
Terms for subject United States containing 计算 | all forms | in specified order only
先进计算机科学研究所Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science (RIACS)
全球军事指挥与控制系统计算机网WWMCCS intercomputer network
国家航空航天局标准航天器计算NASA standard spacecraft computer
泰罗斯业务卫星计算中心TOS evaluation center
空军财政计算中心Air Force Accounting and Finance Center
美国计算机学会软件工程札记Software Engineering Notes ACM SIGSOFT
航天飞机轻便计算shuttle portable computer
计算机仿真学会Society for Computer Simulation
计算机科学和技术学会Institute for Computer Science and Technology
阿波罗望远镜装置数字计算ATM DC Apollo telescope mount digital computer
阿波罗飞船制导计算Apollo guidance computer