
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
一式数模型counter model type I
一揽子采购lump-sum purchase plan
一种电子算机语言dynamic model
一级审auditors grade 1
一维估unidimensional estimator
三因子设three factor design
三"E"审three E's
三段最小平方估three-stage least squares estimates
三相关组立方设cubic design with three associate classes
三级审auditors grade 3
三菱电子算机Mitsubishi electronic computer
三角形设triangular design
上下班时卡clocking-in card
上下界估estimate of upper and lower bounds
上定目标下拟划式的计划工作goal down-plan up planning
上年累last year cumulative
上限估upper estimate
下达指令性issue plans as binding instructions
下达指令性生产issues directives about production targets
not counted-in package
佣金free of commission
免赔率irrespective of percentage
免赔率大小的海损average irrespective of percentage
养恤金的服务时间non-pensionable services
养恤金的服务期uncredited service
利息票据附注用语bearing no interest
bearing no interest
报酬irrespective of pay
保险损失率大小均照付payable irrespective of percentage
no account
数量regardless of quantity
营利核算方程式non-profit accounting equation
费时间nonchargeable time
不一致统inconsistent statistics
不变估invariant estimator
不变统invariant statistics
不可算函数uncomputable function
不可靠估unreliable estimate
不可靠估unreliable estimator
不同度统heterograde statistics
不太理想的suboptimal plan
不完全区组设incomplete blocks design
不定期审unscheduled audit
不定期审nonperiodic audit
不实在的house of cards
不应资产non-accrual asset
不懂会ignorance of accounting
不按划排除故障unscheduled removal
不相容估inconsistent estimator
不等式约束估inequality-restricted estimator
不累条款non-cumulative clause
船舶保险中不累条款non-cumulative clause
不良设poor planning
不规则估程序atypical estimation procedure
不通知审non-notice audit
企业公司原则corporate accounting principle
企业划编制business planning
企业量方法quantitative method in business
企业会accounting of enterprise
企业会business accountancy
企业会accounting of business
企业会原则business accounting principles
企业会原则accounting principles for business enterprise
企业会基本原则basic principle of enterprise accounting
企业会business accountant
企业合并审acquisition auditing
企业基金算表statement of enterprise fund sources
企业审business audit
企业应用统statistics of enterprise application
企业应用统statistics for business application
企业经营business plan
企业统corporate statistics
《会论木文集》美国证券交易会期刊Accounting Series Release
分别算的装卸时间non-reversible laytime
分割设split-plot design
分单位核算单位divisional accounting
分布式算机multi-access computer
T 分布统T distributed statistic
F 分布统F-distribution statistic
分批分组成本算法batch costing
分批batch weighting
分批重法batch weighting method
分批付款partial payment plan
分批成本算法lot cost system
分批成本算表job cost sheet
分批成本会specific-order cost accounting
分批成本估job cost estimating
分批采购buy on the installment plan
分支机构会集中制centralized branch system
分散估decentralized estimator
分时time sharing accounting
分期付款term plan
分期付款划编制preparation of an installment distribution plan
分期付款会installment accounting
分期付款会处理方法installment method of accounting
分期付款制会installment basis accounting
分期摊还amortization plan of payment
分期预算budget plan
分权decentralized planning
分权划与集权控制decentralized planning and centralized controlling
分权划管理decentralized planning control
分析与估analysis and evaluation
分析会analytic accounting
分析会analytical accounting
分析估analytic estimating method
分析估analytic estimating
分析审analytical auditing
分析式统analytic statistics
分析式统analytic statistics method
分档鼓励工资geared incentive scheme
分段制造费用成本multistep overhead costing
分等ranking plan
分类classified counting
分类统classification statistics
分类统计算机analysis machine
分部部门segment accounting
分配distribution plan
分配划编制preparation of a distribution plan
分阶段统multistage statistics
切实可行的practicable plan
包工件工资制contractual piecework system
各种成套various sets of plan
各类股票的会处理accounting for various classes of stocks
all total
价值aggregate value
总重量gross combination weight
承前页total carried forward
计算机computing accounting machine
过账summary posting
合伙copartnership scheme
合伙簿记和会partnership bookkeeping and accounting
合作cooperative plan
合作co-operative programme
合作社会cooperative accounting
合同价日期contractual value date
合并joint account
合并样本统pooled sample statistic
合成试验设composite experiment design
合格会qualified accountant
合理issue bonuses rationally
合资企业会accounting for joint ventures
吉布森混合比例算法Gibson mix
同度统homograde statistics
同时估simultaneous estimate
后进先出盘存成本算法last-in first-out method of inventory costing
圆形分格统图表pie diagram
圆形分格统图表pie chart
处理会日常事务accounting data process
备抵valuation allowance
复利算中的换算因素conversion factor in compound interest calculation
复利算法met hod of compound interests
复式多种件工资制multiple piece rate system
复式会记账制度double account system
复式记录会multiple-register accounting machines
射击控制算机fire control computer
小组划与决策group planning and decision making
小组承包件工资制agreed gang wage on account of piecework earning
小组推销group plan
小费不service non comprise
币值变动会处理accounting for changing money value
市内通话local call charging
市场market plan
市场完善market perfects the plan
市场导向性market-oriented plan
市场扩张价法expansionist pricing
市场活动market activity project
市场统market statistics
市场调查market survey plan
市政经济municipal economic planning
布兰南一本森两人曾分任艾森豪威尔和杜鲁门总统的农业顾问Brannan-Benson Plan
布鲁金斯季度经济量模式Brookings quarterly econometric model
开业会public accountant
开发信贷应手续费accrued service charge on development credit
开发援助development aid program
"开放天空""open skies" plan
成本会accounting of cost
成本会中产品与副产品成本分摊法by-product method of cost accounting
成本会cost accounting standard
成本会准则汇编statement of cost accounting standards
成本会制度设置installation of a cost system
成本会cost keeper
成本会周期循环cost accounting cycle
成本会周转cost accounting cycle
成本会和财务会计一体化integration of cost accounting with financial accounting
成本会程序cost accounting procedure
成本会类型type of cost accounting
成本会细则cost manual
成本会规程cost accounting regulation
成本会规章制度rules and regulations of cost accounting
成本会cost accounting division
持有投资平均额的利润按年率annualized rate of return on the average investment held
持照会chartered accountant
持证书的会主任certified general accountant
指令性directive planning
指令性划指标mandatory plan targets
指令性划指标indices of mandatory plan
指令性划管理mandatory planned management
指令性划管理management of mandatory planning
指令线性无偏极小方差估order linear unbiased minimal variance estimator
指定统资料designated statistics
指定设design assignment
指导guidance plan
指导性划数字indicative planning figure
指导性世界indicative world plan
指数index gauge
指数数法exponential notation
指数算法index calculation
指示性划指标indices of guidance plan
划单位成本计算的总成本total cost per planned unit cost
量标记at gage marks
交易in volume
按上年单位成本算的总成本total cost per prior year's unit cost
按上月月末库存算平均价格法method of average price at the close of the preceding month
按不变价格calculated in constant value
按不变价格in constant dollar value
按不变美元in constant dollar value
按两年per biennium
按人算的补助金capitation grant
按人口算的总产值per capita gross product
按件价工作priced work
按件work-point on piece work done
按件work point based on piece work done
按件数交接货物handing over lot by lot
按价值ad valorem
按会法规进行的会计核算accounting based on legal requirements
按体积by measurement
按体积算的运费指采用英制的船舶公司,货物体积以 40 立方英尺为一吨,重量未达 1680 磅,作为按容积货收取运费的标准。未采英制的船公司,如远东地区则由船公司自定标准measurement freight
按体积指计收运费时将重量单位等同一体积单位,如一磅 = 166立方英寸volumetric weight
按净O/n on net
按净on net
按净吨位assessed according to net tonnage
按分批实际进价法算销售成本cost of sale based on actual batch purchasing price
按分期付款额interest based on each installment
按包per package
按包件算的责任限制per package limitation liability
按历史资料设historical design
按可比价格in comparable prices
按可比口径calculated the comparable basis
按可比口径calculated in terms of comparable items
按周供给量划存货法week's supply method of stock planning
按固定价格算的国民生产总值at constant prices
按固定价格算的国民生产总值gross national product at constant price
按增长净收益算的留成率net income retaining percentage on net income increment
按实交净重算运费freight per net weight delivered
按实值算的保险费pro rata premium
按实际成本算成本法cost method based on the actual cost
按容积吨算运费法measurement ton system
按小时奖制hourly premium system
按小时hourly basis
按小时工资by the hour
按尺码吨calculate on measurement tonnage
按市场价格算的国民生产总值at market prices
按市场价格算的国民生产总值gross national product at market price
按平均数on an average
按年per year
按年基数净收益算的留成率net income retaining percentage on base year net income
按当年价格calculated on the prices of the indicated years
按成本value at cost
按成本加成及再出售价算法cost plus and resale method
按成本或低于成本算原则cost-or-less principle
按成本或市价孰低valuation at lower of cost or market
按成果付酬payment by results scheme
按批量calculation based on batch quantity
按换算假设进行的"if-converted" computation
按提单重量算的运费freight on bill of lading weight
按旅客航行公里算的保险费revenue passenger kilometers
按日daily pro rata
按日per diem
按日酬工作day labour
按日历年度算的平均指数average indexes in calendar years
按日均算的每月余额average daily figure of the monthly balance
按最后卸货量算的运费freight on final outturn
按未收余额interest base on uncollected balance
按…条件计价priced in terms of
按次费用户message rate subscriber
按每期相等的付款额interest based on equal periodic payment
按比例算的保险费pro rata premium
按比例算的运费pro rata freight
按比例算责任pro rata liability
按毛利calculated on gross profit
按毛利率法算销售成本cost of sale based on gross margin rate
按活动算折旧法activity-based depreciation
按消费物价指数算的通货膨胀率rate of consumer price inflation
按清偿能力算的国际收支差额balance on liquidity
按照会原则accordance with the principle of accounting
按现价at current price
按现时成本at current cost
按现行汇价折合算法编制的国外业务报表current noncurrent method of translating statement
按班组产量calculation based on shift or group output
按生产者价值算的增值额value added at producers' value
按百分比levied as a percentage
按相对价值in relative term
按纯利calculated net profit
按绝对价值in absolute term
按美元值的后进先出法LIFO dollar-value method
按股权金额算票数one-dollar one-vote yardstick
按要素价值算的增值额value added at factor value
按要素成本算的国内生产总值gross domestic product at factor cost
按要素成本算的国民生产总值at factor costs
按要素成本算的国民生产总值gross national product at factor cost
按…计价priced at
按货物体积收运费cubic measurement
按货的价值算的运费freight by ad valorem
按载重吨位assessed according to dead weight tonnage
按递远递价比例算的运费率tariff on tapering scale
按重量by weight
按量in volume
按销售价估存货损失estimated loss from sale valuation of merchandise inventory
按预定according to schedule
利息explicit interest
最优optimal plan
最优估optimal estimator
最优极大似然估optimal maximum likelihood estimation procedure
最优线性估linear optimal estimate
最低件标准minimum piece work standard
最低费里程minimum freight mileage
最低费金额minimum charge collectable
最低费额minimum amount of freight
最低估成本minimum-cost estimating
最低成本估与安排Least-cost Estimating and Scheduling
最低成本估与安排系统Lest-cost Estimating and Scheduling System
最低成本估与调度系统least cost estimating and scheduling system
最低成本和估算划法least cost and estimating scheduling
最低成本和估算划法least cost and estimating schedule
最低阶有偏估lowest order bias estimator
最低阶统smallest order statistic
最低限度一揽子minimum package project
最佳估best estimation
统计最佳估best estimator
最佳可能估best possible estimate
最佳可能估best possible estimator
最佳时间估most-likely time estimate
最佳渐进正态估best asymptotic normal estimator
最佳渐进正态估BAN estimator
最佳相容不变风险估uniformly best constant risk estimator
最佳管理best management plan
最佳线性不变量估best linear invariant estimate
最佳线性无偏估人员best linear unbiased estimate
最佳线性无偏估best linear unbiased estimator
最佳线性无偏估BLUE method
最佳线性无偏估best linear unbiased estimation method
最佳绝对无偏线性估best absolutely unbiased linear estimator
最佳统拟合best statistical fit
最后进价成本算法costing inventory by latest purchase price
最坏情况下的设电路worst case designed circuit
最大似然估MLE technique
最大似然估MLE method
最大似然系数估maximum likelihood coefficient estimator
最大可能估most-likely estimation
最大概数估maximum likelihood estimator
最大概率估maximum probability estimate
最大概率估maximum probability estimator
最大熵谱估maximum entropy spectrum estimation
最大辅助统maximal ancillary statistic
最小二乘估least square estimator
最小二乘方估量的分布distribution of least squares estimator
最小二乘预least square predictor
最小充分统minimum sufficient statistic
最小均方误差估minimum mean-square-error estimator
最小平方估least square estimate
最小平方估least-squares estimator
最小平方估least square estimation procedure
最小平方估least square estimation method
最小平方参数估least squares parameter estimate
最小平方差估least square variance estimator
最小平方极大似然估least squares maximum likelihood estimate
最小平方极大似然估least square maximum likelihood estimate
最小广义剩余方差估least generalized residual variance estimator
最小方差估minimum variance estimator
最小方差无偏估minimum variance unbiased estimator
最小方差无偏估minimum variance unbiased estimation
最小方差比估LVR estimate
最小方差比估least variance ratio estimate
最小方差线性无偏估minimum variance linear unbiased estimator
最小方差限界估minimum variance bound estimator
最小绝对值估least absolute value estimation
最小绝对偏差估minimum absolute deviation estimator
最小绝对误差估least absolute error estimator
最小绝对误差估LAE estimator
最小范数二次无偏估minimum norm quadratic unbiased estimator
最小辅助统minimal ancillary statistic
最新latest plan
最有效估most efficient estimation
最有效估most efficient estimator
最适合估most fitting estimates
最高估outside estimate
最高预损失maximum loss expectancy
monthly plan
monthly statement
月份投资monthly investment plan
月估monthly estimate
月度损益monthly profit and loss accounting
月度财务收支monthly financial revenue and expenditure plan
月收支monthly revenue and expenditure plan
月生产monthly production plan
月运输monthly shipment plan
划地选择厂址planned location of industry
划抽样purposive sampling
国民经济划按比例发展规律law of a planned and proportionate development
划的商品经济planned commodity economy
算的生意人calculating businessman
有偏估biased estimator
有偏估biased estimate
有偏统biased statistic
有合伙人贷款的分期分配installment,distribution plan with partner's loan
有效划步骤effective planning procedure
有效算性effective calculability
有效估efficient estimate
有效估efficiency estimator
有效的长期营业effective long-range business planning
有效统efficient statistics
有条件统预测conditional statistical forecast
有界完备充分统bounded complete sufficient statistic
有限件工资limiting piecework wage
标准standard project
标准量经济计算机程序standard econometric computer program
标准件划法planning method for standard parts
标准会实务书statement of standard accounting practice
标准会部分计划partial plan of standard accounting
标准估standard estimate
标准偏差估estimate of standard deviation
标准化经济效果算实例an example of calculation of Economic Effector standardization
标准小时computation of standard hours
标准成本会单一记账法single plan of standard cost accounting
ABC 标准抽样ABC standard
标准程序设standard programming
标准设standard project
标准设calibration design
标准误差估estimate of standard error
清理会accountant in bankruptcy
理论量经济学theoretical econometrics
理货数单tally sheet
理货数单cargo tally sheet
码表stop watch time
码表时法stop watch time method
程序算器program counter
程序控制算机programme controlled computer
程序管理program management planning
程序设planning of procedure
程序设procedural design
程序设dynamic programming
程序设人员programming staff
程序设手册software manual
程序设过程process of program design
税务审taxation audit
税务审tax audit
税后净额算法net-of-tax method
税收算基础确认confirmation of the tax computation basis
税收统tax statistics
税率computation of rate of tax
税额computation of tax amount
紊流统turbulence statistics
范围估estimation of range
调度scheduling plan
调整后损益算书adjusted income statement
调查planning of survey
调査survey plan
退休划信托retirement plan trust
送达审documentary audit
适应市场经济划体系plan-oriented market economy system
适应性adaptive plan
适应性划法adaptive planning
逆查审auditing from trial balance
选择select planning
选择序列数器selective sequence counter
《金融时报》 保险统学会综合股票指数Financial Time-Actuaries Share Indexes
销售plan of sale
销售scheme of distribution
销售划融资financing of the marketing programme
销售员估综合法salesmen's sates composite method
销售成本会distribution cost accounting
销售组合marketing mix programme
销售经营划及管理sales operations planning and control
销售额估sales estimate
销售额统sales statistics
销货及管理费入成本selling and administrative expenses charged to cost
需求估demand appraisal
需求函数统偏离statistical deviation of demand function
需求弹性有偏估biased estimation of demand elasticity
需求量大约估estimate of approximate requirement
需要和优先估estimate of needs and priorities
霍尔效应磁场Hall effect magnetometer
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