
Terms containing 议会的 | all forms | in specified order only
China, polit.一届议会的会期parliament
exhib.一年两次的会议biannual meeting
China, polit.一贯致力于发展同发展中国家议会的友好联系have always devoted itself to developing friendly contacts with legislatures in developing countries
econ.不会撤消的建议firm proposal
econ.不会撤销的建议firm proposal
telecom.不受管理的会议non-conducted conference critical defect
org.name.与气候有关的跨界病虫害包括相关水生物种专家会议Expert Meeting on Climate-related Transboundary Pests and Diseases, including Relevant Aquatic Species
org.name.世界粮食安全高级别会议:气候变化和生物能源的挑战High-Level Conference on World Food Security: the Challenges of Climate Change and Bioenergy
org.name.世界粮食安全高级别会议:气候变化和生物能源的挑战 – 实现世界粮食安全所需行动Declaration of the High-Level Conference - Actions Required to Achieve World Food Security
org.name.世界粮食安全高级别会议:气候变化和生物能源的挑战 – 实现世界粮食安全所需行动Declaration of the High-Level Conference
org.name.世界粮食安全高级别会议:气候变化和生物能源的挑战 – 实现世界粮食安全所需行动Declaration of the High-Level Conference on World Food Security: the Challenges of Climate Change and Bioenergy - Actions Required to Achieve World Food Security
org.name.《世界粮食安全高级别会议:气候变化和生物能源的挑战》非正式开放性联络小组Informal Open-ended Contact Group of the High-Level Conference on World Food Security: the Challenges of Climate Change and Bioenergy
org.name.《世界粮食安全高级别会议:气候变化和生物能源的挑战》非正式开放性联络小组Informal Open-ended Contact Group
UN东京全球环境和人类对可持续发展的反应会议Tokyo Conference on Global Environment and Human Response Towards Sustainable Development
UN东非区域海洋和海岸环境的保护、管理和发展问题全权代表会议Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Protection, Management and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Eastern African Region
China, polit.临时召集的全国人民代表大会会议specially convened sessions of the National People's Congress
UN, ecol.为南部非洲受旱灾影响国家举行的区域间认捐会议Interregional Pledging Conference for Drought-affected Countries in Southern Africa
UN为2002年约翰内斯堡会议做准备-来自北极的初步想法:北极环境合作十年Preparing for Johannesburg 2000 - An Initial Arctic Message: 10 Years of Arctic Environmental Cooperation
IMF.执董会主席的会议总结Chairman's summing-up IMF, Executive Board
econ.今天我们将继续讨论上次会议尚未解决的问题Today we are going to continue the matters outstanding from the previous meeting
nautic., tech.仲裁委员会的渔业争议解决中心Fishery Dispute Resolution Center of the Arbitration Commission
econ.任何特别会议的通知应该按人头发给每一位股东Any written notice of special meeting shall be delivered personally to each stockholder
econ.会上他们通过一项使工资稳定的提议They passed a proposal to stabilize wages at the meeting
econ.会议以10票赞成20票反对否决一项继续罢工的决议The meeting rejected the resolution to go on strike by 10 votes to 20
interntl.trade.会议日期表以外的要求request for departures from the calendar
archit.会议的一组建筑物conference block
China, polit.会议的举行convocation of sessions
China, polit.会议的形式forms of sessions
China, polit.会议的种类types of meetings
gen.你提到说要去参加会议,我能看下你的官方邀请函吗?You've mentioned that you plan to attend a meeting. May I see the official invitation letter?
UN, polit.使用投入产出分析计量旅游业的经济影响专家组会议Expert Group Meeting on the Measurement of the Economic Impact of Tourism by Input-Output Analysis
UN保护波罗的海区域海洋环境外交会议Diplomatic Conference on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area
securit.债权人会议的决议resolution of the creditors
UN全球各代人会议:21世纪公平发展的设想与行动Global Meeting of Generations: Vision and Action for Equitable Development in the Twenty-first Century
UN全球环境和人类对可持续发展的反应会议信 托基金Trust Fund for the Conference on the Global Environment and Human Response towards Sustainable Development
UN关于不分年龄人人共享社会的政策区域间专家组会议Interregional Expert Group Meeting on Policies for a Society for All Ages
org.name.关于《世界粮食首脑会议:五年之后决议和议事规则》的开放性工作组Open-ended Working Group on WFS:fyl Resolution and Rules of Procedure
org.name.关于《世界粮食首脑会议》的非政府组织区域磋商会NGO Regional Consultation on the World Food Summit
UN关于中美洲和加勒比可持续森林管理的标准和指标专家会议Expert Meeting on Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management in Central America and the Caribbean
UN关于亚太经社会区域跨国公司对高污染工业的环境管理问题专家组会议Expert Group Meeting on Environmental Management of Transnational Corporations in Pollution-Intensive Industries in the ESCAP Region
UN, polit.关于亚太经社区域社会发展行动议程的马尼拉宣言Manila Declaration on the Agenda for Action on Social Development in the ESCAP Region
fin.关于会计原则的建议recommendation on accounting principles
China, polit.关于会议的准备事项matters concerning preparations for the session
UN, polit.关于加速执行亚太经社会区域社会发展行动议程的马尼拉宣言Manila Declaration on Accelerated Implementation of the Agenda for Action on Social Development in the ESCAP Region
org.name.关于协调与森林相关的定义供有关方使用的专家会议后续工作Follow-up to the Expert Meeting on Harmonizing Forest-related Definitions for Use by Various Stakeholders
org.name.关于2050年供养世界问题的高级别会议High-Level Conference on Feeding the World in 2050
org.name.关于建立近东植物保护组织的全权代表会议Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Establishment of a Near East Plant Protection Organization
IMF.关于执董会改革的第七次拟议修正案Board Reform Amendment
IMF.关于执董会改革的第七次拟议修正案Seventh Amendment
IMF.关于执董会改革的第七次拟议修正案Proposed Seventh Amendment on the Reform of the Executive Board
org.name.关于拟议渔业委员会水产养殖分委员会的专家磋商会Expert Consultation on the Proposed COFI Sub-Committee on Aquaculture
UN, chem.关于持久性有机污染物的斯德哥尔摩公约缔约方会议Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants
ecol.关于气候变化和致温室效应气体问题的菲拉赫会议Villach Conference
UN关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书缔约方会议Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer
org.name.关于渔业采用生态系统方法问题的卑尔根会议Bergen Conference on Implementing the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries
org.name.关于渔业采用生态系统方法问题的卑尔根会议Conference on Implementing an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries
UN关于环境上和社会上可持续发展的世界银行年度会议Annual World Bank Conference on Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development
UN关于联合国环境与发展会议成果执行情况10年审查的区域意见Regional Message for the 10-year Review of the Implementation of the Outcome of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development
ecol.关心环境的非政府组织国际会议International Assembly for Nongovernmental Organization Concerned with the Environment
org.name.农业高等教育代表的工作会议Working Conference of Representatives of Higher Education in Agriculture
China, polit.由主席团决定交各代表团审议,或者并交有关的专门委员会审议the Presidium decide whether to refer the bills or proposals to the various delegations or to the delegations and relevant special committees for deliberation
busin.准许只雇请工会会员的工厂协议approved post-entry closed shop agreement
UN切尔诺贝利事故十周年国际会议:总结事故的放射性后果International Conference One Decade after Chernobyl: Summing up the Radiological Consequences of the Accident
UN, police刑事司法程序中的人权保护会议Conference on the Protection of Human Rights in Criminal Justice Proceedings
China, law列入会议议程的议案bill or proposal placed on the agenda of a session
China, polit.列入会议议程的议案a bill on the session's agenda
China, polit.列入全国人民代表大会会议议程的法律案the legislative bill that has been placed on the agenda of a session of the National Peopled Congress
China, polit.列入常委会会议议程的法律案a bill on the agenda of a meeting of the Standing Committee
China, polit.列席常委会会议的同志non-voting participants in meetings held by the Standing Committee
fin.制定2013年经济政策的会议conference to set economic policy for 2013
UN, police制定有效的联合国预防犯罪和刑事司法方案部长级会议Ministerial Meeting on the Creation of an Effective United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme
China, polit.十届全国人大四次会议的有关决定、决议relevant decisions and resolutions passed at the Fourth Session of the Tenth NPC
econ.协议执行中对其条款作任何变动,都会打乱我们的计划Any change in the terms of the agreement during its execution would upset our plan
UN卫星遥感用于资源管理、环境评价和全球变 化研究:发展中世界的需要和应用国际会议International Conference on Satellite Remote Sensing for Resource Management, Environmental Assessment and Global Change Studies: Needs and Applications for the Developing World
China, polit.原选举单位的人民代表大会会议sessions of the people's congresses of the units which elected deputies
China, polit.县级以上的地方各级人民代表大会常务委员会主任会议the council of chairmen of the standing committee of the local people's congress at or above the county level
econ.双方争论的要点已记载在会议的记录中The substance of the contention of two parties was recorded in the minutes of the meeting
org.name.发展中国家农业生物技术国际会议:种植业、林业、畜牧业、渔业和涉农产业应对粮食不安全和气候变化挑战的选择与机遇International Technical Conference on Agricultural Biotechnologies in Developing Countries: Options and Opportunities in Crops, Forestry, Livestock, Fisheries and Agro-industry to Face the Challenges of Food Insecurity and Climate Change
org.name.发展中国家农业生物技术国际会议:种植业、林业、畜牧业、渔业和涉农产业应对粮食不安全和气候变化挑战的选择与机遇International Technical Conference on Agricultural Biotechnologies in Developing Countries
econ.发言人不希望把他议论审计员的话收入会议记录The speaker wanted his remarks about the auditor not to be minuted
consult.受标前的会议pre-award meeting
UN变化中的媒体在老龄化社会的作用会议Conference on Changing Media in an Ageing Society
busin.合法有效的会议valid formal meeting
commer.合约规定任何争议应提交伦敦商会指定的人进行仲裁The contract provides that any difference or dispute shall be referred to the arbitration of a person appointed by the London Chamber of Commerce
China, polit.向全国人民代表大会常务委员会提出对各方面工作的建议、批评和意见communicate: to the National People's Congress NPC Standing Committee suggestions, criticisms and comments on all aspects of its work
China, polit.向全国人民代表大会提出修改宪法的议案submit to the National Peopled Congress bills on the amendment to the Constitution
tech.周围列柱的议会open peristyle court
econ.商会的每一成员都有资格投票,只要他亲自出席会议Each member of the board of trade would be entitled to vote if personally present at the meeting
China, polit.国际和地区议会组织的多边活动multilateral activities of international and regional parliamentary organizations
IT国际电报电话咨询委员会CCITT建议的通道类型CCITT channel type
comp., net.国际电报电话咨询委员会 CCITT 建议的通道类型CCITT channel type
earth.sc.国际计算机和操作技术在矿产工业中的应用会议International Symposium on the Application of Computers and Operations Research in Mineral Industry
org.name.土地改革和农村发展国际会议:振兴农村社区的新挑战和方案International Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development
org.name.土地改革和农村发展国际会议:振兴农村社区的新挑战和方案International Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development: New challenges and options for revitalizing rural communities
China, polit.在会议上要讨论的事项agenda
China, polit.在有关的专门委员会会议上at a meeting of interested special committees
China, polit.地区间议会组织的事务activities of regional legislative organizations
earth.sc.地点不定的会议unallocated session
el.基于超文本传送协议的会议应用协议HTTP-based conference application protocol
interntl.trade.复会后的会议resumed session
UN大会1991年12月6日第46/36H号决议范围内的国际武器转让准则Guidelines for international arms transfers in the context of General Assembly resolution 46/36 H of 6 December 1991
China, polit.大会的全体会议plenary meetings of a session
China, polit.大会的全体会议a plenary session of assembly
UN大会第51/45N号决议范围内特别强调巩固和平的常规武器控制/限制和裁军准则Guidelines on conventional arms control/limitation and disarmament, with particular emphasis on consolidation of peace in the context of GA Res. 51/45N
UN大气变化问题世界会议: 对全球安全的影响World Conference on the Changing Atmosphere: Implications for Global Security
proj.manag.如果你带着这些建议再去看你的录像、你会发现你不像你感觉到的那么紧张了。好好享受你暴涨的自信心吧!If you watch your video recording with these tips in mind, you'll see that you dont look as nervous as you feel. Enjoy the confidence boost!
proj.manag.如果需要会计方面的建议、我会去找专业会计师If I need some accounting advice, I always go to a professional accountant
econ.委员会在通知中说明会议的日期和地点The committee specified the date and place for a meeting in the notice
manag.委员会的决议和报告commission decisions and reports
China, polit.委员长、副委员长与外国议会议长、副议长的高层互访exchanges of high-level visits between the NPC Chairman or Vice Chairmen and their foreign counterparts
UN, police安全理事会关于反恐怖主义的第13732001 号决议所设委员会Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1373 2001 concerning counter-terrorism
UN, police安全理事会关于反恐怖主义的第13732001 号决议所设委员会Counter-Terrorism Committee
UN, police安全理事会关于反恐怖主义的第13732001 号决议所设委员会Committee to Combat Terrorism
UN, polit.安全理事会关于基地组织和塔利班及有关个人和实体的第12671999号决议所设委员会Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1267 1999 concerning Al-Qaida and the Taliban and associated individuals and entities
China, polit.完善代表列席常委会会议的机制improve the mechanism for having deputies attend meetings of the Standing Committee as non-voting participants
org.name.审查粮农组织事务的计划委员会与财政委员会的特别联席会议Special Joint Session of the Programme and Finance Committees on the Review of FAO
China, polit.审议全国人民代表大会主席团交付的议案examine proposals delegated by the Presidium of the NPC session
China, polit.审议全国人民代表大会常务委员会交付的议案examine proposals delegated by the Standing Committee of the NPC
sport.对运动员的参赛资格提出抗议、 必须在运动会开始前向技术代表提出Protests concerning the status of an athlete to participate in a meeting must be made to the technical delegates prior to the commencement of such meeting
UN, polit.将妇女的关切纳入发展规划指导方针评价会议Meeting to Evaluate Guidelines on Integrating Women's Concerns in Development Planning
China, polit.将草案提请十届全国人大五次会议审议的决定the decision on submitting the draft to the Fifth Session of the Tenth National Peopled Congress for deliberation
econ.就工资和附加津贴与工会达成的协议pay package
China, polit.属于全国人民代表大会职权范围内的议案a bill within the scope of the NPCs authority
China, polit.属于全国人民代表大会职权范围内的议案bills or proposals that fall within the scope of its functions and powers
China, polit.属于全国人民代表大会职权范围内的议案bills and proposals within the scope of the functions and powers of the National Peopled Congress
China, polit.属于全国人民代表大会职权范围内的议案a bill within the scope of the NPC's authority
China, polit.属于常务委员会职权范围内的议案bills and proposals within the scope of the functions and powers of the Standing Committee
China, polit.属于常务委员会职权范围内的议案bills concerning matters within the scope of the Standing Committee's authority
China, law岀席会议的股东shareholders in presence
China, polit.常务委员会举行会议的时候when the Standing Committee is in session
UN2000年大会第二十四届特别会议关于社会发展的进一步倡议Further Initiatives for Social Development of the twenty-fourth special session of the General Assembly 2000
UN1996年第二次联合国人类住区人居二会议关于人类住区的《人居议程》和《伊斯坦布尔宣言》Habitat Agenda and the Istanbul Declaration on Human Settlements of the Second United Nations Conference on Human Settlements Habitat II, 1996
adv.广告主与广告公司的会议记录contact report
adv.广告主与广告公司的会议记录conference report
fin.延期的会议adjourned meeting
UN, afr.《建立非洲经济共同体条约关于泛非议会的议定书》Protocol to the Treaty Establishing the African Economic Community relating to the Pan-African Parliament
UN, polit.开展亚洲及太平洋残疾人十年的会议Meeting to Launch the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons
China, polit.开展同外国议会和议会国际组织的交流与合作develop exchanges and cooperation with foreign legislatures and international legislative organizations
UN强调环境方面的科学与技术问题部门会议Sectoral Meeting on Science and Technology with Special Emphasis on the Environment
China, polit.形成提请大会审议的法律草案hence the present draft submitted to the Seston for the deliberation
UN, afghan.得到会议认可的《工作计划》work plan endorsed by the Berlin conference 31 March-1 April 2004
exhib.必须出席的会议required meeting
econ.我们将在下次会议上讨论汽车进口税的问题We shall discuss the question of import duties on cars in our next meeting
econ.我们必须在会议上说明我们的观点We must express our views at the meeting
gen.我们酒店有700平方米的会议空间,包括一个宴会厅,两个董事会会议室和两个多功能会议室Our hotel has a meeting space of 700 meter squares, including a ball room, two board rooms and multipurpose meeting rooms
econ.我们高兴地告诉你方,董事会已通过一项与中国丝绸公司达成长期协定的决议We are glad to inform you that the board of directors passed a resolution to reach a long-term agreement with China National Silk Corporation
gen.我建议去一家真正的跑鞋店。那里会有懂运动的人,看过你跑步之后,他们会告诉你,你需要哪一类的鞋子My advice is to go to an actual running store, where there will be knowledgeable people who can watch you run and tell you what kind of shoes you need
econ.我认为该协议的条款和条件不会对购买者有何不利之处I don't think the terms and conditions of such agreement will be unfavourable to the purchaser
org.name.执行1982 年12 月10 日联合国海洋法公约有关养护和管理跨界鱼类种群和高度洄游鱼类种群的规定的协定审查会议Review Conference on the Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks
gen.抱歉,我不能参加今天早晨的会议了。昨晚我嗓子疼Oh, sorry, I'm afraid I won't attend the meeting this morning. Last night I had a sore throat
consult.招标前的会议和现场勘察pre-bid conference & site orientation
China, polit.按照十届全国人大五次会议对经济财政工作提出的各项要求meet all the requirements for economic and financial work set out at the Fifth Session of the Tenth NPC
China, polit.提交大会审议的预算草案及指标the draft budgets and their targets submitted to the session
UN, polit.援助小岛屿发展中国家和最不发达国家参加全球小岛屿发展中国家可持续发展会议及其筹备过程的自愿基金Voluntary Fund for Assisting Small Island Developing States and the Least Developed Countries to Participate in the Global Conference on the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States and its Preparatory Process
multimed.数字图书馆的联席会议joint conference on digital libraries
consult.施工前的勘察会议pre-construction orientation meeting
comp., net.有主持的会议moderated conference
tech.有保证的委员会决议certified board resolution
busin.有保证的董事会决议certified board resolution
China, polit.有关专门委员会关于代表议案审议结果的报告reports submitted by relevant special committees on the results of their deliberation of deputies's bills
tech.有木屋顶的会议厅wooden-roofed basilica
corp.gov.未列入计划的会议unscheduled session
econ.本协议中任何一部分的失效不一定会导致该协议中止The invalidity of any part of this agreement will not necessarily lead to the termination of the agreement
China, polit.本次人民代表大会的大会的重要议程important items on the agenda for this session
UN, police构思发展和新的国际经济秩序形势下预防犯罪和刑事司法的新做法特设专家组会议Ad hoc Expert Group Meeting in Conceptualizing New Approaches to Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice in the Context of Development and the New International Economic Order
econ.根据协议,任何一方对社会公敌引起的任何损毁都不承担责任Either party shall not take up responsibility for any damage caused by the public enemy according to the agreement
China, polit.根据委员长会议的提名upon nominations by the council of Chairmen
China, polit.根据常委会组成人员的审议意见in accordance with the results of the examination by the Standing Committee
China, polit.根据常委会组成人员的审议意见in accordance with the comments of the Standing Committee
ecol.气象组织和环境规划署合作的臭氧科学会议Ozone Science Meeting (WMO, UNEP)
UN水与环境问题国际会议:21世纪的发展问题International Conference on Water and the Environment: Development issues for the 21st century
UN泛美可持续发展中的健康和环境会议Pan-American Conference on Health and the Environment in Sustainable Development
navig.波罗的海海洋学家会议Conference of Baltic Oceanographers
earth.sc.波罗的海海洋学家会议Conference of Baltic Oceanographer
manag.泰勒在美国众议院专门委员会的证词Taylor’s testimony before the Special House Committee
China, polit.深入开展同外国议会的交流合作carry out extensive exchange and cooperation activities with other parliaments and congresses
econ.清理程序中的债权人与出资义务的会议the liquidation meeting of creditors and contributories
UN, polit.特别着重于货车控制系统的铁路计算机化专家会议Expert Meeting on Railroad Computerization with Special Emphasis on Wagon Control Systems
securit.理事会下设的审议委员会Review Committee under the Board of Governors
tech.用于集会或会议的一组建筑物conference block
proj.manag.监事会的议事方式和表决程序由公司章程规定The method for conducting business and voting procedure for the board of supervisors shall be prescribed by the articles of association
China, polit.省、自治区、直辖市的人民代表大会和它的常务委员会的地方性法规和决议regulations and resolutions issued locally by the people's congresses of the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government and their standing committees
econ.秘书保存了上次会议的记录,以备査考The Secretary keeps the minutes of the last meeting for reference
econ.秘书应保存好股东大会的会议记录和有关文件The secretary should keep the minutes and official documents of the shareholder's meetings
China, polit.积极参与议会国际组织和地区间议会组织的事务actively participate in activities of international and regional legislative organizations
China, law第一次会议的预备会议preparatory meeting of the first session
UN, police第七届联合国预防犯罪和罪犯待遇大会区域间筹备会议知名人士会议第一主题: 发展情况下犯罪和预防犯罪的新层面Interregional Preparatory Meeting Meeting of Eminent Persons for the Seventh United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders on topic I: New Dimensions of criminality and crime prevention in the context of development: challenges for the future
China, law答复立法会议员的质询answer questions raised by members of the Legislative Council
econ.管理层接受了工会代表的建议The management entertain-ed the suggestions from the union representatives
org.name.粮农组织/世卫组织关于鸡肉中沙门氏菌和弯曲菌的专家会议FAO/WHO Expert Meeting on Salmonella and Campylobacter in Chicken Meat
org.name.粮农组织/世卫组织兽药残留安全评价基于风险的决策树方法专家联席会议Joint FAO/WHO Expert Meeting on a Risk-Based Decision Tree Approach for the Safety Evaluation of Residues of Veterinary Drugs
UN精通环境法的高级政府官员会议Meeting of Senior Governmental Officials Expert in Environmental Law
commer.美国一些州的州议会General Assembly
refrig.美国供暖冷冻空调协会技术顾问委员会建议采用的供暖室外设计温度temperature of Technical Advisory Committee
refrig.美国供暖冷冻空调协会技术顾问委员会建议采用的供暖室外设计温度temperature of TAC
interntl.trade.美国各州的州议会general court
org.name.美洲人权公约关于经济、社会和文化权利领域的附加议定书Protocol of San Salvador
org.name.美洲人权公约关于经济、社会和文化权利领域的附加议定书Additional Protocol to the American Convention on Human Rights in the Area of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
UN, police联合国刑事司法标准和准则的形成和应用问题区域间专家筹备会议Interregional Preparatory Meeting of Experts on Formulation and Application of United Nations Standards and Norms in Criminal Justice
UN, polit.联合国遥感技术的未来趋势及其潜在经济影响会议United Nations Meeting on Future Trends of Remote Sensing Technology and its Potential Economic Impact
econ.股东可行使否决权以否定董事会的决议The shareholders may exercise the veto against the resolution of the Board of Directors
econ.股东或监督委员会的决议corporate action
tech.能举行会议的宴会厅convention hall
earth.sc.能源及矿物生产中的环境与尾矿处理会议Symposium on Environmental Issues and Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production
econ.董事会拒绝接受他们的建议The board of directors turned down their proposal
China, law董事会的决议resolution of the board of directors
tech.规定海上使用雷达的国际会议International Conference to Discipline the Use of Radar in Maritime Navigation
UN, polit.计量小农发展项目的社会和经济效益专家组会议Expert Group Meeting on Measuring the Social and Economic Benefits of Projects for Small Farmer Development
China, polit.认真落实常委会的意见和建议diligently act on the comments and suggestions of the Standing Committee
exhib.议会采取的行动floor action
UN谈判气候变化框架公约的专题会议Specialized Conference for the Negotiation of a Framework Convention on Climate Change
UN, polit.负责研究设立公共财政研究所的可行性的顾问会议Meeting of Consultants for the Study on Feasibility of Establishing an Institute of Public Finance
interntl.trade.贸发会议和总协定合办的国际贸易中心UNCTAD/GATT International Trade Center
econ.资方在工会之间的谈判长达7小时,因未达成协议而中断The negotiations between the management and the union broke down after 7 hours
UN转变: 发展与环境的机会国际会议International Conference on Conversion: Opportunities for Development and Environment
China, polit.轮流担任会议的执行主席rotate as executive chairmen of the sessions
UN近东可持续森林管理的标准和指标专家会议Expert Meeting on Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management in the Near East
cosmet.这个品牌的香水是我们的畅销货。我们产品的价格会根据国际市场需求的变化而变化。价格可以商议,尤其是针对大订单The perfumes of the brand are our best-selling lines. The prices of our products will fluctuate according to the international market demand. And we are always open to negotiate, especially on larger orders
UN, ecol.退化林地的荒漠化和再造林问题专家会议Expert meeting on desertification and reforestation of degraded forest lands
telecom.逐个加人的会议电话add-on conference
China, polit.通知代表开会日期和建议大会讨论的主要事项notify the deputies of the date of the session and of the main items on the proposed agenda
China, polit.通过本次会议的议程adopt the agenda for the session
UN, ecol.《防治荒漠化公约缔约方会议与国际农业发展基金关于全球机制模式和行政业务的谅解备忘录》Memorandum of Understanding between the Conference of the Parties of the UNCCD and the International Fund for Agricultural Development Regarding the Modalities and Administrative Operations of the Global Mechanism ICCD/COP/10
UN, ecol.防治荒漠化行动计划的财务问题咨询会议Advisory Meeting on the Financial Aspects of the Plan of Action to Combat Desertification
IMF.非洲保险市场会议的保险准则CIMA Code
IMF.非洲保险市场会议的保险准则Insurance Code of the Inter-African Conference on Insurance Markets
org.name.非洲农业和能源用水部长级会议:气候变化的挑战Ministerial Conference on Water for Agriculture and Energy in Africa: the Challenges of Climate Change
org.name.非洲农业和能源用水部长级会议:气候变化的挑战Sirte Water and Energy Conference
UN非洲干旱地区可持续森林管理的标准和指标专家会议Expert Meeting on Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management in Dry-Zone Africa