
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
代用品毒性alternative toxicity request
农业纲计划agriculture framework plan A formulated or systematic method for the management of soil, crops and livestock (管理土壤、农作物和牲畜的普通或系统化方法。)
合乎环境求的技术environmentally sound technology
国际重生态系统internationally important ecosystem Ecosystems whose importance is recognised at international level and which are, in some cases, protected by international conventions (公认的重要性为国际标准的生态系统,同时在某些情况下,这些生态系统受到国际公约保护。)
组分essential component
求类型type of claim A class or category of interests or remedies recognized in law or equity that create in the holder a right to the interest or its proceeds, typically taking the form of money, property or privilege (对于法律上的权益或赔偿,持有人有权获取利益或收益的股权的一种分类或类别,通常为货币、财产或特权的形式。)
求退回原物的债权、诉权claim for restitution A legal remedy in which a person or party may demand or assert the right to be restored to a former or original position prior to loss, damage or injury (一种法律补救法,一个人或一方当事人可以要求或维护恢复受到损失、损坏或损害之前的原始位置的权利。)
选定的生态selected ecological component
生态系统要素valued ecosystem component An appraised, evaluated or estimated element or ingredient of a biological community and its non-living environmental surroundings (一个生物群落及其非生物环境的评价、评估或预测的元素或组成成分。)
M 需Mthe need for M (to + inf., 做)
M 干,作出 Nrequire of M (N)
need The fact or an instance of feeling the lack of something (缺乏某些事物的事实或者感觉。)
加强攻势的情形extended attack situation