
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
联合国教科文组织人与生物圈研究Man and Biosphere Program
人口统demography The statistical study of human vital statistics and population dynamics (人类出生、死亡的统计资料和人口迁移的统计研究。)
accounting Method of recording all the transactions affecting the financial condition of a business or organization (记录所有影响企业或组织经济状况的交易的理论。)
系统accounting system The system of setting up, maintaining, and auditing the books of a firm and of analyzing its financial status and operating results (用来建立、维护和审计企业的帐目并分析其经济状况和运营结果的系统。)
低排放汽车Low Emission Vehicle Program
全球大气研究Global Atmospheric Research Program
全球气候world climate program
全球气候研究world climate research program
农业纲要agriculture framework plan A formulated or systematic method for the management of soil, crops and livestock (管理土壤、农作物和牲畜的普通或系统化方法。)
农村管理和rural management and planning The activity or process of overseeing and preparing for the future physical arrangement and condition of any agricultural or pastoral area, which may involve protecting and developing natural and human resources that affect an area's economic vitality (为农业或牧业地区未来的生产生活条件做规划和准备的活动或过程。这个过程可能包括保护和发展某地区经济的自然资源和人力资源。)
减轻地震灾害Earthquake Hazard Reduction Prog ram
剂量health monitor
化学算需氧量stoichiometric oxygen required
卫生sanitation plan Plans for the control of the physical factors in the human environment that can harm development, health, or survival (对在人类环境中会影响生产、健康或生存的自然因素进行控制的计划。)
发展development plan The statement of local planning policies that each local planning authority is required by statute to maintain, and which can only be made or altered by following the procedures prescribed for that purpose, which include obligations to consult widely and to hold a public local inquiry into objections. The development plan includes: 1. the structure plan for the area (normally prepared by the country council); 2. an area-wide development plan for each district council area (指由法律授权的地区规划机构负责制定的地区规划策略声明,该声明的制定或修改仅能按照规定的流程进行,同时必须广泛的协商讨论和接受公众质询。 发展计划包括: 1.地区的结构性计划(通常由地方议会提供); 2.每个辖区的区域发展计划。)
噪声暴露noise exposure plan A formulated or systematic method to prevent the effects of being subjected to loud or harsh sounds (一个明确的、系统性的方法来防止受到大声或刺耳声音的影响。)
国家保护national conservation programme
国民环境会national environmental accounting The collection and processing of financial information regarding the costs for ecological challenges or opportunities for nations or countries (有关民族或国家的生态挑战或机会的花费的财务资料的收集和处理。)
国际减灾十年international Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction
土地使用land-use planning
土地用途land use plan The key element of a comprehensive plan; describes the recommended location and intensity of development for public and private land uses, such as residential, commercial, industrial, recreational and agricultural (一项全面计划的主要内容,描述了公共和私人土地使用的推荐位置和发展力度,例如住宅、商业、工业、娱乐和农业。)
地区regional plan The plan for a region according to some physiographic, biological, political, administrative, economic, demographic, or other criteria (根据地形、生物、政治、行政、经济、人口、或其它标准制定的地区的计划。)
地区统regional statistics No definition needed (不需要定义。)
城市行动urban action program A planned, coordinated group of activities or services intended for improving urban centers in order to provide healthy and safe living conditions, efficient transport and communication, adequate public facilities and aesthetic surroundings (为提供健康和安全的居住条件、有效的交通和通信、足够的公共设施和优美的环境,改善城市中心的一组有计划、协调的活动或服务。)
城市设urban design A plan, outline or preliminary sketch of, or for, a city or town (一个城市或城镇的规划、大纲或初步草图。)
大气连续监测continuous air monitoring program
美国安全与环境管理Safety and Environmental Management Program
audit The periodic or continuous verification of the accounts, assets and liabilities of a company or other organization, often to confirm compliance with legal and professional standards (周期性或者持续的关于一个公司或者其他组织的账户,财产和义务的查证,通常以法律和专业性标准作为指导。)
工业生产统industrial production statistics No definition needed (无需定义。)
平均寿命估average life evaluation
废料统waste statistics Determination of the quantity and character of the wastes discarded by a community, by spot sampling procedure (通过现场取样程序,对社区丢弃的废料数量和性质的测定。)
废水统waste water statistics No definition needed (无需定义。)
建筑building planning The activity of designing, organizing or preparing for future construction or reconstruction of edifices and facilities (对建筑物和设施的将来建设和重建的设计、组织和准备活动。)
微型算机microcomputer A microprocessor combined with input/output interface devices, some type of external memory, and the other elements required to form a working computer system; it is smaller, lower in cost, and usually slower than a minicomputer (一个结合了输入/输出接口设备的微处理器、一些外部存储器和其它所需的要素形成的工作计算机系统;它比一台小型计算机体积小、造价低,速度通常慢于小型机。)
恢复recovery plan A formulated or systematic method for the restoration of natural resources or the reuse of materials and objects (对自然资源的恢复或对物品重用的有计划的或系统的方法。)
扩散dispersion calculation The calculation of pollutant dispersion is based on the use of air dispersion models that mathematically simulate atmospheric conditions and behaviour. Dispersion models can provide concentration or deposition estimates and can be used to evaluate both existing and hypothetical emissions scenarios (污染扩散的计算是基于空气扩散模型通过数学方法来模拟大气条件和行为;扩散模型可以估计污染物的浓度或沉降量,同时可以评估现有或假设的排放情形。)
政策policy planning The process of making arrangements or preparations to facilitate any course of action that may be adopted and pursued by government, business or some other organization (安排或准备的过程,由政府或者某一组织采取和实施的任何计划。)
景观划者landscape planner
景观划者landscape designer
景观划者landscape architect
景观设landscape designer
景观设landscape planner
景观设landscape architect
概率calculation of probabilities
模型输出统model output statistics
欧洲监测与评价European Monitoring and Evaluation Program
气候变化对策Climate Change Action Plan
气候和全球变化climate and global change program
水统water statistics No definition needed (无需定义。)
海上防止溢油行动marine oil spill action plan
清除plan to clear
湿式气体wet gas meter
火灾和土地管理简写为FIRELAMPfire and land management planning
火灾管理fire management plan
火险算表fire danger tables
火险算表danger tables
灾害应变disaster contingency plan An anticipatory emergency plan to be followed in an expected or eventual disaster, based on risk assessment, availability of human and material resources, community preparedness, local and international response capability, etc. (以风险评估、人力或物质资源的可用性、社区准备、及地方或国际响应能力等为基础,事先制定的可以在预期中或极可能发生的灾难中遵循的应急计划。)
燃油与危险物品模拟环境量罐oil and hazardous materials simulated environmental test tank
物种的保护species conservation programme An organized group of activities and procedures, often run by a government agency or a nonprofit organization, to preserve and protect living organisms designated as being at risk (一个有组织的团体活动和程序。常常由政府机构或非盈利性组织,进行维护和保护濒临危险的生物。)
环境environmental plan A formulated or systematic method for the protection of natural or ecological resources (用公式或者系统表达保护自然或生态资源的的方法。)
环境会environmental accounting
环境保护environmental protection program
环境管理environmental management plan
环境统environmental statistics No definition needed (无需定义)
埃克森公司环境质量保障Environment Quality Assurance Program
社区改善neighbourhood improvement scheme
空气污染信息与算系统Air Pollution Information and Computation System
美国空气质量管理Air Quality Management Plan
管理management plan A program of action designed to reach a given set of objectives (某个旨在达到特定的目标而设定的行动纲领。)
管理会management accounting The collection and processing of financial information to assist with the handling, direction, or control of an organization (财务信息的收集和处理,以协助某个组织的操纵、指导或控制。)
紧急emergency plan Program of procedures to be undertaken in the event of a sudden, urgent and usually unexpected occurrence requiring immediate action, especially an incident of potential harm to human life, property or the environment (为在突发经济且通常是意外发生而需要立即行动的实践中所采取的行动计划,特别是在可能危害人类生命、财产或环境的事件。)
信息系统statistical information system A coordinated assemblage of people, devices or other resources enabling the exchange of numerical data that has been collected, classified or interpreted for analysis (人通过协调组合,装置或其他资源,使数值数据进行交换,从而收集、归类或者分析解释。)
分析statistical analysis The body of techniques used in statistical inference concerning a population (关于人口的统计的技术。)
statistics A branch of mathematics dealing with the collection, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of masses of numerical data (数学的一个分支,用于处理收集、分析、解释和呈现大量的数学数据。)
数列statistical series An ordered sequence of data samples in numerical form used to predict or demonstrate trends through time and space (样本的数据排列顺序通过时间和空间的趋势使用数字的形式来预测或证明。)
数据资料statistical data
数据statistical data No definition needed (无需定义。)
资料数据statistical data
资料statistical information Knowledge pertaining to the collection, classification, analysis and interpretation of numerical data (有关知识的收集、分类、分析和数值数据的解释)
耗氧oxygen consumption gauge
自助self-help programme A series of steps or a system of services or activities designed to enable an individual to help or improve one's self without depending on the aid of others (一系列步骤或一套服务或活动,用来使个人不需要依靠他人帮助就能实现自身目标。)
美国工业上的安全规则自愿保护voluntary protection program
plan A scheme of action, a method of proceeding thought out in advance (行动计划,实施过程前的考虑。)
划合作者planned cooperator
划合作者fire cooperator
划措施planning measure A procedure or course of action taken to design, organize or prepare for the future (为设计、组织和未雨绸缪所采取的程序或过程。)
划生育family planning The control of the number of children in a family and of the intervals between them, especially by the use of contraceptives (限制家庭的小孩数,限制生小孩时间间隔,特别是以使用避孕药的方式来完成的。)
划生育birth control Limitation of the number of children born by preventing or reducing the frequency of impregnation (通过防止或减少受精,来限制出生子女的数目。)
calculation The act, process or result of calculating (计算的行为、过程或结果。)
算方法calculation method No definition needed (无需定义。)
design A graphic representation, especially a detailed plan for construction or manufacture; project (一种图形的展示,特别是建筑或制造的详细规划。)
设备equipment plan A formulated or systematic method for the supply of material necessities such as tools, gear, provisions or furnishings (为提供必需材料,例如工具,器材,补给,装备而采取的公式化或系统化方法。)
小规模试验pilot project
试验pilot project A small scale experiment or set of observations undertaken to decide how and whether to launch a full-scale project (通过小规模的试验及其结果决定如何和是否启动一个全面的项目。)
调配allocation plan The formulation and application of such measures as laws, economic plans, urbanism, etc., to ensure a balance between the population's needs and the country's resources (法律、经济计划、都市化等措施的规划与应用,以确保人口需求与国家资源的平衡。)
跟踪tracking plan A formulated or systematic method for following or tracing environmentally related issues or concerns (为从事或追查与环境相关的问题或关切的一种程序化或系统化的方法。)
路线航路route planning
运输transport planning A programme of action to provide for present and future demands for movement of people and goods. Such a programme is preceded by a transport study and necessarily includes consideration of the various modes of transport (为人员和货物移动的现有和未来的需求提供的行动方案。该方案实施之前应进行运输研究,且必须考虑到不同的运输方式。)
野生动植物种群统wildlife population statistics The numerical facts or data collected through various methodologies, such as sighting surveys, which represent or estimate the size of any wildlife species for purposes such as analyzing population trends (通过各种方法(如目视调查)收集的数据,以代表或估算任何野生动植物物种的大小,以达到如种群趋势分析之类的目的。)
加拿大阿尔伯塔油砂地区环境研究Albert Oil Sands Environment Research Program
雨量rain gauge
预警warning plan A scheme or method of acting developed in advance to notify as quickly as possible the affected population of any sudden, urgent and usually unexpected occurrence requiring immediate action (事先建立的行动计划或方法,以尽快通知受突发、紧急或意外事件的影响,需要立即采取行动的人群。)
风险发生应对risk exposure plan A scheme or method of acting that takes effect if the probability of harm to an area or its population increases beyond a normal level (当某一地区和该地区的人受到风险的威胁超过正常水平时,制定的对应计划或采用的对应措施。)