
Terms containing 计费制 | all forms | in specified order only
telecom.不限通信量的计费制nontraffic sensitive
busin.中央自动通话计费制central automatic message accounting system
busin.分段制造费用成本计算multistep overhead costing
tech.分要素编制的运输成本费用计划transportation cost and fee plan in terms of cost items
plann.制订人力管理费用计划planning of overhead cost of manpower
telecom.包月制计费bulk billing
UN, tech.单元式干租赁制度装备使用月费计算方法monthly equipment usage charge for the modular dry lease system and components of are defined in chapter 8
telecom.复式计费制binary tariff system
tech.按主要项目编制的运输成本费用计划transportation cost and fee plan in terms of main items
telecom.按字计费制per word tariff system
tech.按时计费制flat rate
telecom.按次计费制message rate system
telecom.按次计费制measured rate system
shipb.提成费按制成品数量计算royalty on finished product
shipb.提成费按制成品数量计算royalty on finished products
shipb.提成费按生产的制动马力数计算royalty on produced BHP
telecom., amer.本地电话计次收费制local measured service
space研制费用计划development cost plan
interntl.trade.美旅馆的膳宿等费合并计算制American plan
econ.美国旅馆的膳宿等费合并计算制American plan
busin.计入间接制造费的返工成本rework costs charged to manufacturing overhead
tech.计时收费制time-rate system
telecom.电话计次收费制metering system
gen.计次收费制measured rate system
telecom.计费制rate system
el.计费生成控制charge generation control
busin.设计制图费designing and drawing expense
busin.设计制图费用design and drawing expense
textile费用计量制cost measurement system
busin.集中式自动通话计费制centralized automatic message accounting
commer.预计间接制造费用分摊率predetermined overhead rate