
Terms for subject China containing | all forms
一次性calculated and collected once for all
中华人民共和国划生育法the Law of the People's Republic of China on Family Planning
中华人民共和国划生育法the Law of the Peopled Republic of China on Family Planning
中华人民共和国国家人口和划生育委员会National Population and Family Planning Commission of the People's Republic of China
中华人民共和国审State Auditing Administration
中华人民共和国审auditing administration of the peoples republic of China
中华人民共和国审National Audit Office of the People's Republic of China
中国量测试学会Chinese Society for Measurement
中国会学会China Accounting Society
事关国民生和国家安全crucial to the economy, the people's wellbeing and national security
以人民币calculated in terms of Renminbi
任期经济责任审office term economic accountability audit
准则accounting norms
制度accounting bylaws
报表fiscal reports and statement
传播算机病毒spread computer viruse
供热分户measure heat supply based on individual household
侵入算机信息系统invade a computer information system
修理量器具许可证Licence for Repairing Measuring Instrument
全设施的设design of safety facilities
全面完成国家fulfill all the obligations under the state plan
公告财务会报告financial statements announced
公开一一 count ballots openly
关于国民经济和社会发展划执行情况的报告the report on the implementation of the plan for national economic and social development
关于国民经济和社会发展划的报告the report on the plan for national economic and social development
分年calculated and collected in yearly installments
分户measure based on individual household
分户household metering
切实纠正和处理审查出的问题address or correct any problem uncovered in the audit
列入立法规划或年度include in the schedule for legislation work or the annual plan
利用算机实施犯罪use computers to commit the crimes
制作算机病毒create the computer virus
制定常委会立法和监督工作plan legislation and oversight work of the Standing Committee
副审deputy auditor-general
扣除weighted deduction
加强流动人口划生育管理strengthen the management of family planning among the floating population
劳动力调查统制度statistical system for workforce survey
勘查设survey and design
单独或者合持有separately or aggregately holding
另行calculated separately
add up to
同时设design at the same time
启动实施方案launch an initiative to
2006 国务院关于 2006 年审工作报告the State Council's report corresponding auditing report for
国务院关于国民经济和社会发展划执行情况的报告the State Council's report on the implementation of the plan for economic and social development
国务院审the Auditor-General of the State Council
国家量单位制national system of units of measurement
国家量检定规程national metrological verification regulations
国家动物疫病监测national plan for animal epidemic monitoring
国家国土整治state plan for improvement of national land
国家审机关auditing organ of the state
国家统state statistics
国家统State Statistics Bureau
国家统National Bureau of Statistics
国家统标准state statistical standards
国民经济和社会发展the plan for national economic and social development
国民经济和社会发展划、国家预算在执行过程中所必须作的部分调整方案partial adjustments to the plan for national economic and social development or to the State budget that prove necessary in the course of their implementation
国民经济和社会发展划执行情况the implementation of the plan for national economic and social development
国民经济和社会发展划草案draft plan for national economic and social development
国际法制量组织公约Convention of International organization of Legal Metrology
土地利用plans for land utilization
土地利用年度annual plan for land use
土地统land statistics
地方各级审机关local auditing bodies at various levels
地方统调査项目local statistical investigation item
基金会核算audit fund accounts
外观设exterior design
外观设industrial design
外观设专利权patent right for a design
安全设施设design of safety facilities
完善基层划生育基础设施和服务体系improve the infrastructure and service system for family planning at the primary level
完成fulfilling the plan
实施审execute auditing
实行划生育practise family planning
事项audit matters
决定audit decision
决定auditing decisions
准贝auditing norms
Audit Bureau
工作报告work report on auditing
工作报告the auditing work report
机关auditing body
机关an auditing body
查出问题整改情况的报告a report on progress in correcting problems uncovered in through auditing
the Audit Law
监督supervise through auditing
监督auditing oversight
监督权power of supervision through auditing
Commission of Audit
National Audit Office
the State Audit Administration
署署长Director of Audit
评价audit appraisal
小时酬标准hourly wage rates
干扰算机信息系统功能jam the function of the computer information system
年度annual plans (for)
年度建设用地annual plan for the land to be used for construction
年度执法检查annual plan for inspection of law enforcement
年度经营annual operational plan
建筑设单位designing institution
建设工程设方案designed scheme of the construction project
强制免疫plan for mandatory immunization
影响国民生bear on the national economy and the people's livelihood
总体规划和年度the master plan and annual plans (for)
抗震设规范standards aseismatic design
法律草案划提请审议bills be submitted for deliberation on schedule
按纳税年度calculated on the basis of the tax year
据不完全统incomplete statistics indicate that
据不完全统incomplete statistics show that
据不完全统according to incomplete statistics
支持审机关依法开展审计工作support the auditing authorities in performing their duties in accordance with the law
故意制作、传播算机病毒intentionally create or spread the computer viruses
教育教学educational or teaching programs
划、分步骤step by step in a planned way
民用建筑隔声设规范sound insulation design standards for civil architecture
民间统调查non-governmental statistical investigation
水耗统water consumption statistics
汇总consolidate the calculation
汛期调度运用dispatching and operation plan in flood seasons
注册会accountant registered
注册会certified public accountants
消防设fire protection design
涉及国民生问题problems related to the national economy and the people's wellbeing
清算会报表liquidation accounting statement
独立行使审监督权independently exercise the power of supervision through auditing
现有设prior design
监察、审监督工作oversight in the form of supervision and auditing
监察、审部门supervision and auditing authorities
监察、审部门supervision departments and audit offices
监督工作年度the annual plan for oversight work
矿山设mining design
破坏量器具准确度impair the accuracy of measuring instrument
社会公用量标准器具public standards of measurement
社会发展plans for social development
科学技术scientific and technological plan
篡改统资料tamper with statistical data
结合学校的combination with the school plan
分析make statistical analyses
台账制度statistical master-file system
咨询statistical advice
数据库statistical data bank
the Statistics Law
火灾损失measure the fire losses
监督statistical supervision
编码statistical coding
调查对象statistical respondent
调查对象under statistical investigation
调査项目statistical investigation items
编制国民经济和社会发展划和国家预算draw up the plan for national economic and social development and the State budget
编造虚假能源统数据provide false energy statistical data
能源审energy consumption audited
能源统指标体系index system for energy statistics
能源统资料energy statistical data
自觉接受审监督conscientious acceptance of auditing and oversight
草原统制度statistics system for grasslands
营业统business statistics
行动the action plan (to do)
件工作work on the basis of piecework
价货币denominated currency
划供应物资materials subject to planned allocation
划免疫制度system of immunization planning
划内分成的产品products retained as one's share under the plan
划单列市city directly under state planning
划单列市municipalities separately listed in the State plan
划单列市cities specially designated in the state plan
划外超产的产品products manufactured in excess of the planned quota
划执行情况的报告the report on implementing the plan
划招生plans call for enrolling
划生育家庭families that observe the family planning policy
划生育家庭households that comply with family planning regulations
划生育政策family planning regulations
划生育政策a family planning policy
戈生育家庭families that observe the family planning policy
收标准standard for calculating and collecting
税依据basis for assessing tax
算单位Units of Account
算机信息系统computer data system
算机网络network of computer
酬标准wage rate
量单位units of measurement
量器具measuring instruments
量器具准确度accuracy of measuring instruments
量工作metrological work
量性能metrological performance
量标准器具standard of measurement
量检定规程regulations governing metrological verification
量法the Metrology Law
量监督员metrological supervisor
量行政部门metrological administrative department
文件design papers
规范design standards
设置会账簿set up account books
赔偿算标准standard for calculation of indemnity
进口的量器具measuring instrument imported from abroad
违反会法行为act violating the Accounting law
遵守会准则、审计准则、财务通则compliance with accounting and auditing norms and general financial regulations
部门统标准departmental statistical standard
部门统调査项目statistical investigation items of a department
重复审redundant audit
重新算审理期限calculate anew the time limit for handling the case
非法定量单位non-legal units of measurement
营业时间anticipated business hours
食品安全风险监测food safety risk monitoring plan