
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
• 上海证券中央登结算公司Shanghai Securities Central Clearing and Registration Corporation
名交易市场impersonal market
名保单blank policy
名债券unregistered bond
名债券non-registered bond
名分类账impersonal ledger
名存款uninscribed deposit
名帐户impersonal account
名授权书blank letter of attorney
名有价证券bearer securities
名票证bearer paper
名票证以执票人为抬头人bearer instruments paper
名股票uninscribed stock
名股票non-registered stock
名背书endorsement in blank
名背书blank endorsement
名转让blank transfer
名过户assigned in blank
不完整incomplete record
世界帐单位universal unit of account
中国证券登结算有限公司China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited (简称"中国结算公司",成立于2001年10月,上海、深圳证券交易所各持50%的股份,总部设在北京,下设上海、深圳和北京数据技术分公司)
中央买卖委托central order book
中央交易central transaction log
中央国债登结算有限责任公司China Government Securities Depositary Trust & Clearing Co. Ltd. (简称"中央国债登记结算公司")
中央国债登结算有限责任公司China Central Depositary & Clearing Co., Ltd. (简称"中央结算公司")
中央登存放系统central registration depositary (由美国证券交易商协会 (DASD) 开发的一个电脑系统)
中央结算系统登CCASS register
帐卡master charge
主管簿head bookkeeper
主要更改master change record
交割登簿delivery record book
交换票据簿clearing book
交易日流水blotting book
交易登transaction register
企业簿proprietorship bookkeeping
会计登簿register of income account
作红字表示冲减数make a red entry
"超额资本"帐户charges to "capital in excess" account
"超额资本"帐户charge to "capital in excess" account
进货Dr. Mdse. Pur debit merchandize purchase
借方入买进货物帐户Dr. Mdse. Pur debit merchandize purchase
借贷帐法debit-credit plan
借贷debit-credit bookkeeping
借贷账法debit and credit accounting method
借贷复式帐法debit-credit-double-entry method
债券及抵押款bonds and mortgage record
债券持有人登簿register of debenture holders
债券登簿register of bonds
债权人日creditor's journal
false entry
全国机器帐会计人员协会national machine accountants association
全球不名认股权证global bearer warrant
公司协会簿association bookkeeping
公司登register of companies
农业簿agriculture bookkeeping
冲销或冲正reverse entry
分列登split register
分店交易由总店branch records on home office books
分录日JDB journal daybook
分析簿analytical record
分析栏日analytical journal
分析栏日split column journal
分类日ledger journal
分类账账员ledger keeper
分货币会费分摊split assessment accounting
分项分录式日compound journal entry (composite entry)
划分费用登簿book for recording the division of charges
到期日簿maturity book
制成品登finished goods ledger sheet
制成零件登finished parts ledger sheet
助忆例如加于材料的记号mnemonic symbols
单一登single plan
单式账法single-entry plan
单式账法single-entry bookkeeping
单式借single debit
单式簿single entry
单式簿simple entry bookkeeping
单式簿single-entry bookkeeping
单式簿book-keeping by single entry
单式簿book keeping by single entry
卡片或簿book keeping by card system
原始original entry (prime entry)
原始first record
dual entry
商业笔merchandising bookkeeping
商业簿mercantile bookkeeping
商业簿commercial bookkeeping
土地财产登簿register of title deeds
write up
增减复式帐法increase-decrease-double-entry method
复式double-entry bookkeeping
复式double entry
复式帐惯例dual aspect convention
复式帐法double bookkeeping method
复式帐法double-entry method
复式帐法double-entry bookkeeping
复式帐法double-entry accounting
复式录器multiple register
复式录器会计机multiple register accounting machines
复式录簿记机器multiple register bookkeeping machines
复式账制double entry system
复式账法double entry bookkeeping
复式登double entry
复式簿book-keeping by double entry
复式簿book keeping by double entry
外币价结算settlement in denomination of foreign currencies
外来发票登簿invoice register
外汇买进日簿foreign exchange purchase journal
外汇买进日foreign exchange purchase journal
外汇卖出日foreign exchange sales journal
外汇头寸录簿position book
栏日columnar journal
多栏录簿columnar records
多栏式录簿columnar records
多栏式账法tabular book-keeping
多栏式日divided column journal (analytical journal ; columnar journal)
多栏式日calendar journal
多栏式日簿columnal journal
多栏式日簿multi-column journals
多栏式日簿analytical journal
多栏式日multicolumn journal
多栏式日账记账程序bookkeeping procedure using columnar journal
多栏式普通日multicolumn general journal
多栏式现金收人日columnar cash receipt journal
多栏式现金日columnar cash journal
多栏式现金日出纳columnar cash book
多栏日analytical journal
多栏日split column journal
多栏现金支出日columnar cash payments journal
多栏现金收入日columnar cash receipts journal
大批登服务bulk registration service
头寸录簿position book
头寸簿position bookkeeping
奖金bonus record
奖金登bonus record
存货暂帐户inventory suspense account
完全登债券fully registered bond
定额预付帐户imprest account record
家计簿family bookkeeping
将各项商品分别列itemize the articles
将所购货物在某人帐上put the purchase down to sb's account
将金额入某人的贷方put a sum to sb’s credit
岁入收支登簿register of receipts
市场押market charge
市场日market diary
帐单登bill register card
帐户号法account symbol system
帐面book entry
平行keep accounts in parallel
check off method
费用accrued charge
应付帐款登簿account payable register
应付票据到期登簿bill payable maturity book
应付票据登簿note payable register
应收帐款登簿account receivable register
应收票据登簿notes receivable register
应收票据登簿note receivable register
开始停止book open (close)
开预存帐户open credit account
开预存帐户open a credit account
总店帐上之entries on home office books
意大利式簿Italian system of bookkeeping
成品录员balance of stock clerk
成本cost record
成本cost keeping
成本日cost journal
成本汇庙cost summarizing records
手工书写日pen-and-ink journals
把款项打在现金收入录机上ring up
承销人之consignee's entries
把出口销售金额入总帐post up export sales
把帐入…make an entry of
把总额在我方帐上charge the amount to our account
把账人某人的借项debit to one's account
把这笔款项入他的帐内place the sum to his account
把金额人…的贷方put a sum to one's credit
抵押品登collateral register
抵押登mortgage registry tax
抵押登mortgage recording tax
抵消cross entry
按揭登mortgage registry tax
按揭登mortgage recording tax
收付复式帐法receipt-disbursement double-entry method
收支登簿register of receipts
收款日daily collection record book
收款登簿register of collections
改正correcting entry (correction entries)
文字literal symbols
文字标literal symbols
明细subsidiary record
明细itemized record
明细日subsidiary journal
普通日ordinal journal
普通日general journal
普通日帐分录general journal entry
付款suspense payment
付款账户suspense payment account
借项suspense debits
waste clerk
suspense account
帐内尚未拨用的预算盈余unappropriated budget surplus held in suspense
帐户temporary account
帐户suspense account
待转帐户clearing account
待转结帐户clearing accounts (suspense account)
收款suspense receipt
收款账户suspense receipts account
欠款temporary advances and sundry debtors
贷款suspense loan
贷项suspense credits
资本帐户temporary proprietorship accounts (profit and loss accounts)
暂停结帐时,结总帐簿close the books
月终结帐分录monthly closing entries
not to be noted
未登证券unseasoned securities
本金登债券bond registered as to principal
机器总帐或登簿machinery ledger (register)
材料录员balance of stores clerk
材料登stores ledger sheet
材料簿stores ledger clerk
材料计算卡盘点存货时用,材料登tally card
意大利杰诺阿式簿Genoese system of bookkeeping
标准登服务standard registration service
标准货币帐单位standard monetary unit of account
核准发票戳invoice approval stamp
永续盘存的明细录.detailed perpetual inventory records
汇兑买卖日头寸单position sheet
汇总帐凭证核算形式summary vouchers form of accounting
汇总日商店的daily summary book
汇票draft record
汇票登簿draft book
活页簿bookkeeping machine
清算所电子附属登系统Clearing House Electronic Sub-register System
之价computed price
特别帐单位special unit of account
特种多栏式日簿special columnar journal
特种日special journal
特种科目special types of entry
现金record of cash
现金录器cash register
现金付出日cash disbursements journal
现金付出日簿cash payments journal
现金余额日daily cash balance book
现金出纳日day book cash journal
现金式簿cash method of book-keeping
现金支付日cash payment journal
现金支付日cash disbursement journal
现金支付登簿cash disbursement register
现金收人record of cash receipts
现金收人日簿cash received day book
现金收人日cash receipt journal
现金收入复式帐法cash receipt-disbursement-double-entry method
现金收入日cash receipts journal (cash received book)
现金收入日cash receipt journal (cash received book)
现金收入日簿received day book
现金日cash journal day book
现金日簿法cash journal method
现金日cash daily statement
现金登簿cash book
现金登簿cash register
电子帐机electronic accounting machine
电子帐机electric bookkeeping machines
电子账方式electronic book-entry
entering to the register
业务recording transactions
单位registration unit
tally card
和甄别程序registration and screening procedure
声明registration statement
持有人registered owner
持股人holder of record
record date
日期date of record
股东shareholder of record
股东registered shareholder
票据after date
票据日note journal
票据登簿bill register
票据登簿notes register
票据登簿bill book
票据登簿note register (notes book or bills book)
票据登簿note of register
稽查check entries
管理簿记bookkeeping operation
簿book keeping
簿事项book keeping transaction
簿交易book keeping transaction
簿公式bookkeeping formula
簿分录bookkeeping entry
簿利润bookkeeping profit
簿制度book-keeping system
簿制度book keeping system
簿券式股票shares in computer storage
簿entry clerk
簿员学会institute of bookkeepers
簿book keeping
簿差错bookkeeping errors
簿循环bookkeeping cycle
簿机器bookkeeping machine
簿等式bookkeeping equation
簿系统bookkeeping system
簿规则rule of book-keeping
簿过程bookkeeping process
联合日序时分类帐combined journal and ledger
股东登shareholders' register
股东登簿register of stockholders
股份权益及淡仓登register of interests in shares and short positions
股份登share registrar
股份登机构share registrar
股份登机构纪律委员会Share Registrars' Disciplinary Committee (香港证监会(SFC)下设委员会)
股份转让登簿stock transfer book
股利入贷方credit for dividend
股息录簿dividend record book
股权登date of record
股票录册certificate book
股票债券过户登簿register of transfers
股票登簿register of stocks
股票转让登簿register of stock transfer
股票过户登stock registrar
股票过户登簿register of stock transfer
脱离成本帐基础的建议recommended departure from the cost basis
营业用款登簿register of operating expenses
董事及秘书登簿register of directors and secretaries
虚拟fictitious entry
表格式帐法旅馆等帐目tabular book-keeping
认可股份登approved share registrar
认购股本暂收款suspense receipts on capital subscription
mark down
事簿book of records
人贷方通知单credit advice note
checking in
入借方to the debit of
入帐户enter account
入贷方to the credit of
入贷方entry on the credit side
入赊购帐charged in account
册日期record date
名债券债券之登记registered bonds registration of bonds
名债券registered debt instrument
名债券公司债non-bear bond
名债券与息票债券registered bonds and coupon bonds
名公司债券registered bonds
名受保人named insured
名应付债券bond payable to order
名式股票inscribed shares
名式银票票据special note
名支票order check
名票据bill drawn to order
名股票name stoc
名股票registered certificate of stock
名股票公债票inscribed stock
名背书full indorsement
名认股权证registered warrant
名证书registered certificate
名证券registered form
名证券registered securities
名证券document to order
名证券本金和利息分离交易美国财政部United States Treasury Separate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal of Securities
名证券本金和利息分离交易美国财政部Separate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal of Securities
在帐上put down
on account
open book account
book keeping
charge account
charge to an account
keep accounts
keep book
mark down
帐交易payment on open account
帐付费payment on credit
帐体系recording system
帐加数两用机listing-adding machine
帐单位unit of account
帐单位accounting unit
帐单位债券unit of account bond
帐员entry clerk
帐员ledger clerk
帐员account clerk
帐日book date
帐机billing machine
帐机accounting machine
帐程序recording process
帐程序accounting program
帐程序procedure for recording
帐程序accounting process
帐程序图plan of account
帐结算settlement on account
帐设计recording plan
帐货币money of account
帐货币money on account
帐货币currency of account
帐贸易clearing agreement trade
帐错误errors of commission
帐错误errors of omission
帐错误error of omission
帐错误error of commission
mark down
mark down
录媒介recording medium
录簿book of records
忆法为帐户或存货分类法之一种memorial system mnemonic system
某人帐charge a sum to one's account
某人账上for account of
账代理account agency
账凭单journal voucher
账凭证entry document
账凭证汇总表summary of vouchers
账凭证记账程序bookkeeping procedure using vouchers
账制度record-keeping system
账外汇foreign exchange of account
账外汇exchange of account
账媒介recording medium
账工作recording work
账式国债book-entry treasure bonds
账式国库券registered Treasury
账成本recorded cost
账折合率booking rate book keeper
账日期accounting date
账本位币recording currency
账本位币bookkeeping base currency
账本位币的确定determination of functional currency
账汇率recording rate
账汇率book exchange rate
账程序recording procedure
账程度bookkeeping procedure
账管理accounting management
账纳税制duty assessment by accounts
账结算settlement through account
账证券book-entry securities
账货币accounting money
调整日帐分录adjusting journal entry
财务financial record
财经financial journalist
账目records of account
购货record of goods sold
购货日purchases journal
购货日purchase journal
购货退还及折让日purchase returns and allowance journal
贴现票据日bill discounted daily list
贴现账款登簿discount account register
通知书报单credit advice note
贷方entry on the credit side
贷方credit entry
贷款日loan diary
贷款登簿loan book
费用日expense journal
资产账现值asset entry value
帐户charge account
cross entry
cross entry
帐簿book of secondary entry
转帐交易帐员crossentry clerk
转股登簿register of transfers
转让登代理人transfer agent
辅助subsidiary record
辅助auxiliary record
退货录簿sales returns book
退货及销售折让日sales returns and allowances journal
销货日sales journal (sales day-book)
销货日簿sales daybook
销货登簿sales register
附属supporting record
非正式informal record
非登持有人non-registered holder
非纸paperless entries
非营利簿non-profit bookkeeping
预支款登簿advances register
额外减additional markdowns
香港中央证券登有限公司Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited
香港登Hong Kong register
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