
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing | all forms
名的金融工具bearer paper
名的金融工具bearer security
名的金融工具bearer instrument
名票据bearer note
名票据bearer instrument
名票据bearer security
名票据bearer paper
名票据bearer bill
名证券bearer security
名证券bearer paper
名证券bearer instrument
会计accounting records
会计accounting documents
会计books and records
会议summary record
会议summary proceedings
作为账单位的特别提款权SDR qua numeraire
作为账单位的特别提款权SDR as unit of account
作为账单位的特别提款权SDR qua unit of account
作为账单位的特别提款权SDR as numeraire
某一金额于某一账户debit an amount to an account
某一金额于某一账户debit an account with an amount
借入资金暂账户Borrowed Resources Suspense Accounts
借方debit entry
净额net recording
协议agreed minute Paris Club
原产国标marks of origin
复式账制double-entry bookkeeping
复式账制double-entry accounting
复式账制double-entry system
复式账制double-entry accounting system
外汇exchange record
外汇foreign exchange record
建立良好的establish a proven record
建立良好的establish a positive track record IMF overdue financial obligations, HIPC Initiative
总额gross recording
总额gross recording
账户clearing account
账户transit account
账户suspense account
未单独录的not separately recorded
根据承诺预先录的会计制commitment basis
根据承诺预先录的会计制commitment basis accounting
档案和录管理科Archives and Records Management Section
汇总账法summary accounting
《理事会年会会议录》Summary Proceedings of Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors
支票register check
支票registered check
簿证券paperless security
簿证券book-entry security
名票据order paper
名票据order instrument
名证券registered security
名证券registered instrument
录基础basis of recording
录官员Recording Officer
录时间timing of recording
录时间time of recording
录的支付到期制due-for-payment basis of recording
账货币accounting currency
载制度recording system
载制度record-keeping system
载时间timing of recording
载时间time of recording
载时间的调整timing adjustment
财务financial records
账簿与accounting documents
账簿与accounting records
账簿与books and records
某一金额于某一账户credit an amount to an account
某一金额于某一账户credit an account with an amount
阿拉伯账第纳尔Arab accounting dinar