
Terms for subject Nuclear and fusion power containing | all forms
中子数率neutron counting rate
220V交流算机电源系统220V AC computer power supply system
从动数译码组件slave cycler count and decoder
全身数器whole-body counter
剂量读数器dosemeter reader
前置算机front computer
堆芯热工设core thermal design
工艺流程及表piping and instrumentation diagram
抗震设seismic design
施工设detail design
未能紧急停堆的预瞬态anticipated transient without scram
核电厂堆芯安全设design for reactor core safety in NPP
检查inspection plan
正比涂硼数管proportional boron-lined counter
数管proportional counter
气体累流量计gas accumulated flowmeter
法定量单位legal metrological unit
浮子流量float type flowmeter
玻璃剂量glass dosimeter
电子式袖珍剂量electronic pocket dosimeter
电站算机系统plant computer system
监查audit plan
监督surveillance plan
袖珍式剂量pocket dosimeter
数率音响系统audible count rate signal
数管区域监测仪counter area monitor
算的原始条件design conditions
量槽measuring tank
变更design change
基准design basis
基准事件design basis event
基准源项design basis source terms
报告design report
接口管理design interface control
条件情况design conditions
目标限值design objective limit
管理design control
规范书design specification
超声波液位ultrasonic liquid level meter
转子流量variable area flowmeter
辐射监测专用算机special computer for radiation monitoring
通用闪烁数器general scintillation counter
量热式质量流量thermal mass flowmeter
钟罩形数管end-window counter