
Terms for subject Exhibitions containing | all forms
名支票bearer cheque
不切实际的营销blue-sky marketing plan
丹麦展会与博览会审The Danish Audit Bureau of Exhibitions and Fairs
主任会chief accountant
交流communication plan
人力manpower planning
人口问题demographic questions
价目与费公示栏rates and charges bulletin
优先考虑prioritize ideas
purse bearer
主管accounting supervisor
助理accounting assistant
accounting dept.
稽核机account checking machine
会议日程rotation plan
重量Est. Wt.
保险统员协会会员Financial Services Authority
倒序back scheduling
出空间房间;场地vacate schedule
创新设innovative design
刺激incentive plan
包装费另packing extra
博览会统管理志愿者协会Society for Voluntary Control of Fair and Exhibition Statistics
品行培养personality training
品质quality plan
商业化commercialization program
国际展览统联合会International Exhibition Statistics Union
大概估at a rough estimate
奖励incentive plan
公司auditing firm
展位设stand design
展位设exhibit designer
布景设setting designer
广告设advertising design
广告设advertising designer
会计利息accrued interest
扩大初步设enlarged preliminary design review
技术设technical design
技术设评审书technical design review
按件by the piece
按体积#货物measurement rated cargo
按杯by the drink
按瓶by the bottle
接待hospitality program
控制control plan
施工设working design
施工设working drawing
普通及专业博览会与展览会统审计局Statistical Audit Bureau for General and Specialized Fairs and Exhibitions
浓度consistency meter
深度depth meter
物料需求manufacturing resource planning
特许管理会师公会Chartered Institute of Management Accountants
开支total expenditure
提前期cumulative lead time
纪念币commemorative coin program
经纪忠诚保险Brokers' Fidelity Insurance Scheme
审核procurement audit
美式包房费,餐饮,小费American plan
美术设公司Art Design Firm
装箱container load plan
划订单planned order
算机electronic control unit
算机信息技术网络电子商务computers,information technology,internet
算机公司Computer Company
算机软件开发公司Computer Software Development Company
算机辅助订货系统computer assisted ordering
重货物weight rated cargo
量规则measurement rules
总结conclusion of design
方案招投标soliciting for design scheme
理念design ideas
说明书description of design
账表专用算机accounting computer
货物积载stowage plan
资产会assets accounting
赊购credit plan
转速revolution meter
连续补充库存continuous replenishment program
配偶spouse program
配送资源distribution resource planning
配送需求distribution requirement planning
酒精测压alcohol gauge
采购procurement plan
销售sales program
销售marketing program
集体投资collective investment schemes
项目划批准project plan approval
项目实施project implementation plan
项目管理project management plan
完成时间estimated time of completion
开装时间port of discharging
时间estimated completion time
预防性preventive planning