
Terms for subject Economy containing 装船 | all forms | in specified order only
一旦你方付讫货款,我方就将装船单据交付与你方We shall deliver the shipping documents to you upon payment of the goods at your end
不可撤销的凭装船单据付款的信用证付款方式payment by irrevocable letter of credit payable against shipping documents
不容否认,这批大豆在装船前未经仔细检査There is no denying the fact that the soybeans had not undergone a careful inspection before shipment
专用分层集装箱船full cellular container vessel
中途装卸船队barge train with intermediate dropoffs and pick-ups
五月份前必须装船,否则我方就赶不上销售季节了Shipment has to be made before May, otherwise we are not able to catch the season
他们只用了两天时间把货物装上船They spent only two days on the shipment of the goods
装船时状态为准condition final at shipment
装船重量为准shipping weight final
装船重量为准shipped weight final
以能装第一艘便船为准的报盘offer subject to first available
装船decouple ship
你方必须按照装船要求办理You have to comply with the shipping instructions
你方汇票须附装船单据Your draft must be accompanied by the shipping documents
你方订单合计为500吨,将在本周末装船运出Your orders aggregate 500 tons, which will be shipped at the end of this week
使你们的订货在八月份装船,我们不会遇到什么麻烦We won't undergo any trouble in getting your order shipped in August
装船for shipment
保证装船时状态condition guaranteed at shipment
信用证不予修改,325吨大米凭保证书装船The shipment of 325 tons of rice will be effected under guarantee in the absence of the L/C amendment
装船the forward shipment
装船forward shipment
兹通知贵方,带包装的机器神户船上交货价为7000美元We are pleased to inform you that the price of the machine is $7000 packed and delivered FOB Kobe
办完例行手续,我们马上电告装船通知After going through the usual procedure n., we will cable you shipment advice immediately
包括装船和起岸的驳运风险include all risks of crafts to and from the vessel
包括装船时驳运的一切风险include all risks of crafts while loading
包括装船费用在内的运费free in
半集装箱船a semi-container ship
单位成组装运制船舶unit load system vessel
卸下船上所装货物unship a cargo
发船装载率coefficient of utilization of static D.W. tonnage
可变集装箱船convertible container ship
吊上吊下集装箱船lift on and lift off containership
在我方看来这不很合理,因为装船前我们已预先给你方送去一份货样It does not appear to us to be very reasonable as we sent you an advance sample prior to shipment
在港待装船spot ship
在船上装卸货物的码头工人deck gang
提单批准夜间装船night work
如果此货有效期内仍未装船,此定单将被撤销This order will be cancelled if the goods remain shipped within the expiration
小型散装船a mini bulk carrier
尽快安排装船expedite shipment as much as possible
尽速装船as soon as possible shipment
格式集装箱货船cellular container vessel
格式集装箱货船cellular container ship
装船货物the afloat cargo
装船运出in transit
装船运费预付清洁海运提单clean on broad freight prepaid ocean bills of lading
已经装船to arrive
帆船装运的提单bill of lading covering shipment by sailing vessel
希望厂方在如此短的时间内把我方的订货装船是不合理的It is unreasonable to expect the factory to get our order shipped in so short a time
平均装船equal shipment
延期装船prolongation of the time of shipment
必须指出,装船前我们仔细检査了货物,因此不可能会发生货损We have to point out that we checked the consignment carefully before shipment, so no damage could have happened
我们会在装船完毕前一周电告你方船名We will advise you by cable the name of vessel a week before completion of the loading
我们会尽最大努力提前装船We will do our best to advance shipment
我们双方对装船日期这一点不能达成一致意见We are not identical in our views of the shipment date
我们对能否准时装船相当担心We are rather anxious about the punctuality of the shipment
我们正忙于备货,以便交付这艘轮船装运We are busy with the preparation of the goods for shipment on this steamer
我们答应了提前装船We are commit ted to advance shipment
提前装船put forward on the shipment
提单是承运人收到货物并将货物装上货船的证明A bill of lading is evidence that the goods have been received on board by the carrier
改装杂货船converted break-bulk vessels
装船ship in bulk
散装燃油两用船bulk fuel oil carrier
散装石油两用船bulk oil carrier
散装石油船bulk oil-carrying ship
散装矿石两用船bulk ore carrier
散装谷物等船上喷吸管口交货价free on board ex shute
散装货船上交货加平舱费价格free on board and trimmed
散装货船上交货加理舱费价格free on board and stowed
整集装箱船full container ship
暴风雨对船上装的货造成很大损害The storm did much harm on the shipped cargo
装船时限的条件conditions as to time of shipment
有关装船事宜,请把你们的意见传达给我方For loading arrangement, please communicate your ideas to us
有起重机的滚装船a ro-ro crane ship
根据约定,你们应该把向我们开具的1200美元即期汇票附于装船单据上As arrange d, you are to attach your sight draft on us for US $1200 to the shipment documents
格槽式集装箱船cellular container vessel
水果船中装载水果的设备fruit fittings
泊位装货租船合同berth charter port charter
港口装货租船合同berth charter port charter
装船roll on roll off vessels
装船a ro-ro vessel
滚装吊装两用集装箱船combined roll-on roll-off, lift-on lift-off container vessel
滚装和杂货两用船combined Ro-Ro and break bulk ship
煤炭装船速率表colliery scale
用美国船装运ship in American stowages
最先开航的船装运shipment by first available vessel
某轮装运的船上交货价free on board per s/s ... (F. O. B. per s/s)
由于前几天的大风暴,我们不得不将装船日期推迟3 天Because of the severe storm of the last few days we had to put off the shipment for three days
由于工厂交货推迟,他们未能把这批货物装上这艘轮船运走Due to delayed arrival of the goods from the factory, they failed to ship the goods by this steamer
由某船装运per steamship
申请改装他船application for reshipment
靠码头直接装船direct loading
看错装船指示misread the shipping instruction
石油及散装货两用船oil and bulk carrier
矿砂散装货兼用船an ore and bulk carrier
矿砂、散装货、石油三用船ore n., bulk, oil ship
矿砂、散装货、石油三用船ore, bulk, oil ship
第三代集装箱船third generation container ship
组格式集装箱货船cellular vessel
组格式集装箱货船cellular vessel container
至今他们的装船单据尚耒收到So far their shipping documents haven't appeared
船务经纪装船单背书broker's order
船只装着沙石等压舱物be in ballast
船开始装货前向海关申报enter outward
船方不负担装船费用free in
船方不负担装卸、 理舵及平舵费用free in and out, stowed and trimmed
船方不负担装卸及平仓费用free in, out and stowed
船方不负担装卸及理舱free in and out and trimmed
船方不负担装卸及理舱费用free in and out and stowed
船方不负担装卸、平仓及理仓费用free in, out stowed and trimmed
船方不负担装卸、平舱费free-in-and-out trimmed
船方不负担装卸、平舵费用free-in-and-out trimmed
船方不负担装卸、理舱和平舱费free in and out stowed and trimmed
船方不负担装卸、理舱费free in and out and stowed
船方不负担装卸费free in and out
船方不负担装卸费用和税款free in and out and taxes
船方不负担装卸费的运费率free in and out freight rate
船方不负担装货费free in
船方不负担装货费用free in (FI)
船方不负责装、卸船free in and out of ship
船方管卸不管装free in
船方负担装卸费gross charter
船方负担装卸费berth terms
船方运费包括装卸gross terms
船舶装货次序the loading turn
船舶装货清单a vessel's manifest
船货装卸费a hat money
船边装卸港overside port
船运集装箱shipping container
装有铜精砂的船ship carrying copper concentrates
装有集装箱格槽的载驳货船barge carrier with cellular space
装第一艘便船shipment by fist available steamer
装船shipping (的)
装船effect shipment
装船之前,货物经过了仔细检査The goods were carefully checked prior to shipment
装船前不保险the non-risk till waterborne
装船前不计保险the non-risk till waterborne
装船前检验survey before shipment
装船a backed note
装船单据必须立即交给银行The shipping documents are to be surrender-ed to the bank promptly
装船后不担保no risk after shipment
装船品质shipped quality
装船唛头shipping mark
装船报告loading report
装船报表loading report
装船指示shipment instructions
装船提单on board bills of lading
装船数量shipped quantity
装船date of shipment
装船日期alongside date
装船时交付运费freight paid on shipment
装船时凭单付款cash against documents at place and time of shipment
装船时间time of shipment
装船期不得延长The time of shipment is not extensible
装船标记shipping mark
装船shipping point
装船累积数Sampson SAN
装船累积数shipping accumulation number
装船要求shipping instruction
装船计划loading plan
装船装载许可证loading permit
装船说明shipping instruction
装船质量shipping quality
装船质量the shipped quality
装船通知the notification of shipment
装船通知shipping order
装船通知shipping note (S/N)
装船重量intaken weight
装船重量the shipped weight
装船顺序the loading rotation
装船顺序loading rotation
装货港船上交货价free on board port of shipment
装货港船上交货价free on board
装运港船上交货价FOB... named point of shipment
装运港船上交货价格FOB port of shipment
装运港船边交货价格free alongside ship named port of shipmentFAS
该船正在装我们的货物The ship is loading our goods
该轮船将停靠在约定的装运港The ship will berth at the agreed port of shipment
请保证,一经从银行取得装船单据就立即兑付我们的汇票We need your assurance that you will honor our draft as soon as you receive the ship ping document from the bank
请保证按期装船We need your assurance of punctual shipment
请报你方最低价并注明装船日期及可供数量Please let us know your low quotation with the date of shipment and quantity available
请立即与船运公司联系,确保早日装运We will appreciate your communicating with the shipping company at once so as to secure early delivery
货已备妥,可发运,两天后装船The goods are deliverable now, and will be shipped in 2 days
货物在指定的装船港装船goods to be loaded at named port of loading
车船直接换装direct transfer
轻型散装货船a handy-size bulk carrier
迅速装船prompt shipment (日内装运)
迅速装船immediate shipment
这一点可由相应的装船单据证实This can be proven by the corresponding shipping documents
这些装包货物将严格按你方装船须知标明和编号The packages will be marked and numbered strictly according to your shipping instructions
这笔业务是以装船前30天开出信用证为条件而成交的The transaction was concluded subject to the L/C being opened 30 days prior to shipment
通用散装装船universal bulk ship
遵守船舶装运货物种类规定的保证the trading warranty
附寄装船单据副本,请査收Please find enclosed copies of shipping documents
除非你方另有说明,我们将延用以前的装船唛头Unless otherwise stated, we will stencil the same shipping mark as before
集装班船container liner
集装箱上下船设备container access equipment
集装箱运输船container carrier
雨中装船rain work
非装货船noncarrying vessel
非装货船a non-carrying vessel
靠船边装卸loading and unloading alongside ship
预定船运集装箱book shipping container (space, tonnage, etc., 舱位、吨位等)
食品不准与危险品同装一船的条款foodstuffs not allowed to be shipped with hazardous goods in one vessel clause
驳船装卸港overside port