
Terms for subject Textile industry containing 袜跟 | all forms | in specified order only
三角片袜跟gore heel
三角片袜跟gusset heel
三角片袜跟heel gore
元宝形袜跟Cuban heel
全成形袜跟fully-shaped heel
加固袜跟spliced sole
加固袜跟spliced heel
加固袜跟plaited heel
加固袜跟袜头heel-and-toe splicing
加固袜头袜跟spliced heel-and-toe hosiery
加大袜跟extended heel
袜跟half heel
双层袜跟短袜split-heel socks
袜跟round heel
袜跟Berkshire heel
袜跟big heel
头跟加固袜子double hosiery
头跟加固袜子double hose
定形袜跟boarded heel
宝塔形袜跟point heel
宝塔形袜跟pointed heel
宝塔形加固袜跟pointed heel
宝塔形加固袜跟point splicing heel
宝塔形加固袜跟pyramid splicing
宝塔形高袜跟pyramid heel
小方块高袜跟contour heel
小方形高袜跟frame heel
小方形高袜跟contour heel
尖头袜跟装置tipped heel attachment
弹性袜跟cushion heel
Y 形袜跟Y-heel
Y 形接缝袜跟multi-suture heel
影纹袜跟picture flame heel
往复袜跟reciprocal heel
往复式袜跟revolving heel
往复编织袜头、袜跟技术oscillating technique
扩大 Y 形袜跟extended Y-heel
扩大袜跟extended heel
扩展 Y 字形袜跟extended Y-heel
收针袜跟reduced heel
旋转袜跟turning a heel
袜跟圆筒袜tube socks
袜跟短袜heelless socks
跟短袜heelless socks
无缝袜跟niantic heel
无跟袜heelless hosiery
无跟袜heelless hose
无跟袜stockings with run-down heel
无跟袜stocking with run-down heel
无跟袜tube socks
无跟袜heelless hosiery
无跟长袜run-down stockings
无跟长袜run-down stocking
无跟长袜rotary heel stockings
有跟长筒袜reciprocated heel stockings
柏克夏袜跟Berkshire heel
添纱袜跟plaited heel
热定形袜跟boarded heel
环形袜跟ring heel
缩小 Y 字形袜跟reduced Y-heel
美式袜跟American heel
美式袜跟装置American heel apparatus
花式袜跟装置shadow heel attachment
花式袜跟装置fancy heel attachment
花色袜跟colored heel
苏格兰式袜跟Scotch heel
英式平袜袜跟Scotch heel
英式平袜袜跟English foot
菱形袜跟diamond heel
袋形袜跟heel pocket
袋形袜跟heel pouch
袋形袜跟pocket heel
袋形袜跟pouch heel
袋形袜跟制运装置heel tab friction box
袋形袜跟小片heel tabs
袋形袜跟小片heel tab
袋形袜跟短袜pouch heel socks
袜头跟歪角distorted heel and toe
袜子梯形高跟pouch heel
袜子的梯形高跟pouch heel
袜子高跟pointed heel
袜子高跟加固ankle splicing
袜子高跟锥形加固taper splicing
袜跟hosiery heel
袜跟三角heel cam
袜跟加固边reinforced selvage
袜跟半圆heel half
袜跟导纱器heel thread carrier
袜跟成圈三角heel stitch cam
袜跟提针起点starting point heel gore
袜跟收紧装置ankle tightener
袜跟收针heel narrowing
袜跟收针线lace holes in the heel
袜跟放针heel widening
袜跟heeling machine
袜跟梭子heel wire
袜跟梭子heel comb
袜跟线suture thread
袜跟suture line
袜跟网眼转换点lace holes in the heel
袜跟螺栓三角heel bolt cam
袜跟袜头加固reinforcements for the heel and toe
袜跟袜头加固heel-and-toe splicing
袜跟装置heel attachment
袜跟起针三角heel upthrow cam
袜跟起针螺栓闸刀heel upthrow bolt cam
袜跟退圈三角heel clearing cam
袜跟部段heel section
袜跟重锤heel iron
袜跟链条heel chain
袜跟闸刀heel cam
锥形袜跟reduced heel