
Terms for subject Finances containing 计算 | all forms | in specified order only
不按美元计算的薪给税non-dollar-based staff assessment
世界上速度最快的超级计算world's fastest supercomputer
世界速度最快的超级计算world's fastest supercomputer
个体计算individual’s account
主要成本计算prime costing
亏损处理计算statement of absorption of deficit
产品成本计算product costing
以美元计算的分店报表branch statements in dollars
以美元计算的国民生产净值dollar net national product
以英镑计算的价格sterling price
价格计算calculation of price
任意折旧计算free depreciation
会计计算computing accounting machine
会计决算报表statement of final accounts
会计工作电子计算机化accounting by EDP (electronic data processing)
会计电子计算accounting computer
会计试算表trial balance of totals
传统成本计算traditional costing
传统成本计算conventional costing
估计成本计算estimated costing
估计成本计算estimate cost accounting
保险计算acturial science
保险业计算标准actuarial basis
保险数字计算部门actuarial department
保险统计员计算方法actuarial cost method
先期计划预算forward budget-planning
全部吸收成本计算full absorption costing
全部完成毛利计算complete contract method
全部成本计算full absorption costing
全部成本计算full costing method (full costing)
共同计算joint account
决策成本计算decision-making costing
决策用成本计算costing for decision making
决算审计audit of returns
净利计算的产权net profit interests
净收益变动计算statement accounting for variation in net income
净额按金计算net margining
准备金每日计算daily reserve calculation
分批成本计算lot cost system
分批成本计算job order costing
分批成本计算lots cost system
分批成本计算job costing (job order costing)
分批成本计算job method
分批成本计算batch costing
分步计算成本法process method of cost-finding
分步计算成本法process costing
分步成本计算process costing
分类营业计算departmental trading accounts
利息计算calculation of interest
制造成本计算核算manufacturing costing
加权平均成本计算weighted average cost method
半年会计结算semi-annual accounting settlement
历史成本计算historical costing
原料成本计算material cost accounting
变动成本计算direct variable costing
合计试算表trial balance of footing
品别成本计算simple cost account
商界计算本息归还办法merchant's rule
固定美元计算数字constant dollar estimates
国家财政决算审计state finance balanced budget audit
国家财政预决算审计state financial budget and balance account audit
国家预算审计state budget audit
国家预算执行情况审计state budget implementation audit
国家预算支岀执行情况审计state budget audit for expenditure implementation
国家预算收人执行情况审计state budget revenue implementation audit
国家预算收人报告审计state budget revenue report audit
国家预算非生产性支出审计state budget for non-production expenditure
国库计算分项帐subitems of treasury account
国库计算分项帐户subitems of treasury account
在会计中电子计算机适用性的研究feasibility studies for computers in accounting
在表报中电子计算机适用性的研究feasibility studies for computer in reports
堆栈费计算calculation of storage
复利计算中的换算因数conversion factor in compound interest calculation
复利计算compounding period
复式成本计算multiple costing
外币会计报表折算translation of foreign currency statements
外汇余额利息计算calculation of interest on the balance of exchange
多标式计算columnar work sheet
存货计价中的主要成本计算prime costing in inventory valuation
季度商业计算quarterly trade account
完成工作之计划预算planned cost of work completed
定单分批成本计算job order costing
实时计算real time calculation
审计决算audited accounts
审计用的假设测算法hypothesis test approach to audit
工资总额的计算computation of gross wages
差别差量成本计算differential costing
差额计算帐户difference account
币值标准计算tabular standard of value
市场计算market approach
年度计算annual reckoning
年金的复利和贴现计算compounding and discounting for annuity
应用成本比例计算期末存货applying cost ratio to ending inventory
应计概算税款accrued taxes estimated
建筑企业结算资金审计settlement funds audit of construction enterprise
开单帐单、发票电子计算electronic billing computer
归纳成本计算absorption costing
往来帐之平均计算averaging of accounts
微量节省的费用计算microeconomic cost calculation
总额按金计算gross margining
成本计算calculation of costs
成本计算cost man
成本计算分步法continuous process cost system
成本计算分类法class costing
成本计算基础costing basis
成本计算帐户cost calculation account
成本计算方式type of cost accounting
成本计算方法method of cost accounting
成本计算标准cost accounting standards
成本计算method of costing
成本计算cost approach
成本计算costing point
成本计算的基础base of costing
成本计算程序costing procedure
成本计算程序cost keeping procedure
成本计算简易法cost accounts on general books
成本计算cost statement
成本计算cost calculation statement
成本计算表分析cost statement analysis
承兑结算的会计处理accounting for acceptances
投资残值计算bail-out method
投资残值回收期计算bail-out payback method
折旧额计算computation of depreciation
折算风险会计translation exposure accounting
按不变价格计算calculate at constant price
按不变价格计算calculated according to constant price
按两者中较低者计算whichever is lower
按产品类别的成本计算lot costing
按产量计算的折旧法productive-output method of depreciation (production method)
按人均计算in per capita terms
按公式计算的摊还方法formulae based amortization
按其价值计算in value
按协议费率计算的保险费premium as arranged
按可比价格计算calculate at comparable price
按实值计算in real terms
按实际成本计算的报表historical-cost statements
按整元计算之后小数舍去whole dollar accounting
按日计算的欠付款利息daily interest for arrearage
按晴天工作日计算weather working days
按现行价格计算in current price
按现行批发价格计算calculated according to current wholesale price
按美元计算in terms of U.S. dollar
按要素成本计算by factor cost
按零风险权重计算be zero risk weighted
损益计算income statement (profit and loss account)
损益计算profit statement
损益计算income account
损益计算书审计income statement audit
损益计算营业报表profit and loss statement operating statements statement of business operation, statement of profit and loss
损益计算statement of loss and gain (profit and loss* statement)
损益计算operating statement (operation statement)
收益及损益计算statement of income and profit and loss
收购会计核算acquisition accounting
效益成本增值计算accrued benefit cost method
月份计算monthly sheet
月份损益计算monthly profit and loss accounting
月份损益计算monthly income statement
机器计算machinery account
材料计算盘点存货时用,材料登记片tally card
查帐计算audit working sheet
标准成本会计部分计算partial plan of standard accounting
标准成本计算standard costing
每日余额计算daily balance method
每日结余计算daily balance method
毛利率分部计算departmental rates of gross margin
汇兑尾利息计算calculation of interest on the balance of exchange
活期存款利息计算calculation of interest on current account
流动奖金周转率计算schedule of turnover rate of circulating fund
海损计算average loss settlement
清算会计liquidation accounting
清算会计accounting for liquidation
炼油联合成本计算joint costing of crude oil refining
照每期付款额计算利息interest based on each instalment
特别会计支出预算案appropriation bill
现值成本计算current value costing
现行美元的计算数字current dollar estimates
生产成本计算statement of production cost
用人民币计价结算use RMB for quoting price and setting account
用人民币计价结算use renminbi for quoting price and settling account
电算化会计computer-based accounting
电算化会计系统computer-based accounting system
电算化计划模式computerized planning model
盈利能力计算calculation of earning power
直接成本计算direct variable costing
直接成本计算收益表direct costing income statement
直接法往来计算direct method of account current
短期成本计算short period Cost accounts
累积净收益计算statement of accumulated net income
累进计算手续费sliding commission
纯利分配计算statement of appropriation of net income
组别综合成本计算class cost system
终端成本计算terminal costing
结帐计算working sheet
结算往来审计audit for balance account
结账计算work sheet
统一成本计算uniform costing
统计决算表graphic statement
美元平均计算dollar average method
联产品成本计算joint product costing
联产品成本计算制度joint product costing system
计划和预算调整programme and budgetary adjustments
计划设定预算planning budget
计划预算programme budget
计划预算编制系统programme budgeting system
计算reckon up
计算cast accounts
计算keeping account
计算cast account
计算上的货币money of account
计算与书写reckonings and writings
计算与书写reckoning and writings
计算便览ready reckoner
计算单位unit of account
计算卡片calculating card
计算国外公司所得税的损益表profit and loss method of calculating income tax on foreign company
计算小数四舍五入count fractions over 1/2 as one and disregard the rest
计算少数权益净利income before minority interest
计算平均存货averaging stock
计算总成本sum up the cost
计算成本对售价的比例determining ratio of cost to selling price
计算成本控制工作making cost control work
计算折旧computing depreciation
计算机联合帐户缩写为CPAComputer Pool Account
计算特殊项目前之净收益net income before extraordinary items
计算通货currency of account
计算银两制度system of currency by tads
计算错误error of computation
设计、计划、预算制planning-programming-budgeting system
财务计算financial calculation
账项平均计算averaging of accounts
贷款成本计算loan costing
资本收入计算原则principle of capital-income calculation
资本盈余计算statement of capital surplus
运费计算calculation of freight
运输成本计算calculation schedule of transportation cost
连续记帐计算account method
退休金计算基础salary basis for pension purpose
部门成本计算departmental cost accounting
金额个别计算separate capital method
银行利息计算calculation of interest on banking account
银行账户利息计算calculation of interest on banking account
销货毛利变动计算statement accounting for variation in gross profit
集体投保的按周计算的保障保险group weekly indemnity insurance
顾客成本计算customer costing
预期的福利金费用计算projected benefit cost method
预算与基金会计budget and fund accounting
预算会计法案budget and accounting act
预算估计数budget assessment
预算控制计划budgetary control plan
预计决算表pro forma statement
预计成本计算predetermined costing