
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
一般权益登general equitable charge
三式簿triple entry bookkeeping
上下班clocking on
上下班clocking in
名信托收据bearer depositary receipt
名债券nonregistered bond
名债券non-bear bond
名委托书即未签字的委托书blank power of attorney
名授权书即未签名的授权书blank power of attorney
名提单即未填收货人的提单blank bill of lading
名支票cheque payable to bearer
名支票见票即付check payable to bearer
名收据即未经签字的收据blank receipt
名汇票bearer draft
名票据blank letter of bill
名票据billet payable aux porter
名票据即未填受票人的票据blank bill
名股东dormant partner
名股票nonregistered share
名背书即未指定受让人的背书blank endorsement
名转让assigned in blank
业主簿proprietorship bookkeeping
个人收入individual earning record
中式簿Chinese-style bookkeeping
账卡master charge
主要人事登master personnel record
主要库存master stores record
secretary general
股票交易所买卖录员marketing clerk
事实statement of fact
事故trouble record
事故录册accident book
事故录器trouble recorder
事故登簿accident book
事故资料录器Accident Data Recorder
事项event recording
会计accounting record
会计算方法account method
伪造业务wangle business records
体检hospital or medical record
余额分类登簿balance account book
作业数据录表job data sheet
作废标void stamp
for your records
依法登注册的公司商号名称legal name
依法登的住址legal residence
debiting the account
debit (Dr.)
"超额资本"账户charge to "capital in excess" account
借方debit record
借贷账规则debit and credit rules
借贷复式账法debit-credit double entry method
借贷复式账法debit-credit double entry
债券serial letter of bond
公司债券持有人登簿register of debenture holders
债权登公告announcement of credit registration
偿债debt service record
入境登entry at card
忆对策game with perfect recall
八进制数制base-eight notational system
公司簿association bookkeeping
公司股东登簿register of members
内部审计internal audit working papers
农业簿agricultural bookkeeping
分店交易由总店branch records on home office book
分录日簿journal daybook
分期付款登簿installment book
会计数据分析录簿analysis book
分标charge for sorting out cargo mark
分类标key sorting
删除deletion of record
利用utilization record
到期应付票据日簿bill payable maturity book
到期票据录簿maturity tickler
到期票据登簿tickler file
制造与检查manufacturing and inspection record
制造标indication of manufacture
刷新生产set new production record
十六进位制数法base sixteen notational system
半月薪金登簿semi-monthly payroll register
半色调half-tone writing
协会社团簿association bookkeeping
单个individual record
单位录制度unit record system
单位录处理unit record processing
单位录设备unit record equipment
单式single entry record
卡片式簿card system of bookkeeping
卡片式簿book keeping by card system
mint mark
即时immediate record
卸货录表discharging recording statement
厂际调拨interplant transfer record
原始first entry
原始primal record
原始source record
合伙簿和会计partnership bookkeeping and accounting
合同契约簿contract register
合格者登eligibility roster
售货sold record
商业企业登registration of commercial enterprise
商业簿merchandising bookkeeping
商业簿merchandise bookkeeping
商业营业登business registration
商品品级标grade mark
商品进出仓录卡bin card
商船国籍登registration of merchant ship under national flag
商船国籍登registration of merchant ships under national flag
土地登land register
商标地区标regional mark
地区登district registry
增减账法increase-decrease bookkeeping
增减账法increase-decrease accounting method
增减复式账法increase-decrease double entry method
增资的变更登amendment registration for capital increase
复制录器autographic register
复制销售日簿auto graphic sales journal
复制销货日簿autographic sale journal
复合普通日账分录compound general journal entry
复式单式簿bookkeeping by single entry
复式单式簿bookkeeping by double entry
复式录会计机multiple-register accounting machines
会计复式录器multiple register
复式簿bookkeeping by double entry
复式簿double entry bookkeeping method
外国人登手续alien registration requirement
外汇买入日foreign exchange purchase journal
外汇卖出日foreign exchange sales journal
多栏式账法columnar account method
多栏式日簿multicolumn journal
多栏式日calendar journal
多栏式日analytical journal
多栏式日divided column journal
多栏式现金支岀日columnar cash payment journal
多栏式现金收入日columnar cash receipt journal
多栏式现金日簿columnar cash book
多栏式现金日columnar cash journal
多栏日columnar journal
多栏日账账务处理程序bookkeeping procedure using columnar journal
大陆簿制度continental system
失效log of failure
契据登enrollment of deed
字母数字账机alphanumeric bookkeeping machine
存折登簿pass book register
存货stock record
存货inventory record
存货录卡stock record card
存货录水平inventory record level
存货暂账户inventory suspense account
完全登证券fully-registered bond
完好sound record
完整complete records
完整complete documentation
实质physical record
将一笔账入账内enter an account to a book
将账目入账内enter an account in a book
就业登employment registration
岀境登exit card
布告事员board boy
希腊船级登Hellenic Register of Shipping
带标变元flagged variable
常驻代办处登resident representative office registration certificate
平行keep accounts in parallel
年平均annual average score
库存录卡stock record card
库存余额balance of store record
库存物资账员stores ledger clerk
应付账支票check payable in account
应付账款日creditor's journal
应变录仪strain recording instrument
开业登registration of establishment
开始book open
开始books open
开放性登open listing
征用condemnation proceedings
master record
总括无名证券global bearer certificate
总登geneal register office
总结trailer record
成品分类登finished-goods ledger sheet
成批bulk metering
成本计算cost taking
成本录制度cost recording system
成本录法cost recording
成本明细subsidiary cost record
成本登cost keeping
sample of seal
户籍登簿census register
所有权ownership mark
所有权登domination register
手工登hand kept
打印标identifiability marking
打破smash a record
打破一切head all records
承兑汇票到期acceptance maturity record
承运人商务即承运人发现货物短欠、破损等情况所作记录carrier's statement
承销人consignee's entries
把一笔账入账簿enter up an account
把总额在我方账上charge the amount to our account
把…记入score up
投入input recording
投资登簿investment register
挂发传真电报booked phototelegraph call
指数exponent notation
账方式交易on open-account terms
按计量标at gage marks
损失loss experience
航运损失loss experience
会计据此入另一方常指贷方as per contra
支票登簿cheque register
收付账法receipt-payment bookkeeping method
收入订货单登簿order received book
收支复式账法receipt-disbursement double entry method
收款日簿daily collection record book
收款日daily collection record book
收益gainful recording
收益gain records
收益账户登簿register of income accounts
政府书government actuary
政府簿government book keeping
故障log of failure
故障fault records
故障录员trouble clerk
故障录系统Failure Recording System
故障分析探查与malfunction analysis detection and recording
数值numerical character
数值标numerical symbol
数值检查与numerical examination and journalizing
数字式录带信息自动检查digital automatic tape intelligence checkout
数据录媒体data medium
数据录方法data recording process
数据录表data record sheet
数据存取录系统Data-Acquisition and Recording System
整套簿过程bookkeeping cycle
文件file record
文件file posting
文件录说明书file record specification form
普通日簿general journal
普通日ordinal journal
普通日账分录general journal entry
借岀款sundry debtor temporary loans
利息interest suspense
卡片suspense card
差额temporary difference
provisional figure
杂项存款sundry creditor temporary deposits
款项suspense fund
现金收支temporary cash received and paid
股东业主账户temporary proprietor account
股东账户temporary proprietor accounts
suspense account
资本账户temporary capital account
资金suspense fund
预付款temporary advance
最低record low
最新current record
最高record high
最高new high
最高录年份peak year
号的申请书marked application form
有价证券登簿bonds and securities register
有价证券登簿bond and securities register
有用helpful record
服务service action log
服务record of service
not to be noted
未登not entry
未登ex directory
末登借款off-record loans
机器machine records
机器录表machine record chart
机械总账或登簿machinery ledger or register
材料materials mark
材料stores records
材料审查material review record
材料标materials mark
材料登stores record card
材料登stores ledger card
材料登簿stores record book
材料登stores ledger sheet
材料管理materials management records
材料购进登簿stores purchase book
条约登registration of treaties
sample of seal
designation strip
变数flagged variable
指定图labeled graph
指定图labeled diagram
label code
重量labeled weight
标准成本会计单一账法single plan of standard cost accounting
标准成本单一录法single plan for standard cost system
标准成本双重账法dual plan for standard costs
标准货币账单位standard monetary unit of account
校验check log
案例case records
案例录簿case book
次品defective products record
欧洲账单位是主要用于共同体预算及发展基金的计算单位,现已由欧洲货币单位" ECU" 代替而不存在European Unit of Account
死亡bill of mortality
水位标water mark
永续存货perpetual inventory record
永续盘存perpetual inventory record
永续盘存明细detailed perpetual inventory record
汇总summary record
汇总账凭证核算形式accounting form based on summary of original vouchers
汇总账凭证账务处理程序bookkeeping procedure using summary voucher
汇总凭单日summarized voucher journal
商店汇总日簿daily summary book
汇总日summary journal
汇总日daily summary book
汇款汇出或兑换record of outward remittance or conversion
汇票载事项statement of the bill of exchange
活页日loose-leaf journal
活页簿book keeping machine
海损调查average survey record
without entry
火灾损失暂账户fire loss suspense account
火险标fire mark
版权copyright notice
verbal trade mark
物主owners mark
特种录条款special record clause
特种多栏式日special columnar journal
特种多栏式日special column journal
特种日如进货日记账,销货日记账等special journal
特种日special day book
理货tally notes
理货人待时stand-by time record
生产production records
生产者标identity of producer
用户录通知业务customer recorded information service
用户信息call recording & storage
用红字冲减make a red entry
录中删掉expunge from the record
由总店账的分支机构业务活动branch records on home office books
申请上市登向证券交易所呈交的证券发行公司的财务报表registration statement
申请登apply for registration
电子electric accounting
电子账机electric bookkeeping machine
电子账机electric accounting machines
电子元件自动检查和automatic life testing and recording electronic components
电脑内部忆分配location of internal memory
信函保证送到certified mail
列名牌号listed brand
record card
registered number
accession designation number
合格公司listed company
registered ton
吨位吨数registered tonage
Registered Office
申请application for registration
股东stock-holders of record
biographical Information blank
表格registration form
订单book order
证明registration certificate
费用charges register
过户代理人recording agent
研究Research Memorandum
证券交易所破产公司登簿dead book
票据录簿note of register
票据上的载事项statements in the instrument
税款登duty sheet
物价空前最高all high
空白登簿blank book
穿孔纸带punched paper tape record
簿notes book
tag and coupon system
签名登簿autographic register
简单日simple journal
简单日账分录single journal entry
簿业务bookkeeping operation
簿事项bookkeeping transaction
簿会计记账机bookkeeping and accounting machine
簿制度book keeping of system
簿book keeper
簿account clerk
簿技术record keeping technique
簿方程式bookkeeping equation
簿程序bookkeeping procedure
簿费用bookkeeping fees
考勤attendance record
航行事簿deck log
航运录器dead reckoning tracer
船籍登国船旗flag registry
船舶登证书又称船舶执照certificate of registry
营业Operation Record
营业record of operation
营业费用登簿register of operating expenses
董事会会议board minutes
行情quotation record
行政administrative registers
行政administrative records
表上登项目form entry
调整adjustment entry
调查record of survey
调查record of investigation
谈话minute of talks
账单billing records
货币上标表示铸币厂的标记mint mark
货物分标charge for sorting out cargo mark
货物卸讫clearance note
货物卸船后货物存放录员location clerk
货物登cargo booking
租船经纪人货物登cargo book
货箱标case mark
购入有价证券登簿investment purchased register
购货purchase record
购货日簿purchase daybook
购货日簿bought day book
购货日bought journal
贴现账款录簿discount accounts register
凭单credit memo
报单credit advice
某人账credit a sum to someone
某人账户一笔金额credit someone with a sum
股息credit for dividend
零星股credit for fractional share
贷方credit record
贷款日loan diary
费用登簿register of expenses
资产负债表簿与分析bookkeeping and analysis of balance sheet
赔案claim record
人寿保单年龄annuity age charge
忆梯度法supermemory gradient method
超上标up-to-the mark
交易所转换登姓名指为方便经纪人转质押而以经纪人的名义登记证券,不以证券所有者的姓名登记,证券虽由经纪人记名,但所有权仍属客户所有,买卖证券盈亏由客户负责。这是美国证券市场的术语。street name
转让过户簿transfer register
转账book of posting entry
转账交易账员cross entry clerk
载入法庭录的契约contract of record
载货cargo boat note
载货录簿海关备查cargo book
辅助忆装置back-up memory
退料日returned material journal
退货与折让日sales returns and allowance journal
退货日sales returns journal
选举登voter registration
选民登voting registration
通用账单位如以美元为记账单位universal unit of account
工作stenographic work
部门stenographic department
钞票上的暗marked notes
坏账write off allowance account
销毀deface records
销货sale records
销货sola note
销货录簿sales records
销货日簿sales day book
销货簿sales record
错误计费或账概率incorrect charging or accounting probability
foot note
震动vibro record
名资产impersonal assets
项金收入日簿received day book
顾客customer files
商店顾客户头牌上刻姓名、地址、账号营业录牌charge plate
验收登簿acceptance register
验讫印proof mark
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