书navigation certificate
重量尺码证明书weight and measurement certificate
重量证明书weight certificate (指公证人重量证明书(surveyor's weight certificate))
重量证明书surveyor's report on weight (指公证人重量证明书(surveyor's weight certificate))
鉴定证书assay certificate
银行要求卖方提供一份保证书,而后银行凭此给予贷款The bank asked the seller to supply an indemnity and, on the strength of such indemnity, made the credit available
限定审计证明书qualified audit certificate
零股证书fractional certificate