
Terms for subject Microsoft containing | all forms
三重素驗證three-factor authentication (An authentication method that requires three authentication methods, which may include something the user provides, such as certificates; something the user knows, such as user names, passwords, or pass phrases; physical attributes, such as a thumbprint; and personal attributes, such as a personal signature)
單位primary unit (The measurement used to define the most commonly sold unit of a product)
Interop 組件primary interop assembly (An assembly containing definitions of COM types that is distributed and digitally signed by the author of the COM component. Visual Studio uses a registered primary interop assembly by default when a developer references a type in the corresponding type library)
多重素驗證multifactor authentication (An authentication method that requires two or more authentication methods, which may include something the user provides, such as certificates; something the user knows, such as user names, passwords, or pass phrases; physical attributes, such as a thumbprint; and personal attributes, such as a personal signature)
式驗證Digest authentication (An authentication method that prompts the user for a user name and a password, also called credentials, which are hashed with other data before being transmitted over the network. Digest authentication is available only on domains that have domain controllers that are running Microsoft Windows Server operating systems)
客戶secondary customer (A customer that is linked to the primary customer in a customer relationship)
活動摘activity feed (A feed that provides information, notifications and updates based on people, documents, and tags you are following)
求的requested (An open service activity status that denotes that, although the resources are not yet scheduled to perform work for this service activitity, a potential time has been found)
求的權限requested permissions (Optionally specified permissions in an assembly that represent the minimum required, optionally desired, and always refused permissions for all code in the assembly. If there is no request, the code is granted the maximum that security policy allows)
雙重素驗證two-factor authentication (An authentication method that requires two authentication methods, which may include something the user provides, such as certificates; something the user knows, such as user names, passwords, or pass phrases; physical attributes, such as a thumbprint; and personal attributes, such as a personal signature)
高重high importance (A flag that can be set for Lync and Communicator calls or instant messages to indicate the urgency of the conversation)