
Terms for subject Shipbuilding containing 要求 | all forms | in specified order only
不合理的要求unreasonable demand
主要需求primary demand
信息要求information requirements
共同海损赔偿要求理算adjustment of claims for general average
包装适合出口要求packing suitable for export
包装适合海运要求packing suitable for ocean shipping
应的要求at the request of
总有效要求aggregate effective demand
我们将严格按照要求履行合同We shall fulfill the requirements of the contract.
拒绝索赔要求claims rejected
拒绝索赔要求claims refused
生产要求production requirements
电子器材运输要求electronic material shipment requirement
精确度要求accuracy requirements
索赔要求到期日date on which the claim becomes due
经营要求business requirement
编队要求requirements for barge-train formation
要求不撤销信用证、 凭货运单据付款require irrevocable L/C payable against presentation of shipping documents
要求签字request for autograph
要求赔偿损害的权利right to claim damage
设备要求说明书equipment requirement specification
设备验收要求和检验equipment acceptance requirements and inspection
试验要求test requirements
通讯与指令控制要求communication and command control requirements
防火和安全要求fire prevention and safety requirement