
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
储备收reserve collection
工业refrigeration industry No definition needed (不需要定义。)
设备refrigeration The cooling of substances, usually food, below the environmental temperature for preservative purposes. Refrigeration is responsible for the largest and fastest-growing use of CFCs in the developing world. The industrial countries, and some developing countries, have taken exceptional steps to control and, eventually, ban the production of CFCs and other ozone-depleting materials by the year 2000. However, many developing nations have not signed the Montreal Protocol because they are afraid that the cost of changing over to alternative, ozone-friendly technology will be too high (为了保存物体,通常将食物降温到低于环境温度。冷藏设备的使用导致发展中国家大量使用CFC。2000年,工业国家和一些发展中国家通过排除氟利昂的措施控制和阻止CFC和其它破坏臭氧的物质的生产。然而,很多发展中国家没有签署蒙特利尔议定书因为他们担心使用替代的不破坏臭氧的技术成本太高。)
gas reservoir Large tank for storing coal gas or natural gas (大罐储存煤气或天然气。)
物质的再转移retranslocation of reserves
shelter Cover or protection, as from weather or danger; place of refuge (遮盖或保护,可以应对气候变化或危险;避难所。)
食品储food storage Stock of food kept in storage as a national measure to provide security against fluctuations in food supply (粮食存储作为一种国家措施,以提供食物补给波动时的安全。)
fish stock Quantity of fish held for future use (供未来之用的鱼的数量。)